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Undergraduate Course: Global learning: citizenship and sustainability (EDUA10151)

Course Outline
SchoolMoray House School of Education CollegeCollege of Humanities and Social Science
Course typeStandard AvailabilityAvailable to all students
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 10 (Year 4 Undergraduate) Credits20
Home subject areaEducation Other subject areaNone
Course website None Taught in Gaelic?No
Course description'Global citizenship' is a current and international conceptual response to a range of global social and environmental issues, including those of inequality, development, social justice and sustainability. The concept of 'global citizenship' has a particularly strong relationship with education and learning, from elementary to higher education, in community and informal contexts, and worldwide. The aim of the course is to examine and contribute to this major contemporary field. The course will help students critically interrogate, explore, design and evaluate educational approaches to global citizenship in the areas of sustainability, development and social justice.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Students MUST have passed:
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Additional Costs None
Information for Visiting Students
Pre-requisitesNormally completion of years 1 & 2 of an undergraduate programme
Displayed in Visiting Students Prospectus?Yes
Course Delivery Information
Delivery period: 2013/14 Semester 1, Available to all students (SV1) Learn enabled:  Yes Quota:  25
Web Timetable Web Timetable
Course Start Date 16/09/2013
Breakdown of Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) Total Hours: 200 ( Supervised Practical/Workshop/Studio Hours 27, Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 4, Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours 169 )
Additional Notes
Breakdown of Assessment Methods (Further Info) Written Exam 0 %, Coursework 100 %, Practical Exam 0 %
No Exam Information
Summary of Intended Learning Outcomes
Students will:

1. Acquire a broad and critical understanding of current global environmental and social issues, of the ways these are conceptualized, and of the concept of 'global citizenship' as one such conceptualization

2. Evaluate the complex ethical and professional issues associated with the involvement of international NGOs in global citizenship education and learning

3. Critically discuss and compare the contested purposes of global education at different policy levels and in different countries

4. Make informed judgements about learning approaches within complex local responses to global issues, taking account of the different epistemologies involved in different professional disciplines or specialisations
Assessment Information
Students will undertake a two-part assignment:

Part 1 (50%) A 2,000 word illustrated report on a global issue of the student's choice

Part 2 (50%) A 2,000 word report that has a common core for all students and a more varied extension part, where:
-- The core is to evaluate a student-chosen case study of the local implications of their chosen global issue (from Part 1), with attention paid to complexity and the range of perspectives and judgements involved
-- The extension is to describe and evaluate an educational initiative that engages with the chosen issue locally, based on the student's professional interests (as a teacher or sociologist or geographer or outdoor educator or community educator, for example)
Special Arrangements
Additional Information
Academic description Not entered
Syllabus The course curriculum has the following 4 major strands.

1. Contemporary global social and environmental issues. The course will examine the different ways these are conceptualised locally and more widely. For example, students might choose to explore climate change or international justice. In any case they will identify different ways of conceptualising these. For example, climate change could be seen as a problem of natural science that should invoke largely technical responses, or it could be seen as a societal issue invoking instrumental social responses, emancipatory responses, moral discourse, or some other response. There are both local and global discourses involved.

2. Global citizenship and global learning. Students will explore the idea that one critical means of conceptualising global issues and responses is through the concept of 'global citizenship', which has very strong connections with education and learning (particularly in relation to concepts of progress). The role of International NGOs in these areas will also be critically examined.

3. Local and international education policies. Student will examine education policies and responses relating to current social or environmental issues. International comparisons will be raised and the course will consider different levels of policy-making, from on-the-ground practice to national and international systems of education.

4. The design and management of educational responses. Students will examine and work from the perspectives of their professional or disciplinary backgrounds to develop local pedagogical means of developing global citizenship.
Transferable skills (1) a range of pedagogies and facilitation strategies that are transferable to non-school learning, community-building, and decision-making contexts
(2) research, assimilate and summarise complex data from varied sources
(3) small group working
Reading list Example readings:

CLOUGH, N. (1998) Emerging from the tunnel. Some dilemnas in environmental education. IN HOLDEN, C. & CLOUGH, N. (Eds.) Children as Citizens. Education for Participation. London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

DAVIES, I., EVANS, M. & REID, A. (2005) Globalising citizenship education? A critique of 'global education' and 'citizenship education'. British Journal of Educational Studies, 53, 66-89.

DAVIES, L. (2006) Global citizenship: abstraction or framework for action? Educational Review, 58, 5-25.

GAYFORD, C. & WWF-UK (2010) Learning for sustainability in schools. Effective pedagogy., Reading, WWF-UK.

GOUGH, S. & SCOTT, W. (2006) Promoting environmental citizenship through learning: toward a theory of change. IN DOBSON, A. & BELL, D. (Eds.) Environmental Citizenship. Cambridge, Mass., MIT Press.

HARWOOD, D. (1998) The teacher's role in democratic pedagogies. IN HOLDEN, C. & CLOUGH, N. (Eds.) Children as Citizens. Education for Participation. London, Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

HIGGINS, P. (2010) Pedagogy for global intimacy. IN WISELY, T., BARR, I., BRITTON, A. & KING, B. (Eds.) Education in a global space. Research and practice in initial teacher education. Edinburgh, International Development Education Association Scotland.

JOHNSON, P. (1998) Understanding the role of emotion in anti-racist education. IN HOLDEN, C. & CLOUGH, N. (Eds.) Children as Citizens. Education for Participation. London, UK, Jessica Kingsley Publishers.

MARSHALL, H. (2005) Developing the global gaze in citizenship education: exploring the perspectives of global education NGO workers in England. International Journal of Citizenship in Teacher Education, 1, 76-92.

MARSHALL, H. (2007) Global education in perspective: fostering a global dimension in an English secondary school. Cambridge Journal of Education, 37, 355-374.

MARTIN, P. (1996) A WWF view of education and the role of NGOs. IN STERLING, S. & HUCKLE, J. (Eds.) Education for Sustainability. London, Earthscan.

PATERSON, L. (2009) Does Scottish education need traditions? Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education, 30, 269 - 281.

PETERS, M. A., BRITTON, A. & BLEE, H. (Eds.) (2008) Global Citizenship Education. Philosophy, Theory and Pedagogy, Rotterdam, Sense Publishers.

SCHEUNPFLUG, A. & ASBRAND, B. (2006) Global education and education for sustainability. Environmental Education Research, 12, 33-46.

STEVENSON, R. B. (2007 [1986]) Schooling and environmental education: Contradictions in purpose and practice. Environmental Education Research, 13, 139-153.

TILBURY, D., STEVENSON, R. B., FIEN, J. & SCHREUDER, D. (Eds.) (2002) Education and sustainability. Responding to the global challenge, Cambridge, IUCN.
Study Abroad Not entered
Study Pattern 10 x 2 hour weekly seminars with prescribed reading. This course will comprise both a series of classroom and local fieldwork seminars presented by a range of tutors, and where possible by some guest speakers. There will also be a series of workshops presented in part by the students.

The students will engage in a multi-part assessed project based on a global issue of their choosing, and ultimately respond to it by designing a local pedagogical strategy from their own professional or disciplinary backgrounds. In doing so they will make a path through the strands of the course through directed study, supported by learning seminars with their tutors and peers.
KeywordsEducation Citizenship Environment Global Sustainable Development
Course organiserDr Hamish Ross
Tel: (0131 6)51 6410
Course secretaryMrs Lyndsey Black
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