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An identifier that provides, in compressed form, information about a course's owning School, normal year taken, and its title. Acronyms are displayed in the course entries.

Additional Class Information

This is information on the teaching arrangements of a course other than the contact teaching time, class hours, times, or locations.

Available to Visiting Students

Most courses are available to Visiting Students, but there are exceptions. Courses not available to Visiting Students are marked 'N' in search results.


Each Semester is divided into two blocks: Blocks 1 and 2 in Semester 1; Blocks 3 and 4 in Semester 2. Block 5 is the period of consolidation at the end of Semester 2. (See Delivery Period)


A co-requisite course to 'Course X' must be undertaken in the same Semester or Academic Year (as specified) as 'Course X'.

Contact Teaching Time

This is the average normal time per week in which the student can expect direct teaching contact with staff. A course may have additional non-contact teaching time, for example labs.


Each year of study of undergraduate and taught postgraduate programmes is composed of courses. A course is a unit of teaching and learning formally offered within the University, which carries credit expressed in credit points (see General Undergraduate Degree Programme Regulation 6) and which may contribute to a University award (certificate, diploma or degree).

Course Code

The unique alphanumeric code assigned to each course. The Course code is listed in the individual course entry, beside the Course Title.

Credit Level

The SCQF credit level identifies the level of the outcome of learning achieved (see General Undergraduate Degree Programme Regulation 7).

Credit Points

The University adheres to the Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SQCF) (see within which credit points are used to quantify the volume of learning achieved. Two SCQF credit points are, in general, equivalent to one point in the European Credit and Transfer System (ECTS).

Credit Total

The total credit points allocated to a set of courses.

Degree Programme Table

The Degree Programme Table identifies the normal regulated path for a degree. A student will follow the curriculum for a degree programme set out in the DPT, where compulsory courses are indicated in bold text.

Degree Type

Degree programmes are based on a number of standard models. The 'Degree Type' defines in brief the model followed by individual degree programmes, e.g. 'Single Honours'. Degree Types are outlined in the General Undergraduate Degree Regulations (see Regulation 14).

Delivery Period

The period in which the course is actually taught (normally either Semester 1 or Semester 2, or the whole Year: both semesters).


A brief statement of the content of a course.

Equivalent Course

A course, of appropriate content, equivalent in credit value and level.

Final Ordinary/General Year

The final year of an Ordinary or General degree programme (see General Undergraduate Degree Programme Regulation 14, types E & F).

Integrated Masters

An integrated degree programme involving a further year of undergraduate study, normally involving courses at level 11, after the Senior Honours year.

Junior Honours

The first Honours year of an Honours degree programme, normally involving courses at level 9 or 10.


Keywords are recorded to aid the retrieval of courses which are relevant to search data.


See 'Credit level'


A subdivision of a course, covering a discrete part of the course's content

Normal Year Taken (NYT)

The year of study in which a course is normally taken by full-time students, e.g. NYT 2 means that the course is normally taken in the second year of a degree programme.

Other Teaching Time

This is the number of hours per week that a student will be required to undertake formal activities other than direct teaching. This might include labs and other workshops.

Parent Course

Some courses which are delivered across the whole year, or which are delivered during semester 1 but with exams in semester 2, can be taken by visiting students. Courses of this nature are variants of an existing parent course and have their own course code, with different assessment arrangements and details.

Part Year Variant Course

Some courses which are delivered across the whole year, or which are delivered during semester 1 but with exams in semester 2, can be taken by visiting students. Courses of this nature are variants of an existing parent course and have their own course code, with different assessment arrangements and details.

Postgraduate or Undergraduate

This column indicates whether a course is undergraduate (denoted with a 'U') or postgraduate (denoted with a 'P')


A pre-requisite to 'Course X' is a course that must be successfully completed before the student can undertake 'Course X'.


A commonly used abbreviation for ‘Degree Programme’.

Prohibited Combination

Courses with a substantial overlap in subject content that cannot be counted together in a qualifying curriculum.


This indicates whether a course has any requirements for entry, such as pre-requisites, co-requisites, or prohibited combinations.

Schedule of Courses

A list of all courses offered by a School. Each Schedule has been assigned a letter (A to T) to allow cross-referencing from individual DPTs. Each Schedule is sub-divided into Subject Areas.


The Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (see more information)

Search Description

The combined search description includes all the text in the course's description, co-requisites, pre-requisites, prohibited combinations, keywords, intended learning outcomes, acronym, subject area and assessment information.


The academic year is divided into two Semesters each containing 11 weeks for teaching and additional weeks for examination.

Senior Honours

The second Honours year of an Honours degree programme, normally involving courses at level 10 or 11.

Special Arrangements for Entry

In some cases courses may have specific requirements for entry that are not covered by the pre-requisites, co-requisites, prohibited combinations or costs. In such a case this section of the course description describes these arrangements.

Subject Area

Heading used in the School Schedules to group courses into disciplinary sub-divisions or other groupings that facilitate reference from the DPTs.

Variant Courses For Visiting Students

Some courses which are delivered across the whole year, or which are delivered during semester 1 but with exams in semester 2, can be taken by visiting students. Courses of this nature are variants of an existing parent course and have their own course code, with different assessment arrangements and details.

copyright 2007 The University of Edinburgh