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Introduction 1. The College of Humanities and Social Science has degree programmes which have specific regulations associated with them. These are shown in paragraph 6 onwards as shown below. These degree-specific regulations are additional to, and should be read in conjunction with, the General Postgraduate Degree Regulations, in Section B. Qualifications
2. The following postgraduate masters, diploma and certificate qualifications are available in the College of Humanities and Social Science:
3. The following postgraduate non-research doctorate qualifications are available in the College of Humanities and Social Science:
4. The following postgraduate research doctorate qualifications are available in the College of Humanities and Social Science:
Edinburgh College of Art 5. On 1 August 2011 Edinburgh College of Art merged with the University of Edinburgh. From the start of session 2011-12, the University's degree and assessment regulations apply to all ECA postgraduate programmes.
Qualification-Specific Regulations
6. Doctor of Clinical Psychology (DClinPsychol)6.1 The degree of DClinPsychol may be awarded on successful completion of supervised clinical practice, written examination, assessed essay and research portfolio, including thesis, small-scale research projects and experimental case reports. 6.2 The programme can be taken on a full-time or mixed full-time/part-time basis. The first year is taken on a full-time basis only. The prescribed period of study is 36 months full-time, or not less than 48 months or more than 60 months on a mixed full-time/part-time basis, unless, exceptionally, an extension is granted by the College. 6.3 The thesis may not exceed 30,000 words. Permission exceptionally to exceed this limit must be obtained from the College and must be supported by the candidate’s supervisor. 6.4 Candidates will be based in Edinburgh during periods of academic teaching but during periods of clinical placement, they will be based elsewhere in the East of Scotland * as agreed with the Head of School. 7. Doctor of Education (EdD)The general regulations for Taught Professional Doctorates (Regulation 8, Section B) will also apply. 7.1 The degree of EdD is awarded in the Moray House School of Education. 7.2 The degree of EdD may be awarded on the basis of successful completion of assessed essays, a research project and a thesis. 7.3 The prescribed period of study is normally 48 months part-time. The maximum period of study is 72 months part-time, unless, exceptionally, an extension is granted by the College. 7.4 The thesis will normally be between 45,000 and 75,000 words in length; students are encouraged to aim for a total of 60,000 to 65,000 words. The thesis must deal with one or more of the subjects of study of the curriculum of the taught stages of the degree or with subjects arising directly from contemporary practices and policies in education. 8. Master of Business Administration in International Business (MBA/DipBA)(The Management School and Economics)Master of Business Administration in International Business (MBA/DipBA)(The Management School and Economics) 8.1 Postgraduate students may, at the discretion of the College, be registered as candidates for the degree of Master of Business Administration in International Business in the College of Humanities and Social Science. Registration will date from September. 8.2 All registered candidates for the degree must satisfy Section B, Regulations 2.1-2.7, 3 and 4 and any additional entrance requirements prescribed by the College. Candidates should normally have two or more years of relevant experience. 8.3 Candidates will pursue their studies at Edinburgh under the direction of a University supervisor nominated by the Head of School or his/her nominee and appointed by the College. An adviser will be appointed to oversee candidates while pursuing their studies at a partner institution and undertaking their industrial placement. 8.4 Candidates will complete a compulsory programme of courses in the first term, the equivalent of six options in the second and third terms, and a three month industrial placement on which the dissertation will be based. Details of the programme of study are shown in the relevant Degree Programme Table. The period of study will be 15 months. This period may not be reduced, and may be extended only in exceptional circumstances. No candidate will be admitted to the programme after the date of opening without the express permission of the Dean of Postgraduate Studies, acting on the advice of the Head of School. Candidates who decide not to pursue courses at a partner institution or to complete the industrial placement may, at the discretion of the College, transfer to the full-time MBA programme. 8.5 Candidates must work in the School, in a partner institution, or on an approved industrial placement. Leave of absence will not normally be permitted, but may be granted on special application to the College by the candidate’s University supervisor. 8.6 Candidates may, if good cause is shown, suspend their studies for a maximum period of 12 months. No fees are payable during any full year in which suspension has been continuous. 8.7 On the recommendation of the supervisor and the Head of School, and after seeking the views of the candidate, the College may suspend or discontinue a candidate’s studies. 8.8 The examiners in the subjects of the examinations for the degree shall be (a) those professors, readers, lecturers and honorary staff who conduct courses of instruction qualifying for the degree and who are appointed to act as examiners in accordance with such procedure as shall be prescribed by the Senatus Academicus from time to time; and (b) one or more external examiners appointed by the University Court on the recommendation of the Senatus Academicus. Teaching staff of the partner institutions who are approved by the College may be appointed as internal examiners. 8.9 Candidates will be assessed by essays, examination and a piece of independent work (a dissertation). An oral examination may also be required. Candidates will be assessed by the partner institutions but will remain subject to the Degree Examination Regulations and Guidelines of the University of Edinburgh. 8.10 Candidates will be required to submit their dissertation for examination by a date in December (date to be announced). 8.11 The degree may be awarded with distinction. 9. Master of Social Work/Diploma in Social Work (MSW/DipSW) (School of Social and Political Science)9.1 Postgraduate students may, at the discretion of the College, be registered as candidates for the degree of Master of Social Work in the College of Humanities and Social Science. 9.2 All registered candidates for this degree must satisfy Section B, Regulations 2.1-2.7, 3 and 4 and the additional entrance requirements prescribed by the College. Candidates should normally have relevant experience. 9.3 Candidates will pursue their studies under the direction of a University supervisor nominated by the Head of School or his/her nominee and appointed by the College. 9.4 Candidates will take courses as described in the relevant section of Postgraduate Degrees and Diplomas: Descriptions. Candidates will also undertake two practice placements, one in the first year and one in the second year of the programme. 9.5 The period of study will be 21 months full-time. Each candidate must complete the requirements of the degree before the expiry of a further 12 months, unless granted an exceptional extension by the College. 9.6 After the first nine months of study, registration may be interrupted by the College, if good cause is shown, for not more than 15 months. No fees are payable during any full year in which interruption has been continuous. 9.7 On the recommendation of the supervisor and the Head of School or his/her nominee, and after seeking the views of the candidate, the College may interrupt or discontinue a candidate’s studies. 9.8 The examiners in the subjects of the examinations for the degree shall be (a) those professors, readers, lecturers and honorary staff who conduct courses of instruction qualifying for the degree and who are appointed to act as examiners in accordance with such procedure as shall be prescribed by the Senatus Academicus from time to time; and (b) one or more external examiners appointed by the University Court on the recommendation of the Senatus Academicus, and (c) Practice Representatives who are not members of the University’s academic staff but are representatives of partner agencies who provide practice placements form MSW students. 9.9 Candidates will be assessed on academic and practical work as specified under the relevant section of Postgraduate Degrees and Diplomas: Descriptions. 9.10 (a) Candidates who fail a unit of academic assessment other than the dissertation on the first occasion may, at the discretion of the Board of Examiners, be allowed one further attempt to complete the assessment requirements. (b) A candidate who fails a practice placement may, on the recommendation of the Board of Examiners, be offered a second opportunity to undertake the placement if in the opinion of the Board this is merited on grounds of illness, hardship or other relevant circumstances. A repeat placement is to be completed normally within a further 12 months. However, the period may exceptionally be extended if, for reasons outwith the University’s control, a suitable placement cannot be arranged sooner.
10. Master of Chinese Studies10.1 Postgraduate students may at the discretion of the College Committee, be registered as candidates for the degree of Master of Chinese Studies in the College of Humanities and Social Science at the University of Edinburgh. 10.2 All registered candidates for the degree must satisfy Section B, Regulations 2.1-2.7, 3 and 4 at the University of Edinburgh, and any additional entrance requirements prescribed by the College. 10.3 Candidates will pursue their studies at Edinburgh under the direction of a University supervisor nominated by the Programme Director and appointed by the College. An advisor will be appointed to oversee candidates pursuing their approved residence in China. 10.4 Candidates will complete a compulsory programme of language and lecture courses in the first year; advanced language study and two lecture course options in the second year; and six months of approved residence in China. Details of the programme of study are shown in relevant Degree Programme Table. 10.5 The period of study will be not less than 24 months full-time and not more than 36 months full-time. This period may not be reduced, and may be extended only in exceptional circumstances. No candidate will be admitted to the programme after the date of opening without the express permission of the Dean of Postgraduate Studies at Edinburgh, acting on the advice of the Programme Director. Candidates who decide not to pursue later courses or to complete the approved residence in China, may, at the discretion of the College be awarded a postgraduate diploma. 10.6 Candidates must work in the University of Edinburgh and in a Chinese institution approved by the Programme Director. Advisers in China, designated by the Universities of Edinburgh and Glasgow and appointed by the Programme Director, will have responsibility for the candidate’s language and approved residence, and will submit a report to the Programme Director on the ability and progress of each candidate. 10.7 Candidates may, if good cause is shown, interrupt their studies after nine months for a maximum period of 12 months. Re-admission to the degree will require the approval of the Programme Director. No fees are payable during any full year in which interruption has been continuous. 10.8 On the recommendation of the University supervisor and the Programme Director, and after seeking the views of the candidate, the College may interrupt or discontinue a candidate’s studies. 10.9 The examiners in the subjects of the examinations for the degree shall be: (a) those professors, readers, lecturers and honorary staff of the University of Edinburgh who conduct courses of instruction qualifying for the degree and who are appointed to act as examiners in accordance with such procedures as shall be prescribed from time to time by the Senatus Academicus; and (b) one or more external examiners appointed by the University Court on the recommendation of the Senatus Academicus. 10.10 Candidates will be assessed by essays, examinations, a placement report and a piece of independent work (a dissertation). An oral examination will be required in the Chinese language and may be required for other courses. 10.11 Candidates will be required to submit their dissertation for examination by a date in August of the second year (to be announced). 10.12 Provided that the dissertation reaches a postgraduate diploma standard, it may be revised in order to reach the masters level within a further maximum period of three months. 10.13 The degree may be awarded with distinction. 11. Master of Teaching.11.1 These regulations apply solely to the Master of Teaching. Additional requirements and a programme description are given in the relevant Degree Programme Table. 11.2 Candidates must satisfy Section B, Regulations 2.1-2.7, 3 and 4. 11.3. The programme is available by part-time study only. The minimum period of study is 36 months and the maximum period is normally 60 months. 11.4 On the recommendation of the Programme Director and the PG Director, and after seeking the views of the candidate, the College may interrupt or discontinue a candidate’s studies. 11.5 Regulations from Section 9 also apply 11.6 Candidates will take courses as described in the relevant Degree Programme Table. Work based learning will constitute a significant part of the programme of study. 11.7 Accreditation for Prior Learning (APL). Where a candidate has undertaken a programme of study at another institution of higher education or has undertaken substantial recent professional development at Masters level through work experience s/he may apply for Accreditation for Prior Learning(APL). APL effectively provides exemption up to 60 Credits. Decisions about APL are based on : The amount of overlap between prior experience/learning and the learning outcomes of the corresponding module within the Master of Teaching degree The academic level of the prior/experience/learning The date of prior experience/learning 11.8 The Senatus shall have power to recognise attendance and examinations passed at other universities or institutions of comparable standing recognised for this purpose by the University Court, and to give exemption for such courses. Such recognition shall only be given where the Senatus is satisfied that the course or examination pass to be recognised is of sufficiently high standard. 11.9 The total number of exemptions which may be granted for any candidate is 90 credits. 11.10 Candidates will be assessed directly or synoptically on each course taken. In accordance with the national guidelines, courses are assessed on a pass/fail basis. Candidates who fail a course will be permitted a further attempt to pass the assessment of that course within three months of the result being made known to the candidate. 11.11 The examiners in the subjects of the examinations shall be: (a) those professors, readers, lecturers and honorary staff who conduct modules of instruction, together with the programme co-ordinator, education authority co-ordinators and field assessors; and (b) one or more external examiners appointed by the University Court on the recommendation of the Senatus Academicus. 12. Diploma in Educational Leadership and Management/Scottish Qualification for Headship Programme12.1 These Regulations apply solely to the Diploma in Educational Leadership and Management. Additional requirements and a course description are given in the relevant Degree Programme Table. 12.2 Candidates must satisfy Section B, Regulations 2.1, 2.4, 2.5 - 2.7 and 3.1. 12.3 Additional Entrance Qualifications Applicants must be GTC registered or eligible for registration and have at least five years’ teaching experience. Candidates may be required to show evidence of other previous experience appropriate to the diploma. 12.4 Registration The programme is available by part-time study only. The minimum period of study is 27 months. No candidate may take longer than 60 months to complete the diploma. 12.5 Curriculum Candidates must satisfactorily fulfil the requirements of the curriculum for the diploma as approved by the College. 12.6 Interruption or Discontinuation On the recommendation of the supervisor and programme co-ordinator, and after seeking the views of the candidate, the College may suspend or discontinue a candidate’s studies. 12.7 Examination Candidates will be assessed on each course through coursework (assignments, portfolios, reports and oral assessments) and through school visits by SQH field assessors in the case of course 5. In accordance with the national agreement all courses are assessed only on a pass/fail basis. Candidates who fail a course will be permitted one further attempt to pass the assessment of that course within six weeks of the result being made known to the candidate. The examiners in the subjects of the examinations shall be (a) those professors, readers, lecturers, honorary staff and associate tutors who conduct courses of instruction, together with the programme co-ordinators, education authority co-ordinators and field assessors; and (b) one or more external examiners appointed by the University Court on the recommendation of the Senatus Academicus.
13. Master of Counselling/Diploma in Counselling (MCouns/DipCouns) (School of Health in Social Science)13.1. Postgraduate students may, at the discretion of the College, be registered as candidates for the degree of Master of Counselling in the College of Humanities and Social Science. 13.2. All registered candidates for this degree must satisfy Section B, Regulations 2.1-2.7, 3 and 4. 13.3. Candidates will take courses as described in the relevant section of Postgraduate Degrees and Diplomas: Descriptions. Candidates will also undertake a practice placement, consisting of at least 150 hours of supervised counselling practice and 30 hours of counselling supervision. 13.4. The period of study will be 24 months full time or 48 months part-time. Each candidate must complete the requirements of the degree before the expiry of a further 12 months, unless granted an exceptional extension by the College. 13.5. After the first four months of study, candidates may apply to interrupt their studies, if good cause is shown. The total period of interruptions allowable may not exceed 24 months. 13.6. The examiners in the subjects of the examinations for the degree shall be (a) those professors, readers, lecturers and honorary staff who conduct courses of instruction qualifying for the degree and who are appointed to act as examiners in accordance with such procedure as shall be prescribed by the Senatus Academicus from time to time; and (b) one or more external examiners appointed by the University Court on the recommendation of the Senatus Academicus. 13.7. Candidates will be assessed on academic and practical work as specified under the relevant section of Postgraduate Degrees and Diplomas: Descriptions. 13.8 (a). Candidates who fail a unit of academic assessment other than the dissertation on the first occasion may, at the discretion of the Board of Examiners, be allowed one further attempt to complete the assessment requirements. 13.9 (b). A candidate who fails the practice placement may, on the recommendation of the Board of Examiners, be offered a second opportunity to undertake the placement if in the opinion of the Board the failure was attributable to illness, hardship or other relevant circumstances beyond the student’s control. A repeat placement is to be completed normally within a further 24 months. However, the period may exceptionally be extended if, for reasons out with the University’s control, a suitable placement cannot be arranged sooner. 13.10. Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Where a candidate has undertaken an equivalent, postgraduate, professionally-validated programme of study, or undertaken substantial and comparable recent professional development, s/he may apply for recognition of prior learning. In the case of formal, certificated study, up to 60 credits of prior learning may be recognised. In the case of non-certificated study, up to 20 credits of prior learning may be recognised. Criteria for RPL and arrangements for decision-making are set out in an RPL guide available from the School. 14. MSc/Dip in Arab World Studies – School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures14.1 These regulations apply solely to the MSc/Dip in Arab World Studies within the Centre for the Advanced Study of the Arab World (CASAW). Additional requirements and a programme description are given in the relevant Degree Programme Table. Candidates must satisfy Section B, Regulations 2.1-2.7, 3 and 4. 14.2 Collaboration. The 2-year programme is collaborative, between the universities of Edinburgh, Durham and Manchester, and is funded through the ESRC. The first year of study for all students is taken at Edinburgh. An intensive course is taken in an Arab country during the summer, followed by year two at the primary institution. 14.3 Admission. Students shall apply to the individual collaborating universities (the “Parties”). Each Party shall then provide the Centre with a copy of each application received and the Centre shall assess such applications. The Centre shall advise each of the Parties as to the identity of the students to be admitted onto the programme and each Party shall then arrange for such students to be so admitted, in accordance with the admissions regulations, policies and procedures of that Party. Each Party shall be entitled to submit nominations, to the Centre, of individual students that they recommend to be awarded the ESRC studentships. The Centre shall then determine which of the nominated students shall be awarded the ESRC studentships. 14.4 Registration. Students admitted to the programme shall, throughout their programme of study, be registered students of the Party who hosts the student for the second year of the Programme (“the Primary Institution”). In the event that the Primary Institution is Durham or Manchester, students shall also be registered as “visiting students” of Edinburgh during their first year of study. Students who withdraw from the programme during their first year of study shall be required to notify both the Centre and the Primary Institution of their withdrawal, through the usual procedures of the respective institutions for the withdrawal of students. 14.5 Progression. Progression from Year 1 to Year 2 will be decided by the University of Edinburgh’s Interim Board of Examiners, after completion of the taught element, and before the students commence their summer placement in an Arab country. Decisions on progression to Year 2 will be conditional on each student’s satisfactory completion of the period of residence abroad. 14.6 Programme Tracks. This programme constitutes one of four tracks for students of CASAW. Year 1 will involve students on Tracks A, B and C and will be based in Edinburgh. Year 2 will be for those students on Tracks A and B who are to be based at Edinburgh. a. Track A. 2 years (Masters incorporating intensive language and research methods training). b. Track B. 2+3 years (2 year Masters incorporating intensive language and research methods training + 3 years PhD). c. Track C. 4 years (1 year intensive language training for students already holding a research training Masters + 3 years PhD). d. Track D. 1+3 years (Research training Masters for those already proficient in Arabic + 3 years PhD). 14.7 Regulatory Responsibilities. During their first year of study on the programme, students shall be subject to the regulations and disciplinary codes of Edinburgh and shall have the right to make complaints and academic appeals to Edinburgh in accordance with Edinburgh’s general regulations and complaints procedures. During their second year of study on the programme, students shall be subject to the regulations and disciplinary codes of the Primary Institution and shall have the right to make complaints and academic appeals to the Primary Institution in accordance with the Primary Institution’s general regulations and complaints procedures. 14.8 Interim Assessment. An interim board of examiners for the programme shall be established at Edinburgh, whose membership shall include at least one representative of the Primary Institution and at least two representatives of Edinburgh with responsibility for the programme’s first year of study. The membership of the interim board of examiners shall be appointed in accordance with the regulations and procedures of Edinburgh and its business shall be conducted in accordance with the regulations of Edinburgh. The interim board of examiners shall meet on one occasion, in April each year, in respect of students in their first year of study on the programme. Edinburgh shall be responsible for providing the interim board of examiners with the results of the assessment of students in their first year of study in a timely fashion before the meeting of the interim board of examiners. Progression from Year 1 to Year 2 will be decided by the interim board. 14.9 Placement Assessment. Upon their return from their placement in the Arab world, each student shall be required to undertake a language assessment, the content of such assessment to be set by the Centre. The Primary Institution shall administer the assessment, to be undertaken by each student on the same day at the same time. Final Assessment. A final board of examiners for the programme shall be established by the Primary Institution, whose membership shall include at least one representative of Edinburgh and at least two representatives of the Primary Institution with responsibility for the programme’s second year of study. The membership of the final board of examiners shall be appointed in accordance with the regulations and procedures of the Primary Institution, and its business shall be conducted in accordance with the regulations of the Primary Institution. The final board of examiners shall meet in accordance with the Primary Institution’s standard regulations and procedures, in respect of students in their second year of study on the programme. The appointment of a programme external examiner, who shall be a member of the interim board of examiners and the final board of examiners, shall be approved by the Primary Institution in accordance with its regulations and code of practice on external examining. The roles and duties of this external examiner shall be as laid down in the Primary Institution’s code of practice on external examining.
15. MSc in Architectural Facilities Management – Edinburgh College of Art15.1 These regulations apply to the MSc Architectural Facilities Management which is a collaborative distance learning programme run jointly with Heriot Watt University. Additional requirements and a programme description are given in the relevant degree programme table. 15.2 Candidates must satisfy Section B, Regulations 2.1, 2.3-2.7, and 3. 15.3 Admission to the programme is open to candidates with an appropriate honours degree in engineering, architecture, management, building science and surveying or other appropriate disciplines. There is also the opportunity to admit students with appropriate professional experience in the construction industry. 15.4 The programme will be delivered by distance learning over a period of 48 to 84 months. This allows considerable flexibility, and as there are no formal classes students can work at a pace to suit their work or personal commitments. 15.5 Candidates will take courses as described in the degree programme table. 15.6 The programme will carry a total of 180 credits. This accords with both Heriot Watt and University of Edinburgh credit weighting systems for taught MSc programmes, although the credit weighting system of each institution differs. Each institution will, however, provide 60 credits of teaching material in addition to a dissertation of 60 credits. 16. Postgraduate Certificate in Democracy and Public Policy (Edinburgh Hansard Research Scholars Programme) – School of Social and Political Studies16.1. These Regulations apply solely to the PG Certificate in Democracy and Public Policy (Edinburgh Hansard Research Scholars Programme). Additional requirements and a course description are given in the relevant Degree Programme Table. 16.2. Candidates must satisfy General PG Regulations 2.1 (d), 2.4 – 2.7. 16.3. Registration. The programme is available only by full-time study over a period of thirteen weeks. 16.4. Curriculum. Candidates must satisfactorily fulfil the requirements of the curriculum for the Certificate as approved by the College. 16.5. Interruption or Discontinuation. On the recommendation of the supervisor and programme co-ordinator, and after seeking the views of the candidate, the College may suspend or discontinue a candidate’s studies. 16.6.Examination. Candidates will be assessed on each unit through coursework, examination and a research project linked to a placement. All units are assessed only on a pass/fail basis. Candidates who fail a unit will be permitted one further attempt to pass the assessment of that unit within six weeks of the result being made known to the candidate. The examiners in the subjects of the examinations shall be (a) those professors, readers, lecturers and honorary staff who conduct courses of instruction, together with the programme co-ordinator; and (b) one or more external examiners appointed by the University Court on the recommendation of the Senatus Academicus. 17. MSc in Architectural Project Management – Edinburgh College of Art17.1 These regulations apply to the MSc Architectural Project Management which is a collaborative distance learning programme run jointly with Heriot Watt University. Additional requirements and a programme description are given in the relevant degree programme table. 17.2 Candidates must satisfy Section B, Regulations 2.1, 2.3-2.7, and 3. 17.3 Admission to the programme is open to candidates with an appropriate honours degree (minimum 2:2) and/or full membership of a relevant professional institution. Equivalent qualifications will be considered on an individual basis 17.4 The programme will be delivered by distance learning over a period of 48 to 84 months. This allows considerable flexibility, and as there are no formal classes students can work at a pace to suit their work or personal commitments. 17.5 Candidates will take courses as described in the degree programme table. 17.6 The programme will carry a total of 180 credits. This accords with both Heriot Watt and University of Edinburgh credit weighting systems for taught MSc programmes, although the credit weighting system of each institution differs. Each institution will, however, provide 60 credits of teaching material in addition to a dissertation of 60 credits. 18. MSc Advanced Sustainable Design (mixed mode) – Edinburgh College of Art18.1 These regulations apply to the MSc Advanced Sustainable Design (mixed mode) 18.2 Candidates must satisfy Section B, General Postgraduate Degree Regulations 2.1, 2.3 – 2.7 and 3 at the University of Edinburgh and any additional entrance requirements prescribed by the College of Humanities and Social Science 18.3 Admission to the programme is open to candidates with an appropriate honours degree in Engineering, Architecture or other appropriate design disciplines. There is also the opportunity to admit students with relevant professional qualifications and experience. 18.4 The programme will be delivered on campus and by distance learning over a period of 24 months (mixed mode). 18.5 Candidates will take courses as described in the Degree Programme Table, and the programme will carry a total of 180 credits. 19. PhD in Creative Music Practice – Edinburgh College of Art19.1. The degree is assessed on a single output that consists of two components: a. A text of not more than 50,000 words; b. A portfolio, performance(s), recording(s), and/or other musical output containing original or interpreted pre-existing works such as composition, installation, sound design, interactive music software etc. Such work would be supported by documentation of the process (e.g. video, photographs, recordings, sketches, studies, web pages) by which it was made. 20. Master of Architecture, and Master of Architecture (Studies) - Edinburgh College of Art20.1 The two-year MArch programme is open to students whose architecture degree qualification carries ARB Part 1 status, and successful completion is recognised by the ARB Board as completing Part 2. The two-year MArch (Studies) programme is open to students with a good first degree in architecture and a strong portfolio whose undergraduate qualification does not carry ARB Part 1 status; the programme is non-ARB-validated. 20.2 The programme will be delivered by a series of advanced level design exercises and projects, engaging with structural, environmental, cultural, theoretical and aesthetic questions. 20.3 Candidates will take courses as described in the degree programme table. 20.4 The programme will carry a total of 240 credits. 20.5 Students must pass the Academic Portfolio for exemption from ARB/RIBA Part 2. 21. Doctor of Psychotherapy (DPsychotherapy)21.1. Postgraduate students may, at the discretion of the College, be registered as candidates for the degree of Doctor of Psychotherapy and Counselling in the College of Humanities and Social Science . 21.2 All registered candidates for this degree must satisfy Section B, Regulations 2.1-2.7, 3, 4, 5.2-5.8 and 7 . 21.3 Candidates will take courses as described in the relevant section of Postgraduate Degrees and Diplomas: Descriptions. Candidates will also undertake a practice placement, consisting of 300 hours of supervised counselling practice and 60 hours of counselling supervision. 21.4 The thesis will normally be between 35,000 and 45,000 words in length. Exceptionally permission to exceed the upper limit may be obtained from the College and must be supported by the candidate’s supervisor. 21.5 The period of study will be 36 months full-time or 72 months part-time. Each candidate must complete the requirements of the degree before the expiry of a further 12 months, unless granted an exceptional extension by the College. 21.6 After the first four months of study, candidates may apply to interrupt their studies, if good cause is shown. The total period of interruptions allowable may not exceed 24 months. 21.7 The examiners in the subjects of the examinations for the degree shall be (a) those professors, readers, lecturers and honorary staff who conduct courses of instruction qualifying for the degree and who are appointed to act as examiners in accordance with such procedure as shall be prescribed by the Senatus Academicus from time to time; and (b) one or more external examiners appointed by the University Court on the recommendation of the Senatus Academicus. 21.8 Candidates will be assessed on academic and practical work as specified under the relevant section of Postgraduate Degrees and Diplomas: Descriptions. 21.9(a) The programme will carry a total of 240 credits. This accords with both Edinburgh College of Art and University of Edinburgh credit weighting systems and students must pass the Academic Portfolio for exemption from ARB/RIBA Part 2. 21.9(b) A candidate who fails the practice placement may, on the recommendation of the Board of Examiners, be offered a second opportunity to undertake the placement if in the opinion of the Board the failure was attributable to illness, hardship or other relevant circumstances beyond the student’s control. A repeat placement is to be completed normally within a further 24 months. However, the period may exceptionally be extended if, for reasons out with the University’s control, a suitable placement cannot be arranged sooner. 21.10 Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). Where a candidate has undertaken a postgraduate, professionally-validated programme of study, or undertaken substantial and comparable recent professional development, s/he may apply for recognition of prior learning. In the case of formal, certificated study, up to 60 credits of prior learning at SCQF level 11 may be recognised. In the case of non-certificated study, up to 20 credits of prior learning may be recognised. Criteria for RPL and arrangements for decision-making are set out in an RPL guide available from the School.
22 Master of Public Policy (MPP/DipPP) (School of Social and Political Science) Master of Public Policy (MPP/DipPP) (School of Social and Political Science) 22.1 Postgraduate students may, at the discretion of the College, be registered as candidates for the degree of Master of Public Policy in the College of Humanities and Social Science. Registration will date from September. 22.2 All registered candidates for the degree must satisfy Section B, Regulations 2.1-2.7, 3 and 4 and any additional entrance requirements prescribed by the College. 22.3 Candidates will pursue their studies at Edinburgh under the direction of a University supervisor nominated by the Head of School or his/her nominee and appointed by the College. The supervisor will oversee candidates while undertaking their placement. 22.4 Candidates will complete a compulsory programme of courses in the first and second terms, comprising eight 15-credit courses, and a three-month placement in a policy organisation on which the Capstone Project/dissertation will be based. Details of the programme of study are shown in the relevant Degree Programme Table. The period of study will be 15 months. This period may not be reduced, and may be extended only in exceptional circumstances. No candidate will be admitted to the programme after the date of opening without the express permission of the Dean of Postgraduate Studies, acting on the advice of the Head of School. Candidates who decide not to complete the Capstone Project may, at the discretion of the College, be awarded a Postgraduate Diploma in Public Policy. 22.5 Candidates must work in the College or on an approved placement organisation. Leave of absence will not normally be permitted, but may be granted on special application to the College by the candidate’s University supervisor. 22.6 Candidates may, if good cause is shown, suspend their studies for a maximum period of 12 months. No fees are payable during any full year in which suspension has been continuous. 22.7 On the recommendation of the supervisor and the Head of School, and after seeking the views of the candidate, the College may suspend or discontinue a candidate’s studies. 22.8 The examiners in the subjects of the examinations for the degree shall be (a) those professors, readers, lecturers and honorary staff who conduct courses of instruction qualifying for the degree and who are appointed to act as examiners in accordance with such procedure as shall be prescribed by the Senatus Academicus from time to time; and (b) one or more external examiners appointed by the University Court on the recommendation of the Senatus Academicus. 22.9 Candidates will be assessed by essays/policy reports, examination and a piece of independent work (an analytical report/dissertation). An oral examination (in the form of a presentation) is also required. Candidates will remain subject to the Degree Examination Regulations and Guidelines of the University of Edinburgh. 22.10 Candidates will be required to submit their analytical report (dissertation) for examination by a date in December (date to be announced). 22.11 The degree may be awarded with distinction. 22.12 (a) Candidates who fail a unit of academic assessment other than the Capstone Project on the first occasion may, at the discretion of the Board of Examiners, be allowed one further attempt to complete the assessment requirements (b) A candidate who fails the placement component of the Capstone Project may, on the recommendation of the Board of Examiners, be offered a second opportunity to undertake the placement if in the opinion of the Board the failure was attributable to illness, hardship or other relevant circumstances beyond the student’s control. A repeat placement is to be completed normally within a further 12 months. However, the period may exceptionally be extended if, for reasons outwith the University’s control, a suitable placement cannot be arranged sooner.
23. Diploma in Professional Legal Practice 23.1 Students must pass all of the core courses and three elective courses to be awarded the Diploma in Professional Legal Practice. 23.2 The following courses run on an exemption basis: Company and Commerical, Financial Services and Related Skills and Professional Responsibility. Attaining a mark of 50% or more in the assignments, participation and attendance gives exemption from sitting the examination in these particular courses. 23.3 Candidates will be assessed in writing in each course of the curriculum. Candidates may only present themselves for examination in a course if they have been certified as having given regular attendance and having duly performed the requisite work of the class in that course. At the discretion of the Board of examiners, candidates may be permitted to take a re-sit examination in courses in which they have failed to either gain an exemption for or pass the examination in at first sitting. In deciding whether to grant such permission, the Board shall inter alia take into account reports from tutors and teaching staff of each course on the performance of each candidate in the class work of each course of the curriculum for which the candidate has been enrolled. Candidates shall only be permitted to sit a single re-sit examination in each course of the curriculum for which the candidate has been enrolled. 23.4 The Board - in determining whether or not candidates have passed each individual course - will consider and take account of the reports on the performance of candidates' class work submitted by tutors. In courses where no percentage of the final mark is allocated to class work or in re-sit examinations, the Board may only take account of performance reports to the benefit of candidates. |