Higher degrees are awarded to eligible candidates who demonstrate through the submission of work within the public domain which represents an original, rigorous and significant contribution to advancement of knowledge, one which is of international distinction and sustained over a period of at least seven years.
The following are eligible to apply for candidature for a higher degree:
- graduates of The University of Edinburgh of not less than seven years standing.
- graduates of other universities of not less than seven years standing who are members of staff of the University of Edinburgh of not less than four years standing.
Application for a higher degree is a two stage process. Firstly, candidates must apply to the Higher Degrees Committee of the relevant School for approval of their candidature.
The application form for approval of candidature, together with guidance on the form of submission, may be obtained from the Secretary to the relevant School Higher Degrees Committee.
Applicants must submit the application fee with the completed application form, and:
- A statement of no more than 500 words explaining how the submission meets the criteria and makes a significant contribution to the field.
- Their CV
The Committee will decide whether a prima facie case for examination has been made.
If candidature is approved, the candidate will be invited to move to the second stage of the application process and lodge a submission (three copies) for examination. There is no oral examination for a higher degree.
Candidates must submit within 6 months of application approval. |
Candidates must submit work in support of their candidature to be considered within the criteria for the relevant academic discipline which may include, for example; images, books, papers, records of performance, records of exhibitions.
The submission will also include:
- A critical appraisal of how the submission meets the criteria and makes a significant contribution to the field. (No more than 10,000 words.)
- CV
Additional information is available in the University’s Regulatory Standards for the Format and Binding of a Theses. |
All works submitted must be accompanied by a statement, signed by the candidate certifying, for each piece of work submitted, the contribution to the output from the candidate.
Submissions (three copies) must be lodged within six months of the approval of candidature. Two copies of successful submissions will remain the property of the University and one will be returned to the candidate.
At the time of lodging a submission, the examination fee must be paid. Candidates must also matriculate, but no matriculation fee is charged.
The University shall, in the case of each submission, appoint one internal and two external examiners. Each examiner should be of recognised eminence in the subject of the submission.
The degree shall be awarded only if the relevant committee of Senatus, on the recommendation of the examiners, is satisfied that the criteria for the award of the degree have been met (as specified above).
A candidate whose application for candidature has not been approved or whose submission has not been recommended for the award of the degree may not reapply for the degree within five years of his/her first candidature unless the period is specially reduced by the relevant committee of Senatus on the recommendation of the examiners.
Successful candidates will be awarded the degree at the next available graduation ceremony. Candidates for higher degrees may, at the discretion of the University, be permitted to graduate in absentia.
The process for appeal for unsuccessful candidates is described in the University’s Academic Appeal Regulations