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Postgraduate Course: Biomechanics of Cells, Tissues and Organs (GMED11028)

Course Outline
SchoolSchool of Clinical Sciences CollegeCollege of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) AvailabilityAvailable to all students
SCQF Credits20 ECTS Credits10
SummaryThe aim of this is to provide an understanding of the relationship between forces and function for two organ systems; the musculoskeletal system and the cardiovascular system. Broadly the module will cover basic aspects of musculoskeletal and cardiovascular disease, the relationship between forces and function in health and in disease, and examples of clinical intervention and the role of biomechanics. For the cardiovascular system this will include wall shear stress (its role as a control parameter for the arterial system, and its role in disease development), and tissue stress (its role in plaque and aneurysm rupture). For the musculoskeletal system consideration will be given to the biomechanical behaviour of the skeleton, the muscles and joint surfaces. The mechanisms whereby forces are transduced into function (mechanotransduction) will also be considered. The course will be lecture based, with a variety of speakers from both engineering and medicine.
Course description 1. Introduction to biomechanics.
2. Introduction to solids, forces and constitutive models 1.
3. Introduction to solids, forces and constitutive models 2.
4. Introduction to solids, forces and constitutive models 3.
5. Tissue engineering 1.
6. Tissue engineering 2.
7. Overview of cardiovascular disease
8. Mechanics of the normal circulation
9. Mechanics of atherosclerosis and AAA
10. Blood, blood flow, viscometry, margination etc
11. Leukocyte dynamics
12. Thombus formation.
13. Modelling thrombus formation experimentally.
14. Simulation and image guided modelling in arteries in-vivo.
15. Endothelial biology.
16. Endothelial mechanics and mechanotransduction.
17. Arterial stiffening, causes, measurement and endothelial function.
18. Cardiovascular operations - biomechanics and the surgeons perspective
19. Structure and function of the musculoskeletal system I.
20. Structure and function of the musculoskeletal system II.
21. Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
22. Mechanics of the musculoskeletal system
23. Biomaterials and biocompatibility
24. Behaviour of structures
25. Tribiology and surfaces
26. The synovial joint
27. Fracture, healing and mechanics
28. Orthopaedic operations - biomechanics and the surgeons perspective
29. Bone/cartilage biology
30. Mechanotransduction of bone/chondrocytes
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Additional Costs none
Information for Visiting Students
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2014/15, Available to all students (SV1) Quota:  None
Course Start Semester 2
Timetable Timetable
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) Total Hours: 200 ( Lecture Hours 30, Other Study Hours 170, Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours 0 )
Assessment (Further Info) Written Exam 40 %, Coursework 60 %, Practical Exam 0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) 4 x fortnightly coursework submission (1 page summary findings of directed private study based on themes covered in an aspect of the previous 2 weeks lectures)
1 x final assignment on selected topic (3500 words)
1 x exam multiple choice (30 minutes)
1 x exam quick fire questions (30 minutes)
4 x 10% (fortnightly report) + 1 x 20% (assignment) + 1 x 20% (multiple choice) + 1 x 20% (quick fire questions)
Feedback Not entered
No Exam Information
Learning Outcomes
- Understanding of cardiovascular and musculoskeletal disease.
- Understanding of mechanotransduction in the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.
- Understanding of the relationship between forces and normal function in the cardiovascular and musculoskeletal systems.
- Understanding of the relationship between forces and normal function in the diseased cardiovascular and musculoskeletal system.
- Understanding of the application of imaging and modelling in-vivo to obtain information on forces
- Understanding of how biomechanical considerations influence intervention in patients.
- Understanding of the biomechanics in tissue engineering
Reading List
Introductory Biomechanics: From Cells to Organisms. Ethier and Simmons, CUP, 2007.

Other cardiovascular texts
Dynamics of the vascular system. JKJ Li, Series on Bioengineering & Biomedical Engineering - Vol. 1.2004

Biofluid mechanics in cardiovascular systems. Waite. McGraw Hill, 2006.

McDonalds blood flow in arteries. Fifth edition. Nicholls and O'Rourke, Hodder Arnold, 2005
Main text
Introductory Biomechanics: From Cells to Organisms. Ethier and Simmons, CUP, 2007.

Other cardiovascular texts
Dynamics of the vascular system. JKJ Li, Series on Bioengineering & Biomedical Engineering - Vol. 1.2004

Biofluid mechanics in cardiovascular systems. Waite. McGraw Hill, 2006.

McDonalds blood flow in arteries. Fifth edition. Nicholls and O'Rourke, Hodder Arnold, 2005

Hemodynamic forces and vascular cell biology. Sumpio. Medical Intelligence Unit. 1993

Chapters on modelling in: 'Carotid disease; the role of imaging in diagnosis and management', Gillard et al, CUP, 2007

The mechanics of the circulation. Caro et al, OUP, 1978

The arterial pulse. O'Rourke et al, Lea and Febiger, 1992

An introduction to biomechanics. Humphrey and Delange, Springer, 2004

Other musculoskeletal texts
Musculoskeletal biomechanics. Brinckmann, Thieme, 2000

Basic biomechanics of the musculoskeletal system, third edition. Nordin. Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2001.

Tissue engineering
To follow

Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Not entered
KeywordsCardiovascular, musculoskeletal, tissue engineering, mechanotransduction, biomechanics, cells, tissu
Course organiserDr Peter Hoskins
Tel: 0131 242 6305
Course secretaryMrs Irene Craig
Tel: 0131 242 6311
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