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DRPS : DPTs : School of Mathematics DPTs
Mathematics and Music (BSc)
Degree Type: Combined Honours
POS Code: S0602
UCAS Code: GW13
Programme Guide:
NYT Course S L CT
1 Practical Calculus P 8 10
Solving Equations P 8 10
Geometry & Convergence P 8 10
Group Theory: An Introduction to Abstract Mathematics P 8 10
Linear Programming & Numerical Analysis P 8 10
Differential Equation Modelling & Solution P 8 10
Music 1A: Music in Social Contexts * A 8 20
Music 1B: Music and Technologies * A 8 20
Further courses A-Q 7/8 20
2 Foundations of Calculus P 8 10
Several Variable Calculus P 8 10
Linear Algebra P 8 10
Methods of Applied Mathematics P 8 10
Music 2A: Music and Ideas * A 8 20
Music 2B: Set Works * A 8 20
Further courses A-Q 7/8/9 40
3† Complex Variable & Differential Equations P 10 20
Pure and Applied Analysis P 10 20
Courses in Music, normally chosen from the list of Cultural and Musicological courses‡ A 10 40
Further courses A-Q 9/10 40
4 Project work in EITHER Mathematics or Music (MUST be taken in final   year) A/P 10/11 40
Further courses in Mathematics & Statistics ‡ P 10/11 40
Further courses in Music ‡ A 10 40
* These are the normal courses taken; alternatives may be possible, following consultation with Course Organisers in Music.
† Entry to Honours requires passes at 50% or above in Foundations of Calculus, Linear Algebra, Methods of Applied Mathematics and Several Variable Calculus, or the permission of the Head of the School of Mathematics. With the permission of the Head of the School of Mathematics, entry to Honours may also be granted on the basis of passes at 60% or above in the Non-Specialist level 8 courses (MAT-2-)am3, mm3, am4, mm4, or (MAT-2-)mi3, mi4, or equivalent, and the completion of prescribed summer vacation reading.
‡ Detailed information about individual courses, as well as restrictions on their choice, will be available for students entering the programme to facilitate advance planning.
copyright 2007 The University of Edinburgh