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DRPS : Course Catalogue : Schools : Subjects : Deanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences

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Molecular and Clinical Medicine

SCQF Level 11 (53 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
MCLM11058 SS1 Analysis and Reporting of Next Generation Sequencing Flexible 20
MCLM11024 SS1 Clinical Trials Foundation Course Semester 1 20
MCLM11023 SV1 Clinical Trials in Special Populations (20 credit) Semester 1 20
MCLM11032 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Analysis of Linked Health Data MED5378 Flexible 20
MCLM11065 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Analysis of Linked Health Data MED5378 Not delivered this year 20
MCLM11044 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Cancer Genomics - NGS and Functional Analysis Methods BIOL530 Flexible 20
MCLM11031 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Clinical Genomics MED5425 Flexible 20
MCLM11045 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Clinical Genomics MED5425 Flexible 20
MCLM11030 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Clinical Trials : Principles and Methods MED5336 Flexible 20
MCLM11063 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Disease Screening in Populations MED5332 Not delivered this year 10
MCLM11034 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Economic Evaluation MED5017 Flexible 20
MCLM11046 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Foundations of Bioinformatics BIOL5170 Flexible 15
MCLM11029 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Further Epidemiology and Statistics MED5021 Flexible 20
MCLM11069 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Further Epidemiology and Statistics MED5430 Not delivered this year 20
MCLM11068 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Globalisation and Public Health MED5431 Flexible 20
MCLM11066 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Health Technology Assessment in a Global Context MED5377 Not delivered this year 20
MCLM11060 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Introduction To Statistical Methods MED5029 Flexible 20
MCLM11038 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Introduction to Bayesian Statistics BIOL5124 Flexible 10
MCLM11059 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Introduction to Epidemiology MED5027 Flexible 20
MCLM11047 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Introduction to Matlab for Biologists BIOL5284 Flexible 10
MCLM11039 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Medical Statistics MED5356 Flexible 10
MCLM11048 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Metagenomics BIOL5172 Flexible 10
MCLM11033 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Molecular Pathology MED5410 Flexible 20
MCLM11049 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Omic analyses for the biomedical sciences: from genomics to m Flexible 20
MCLM11050 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Omics and Systems Approaches in Biology BIOL5174 Flexible 15
MCLM11062 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Pharmaceutical Medicine MED5165 Flexible 20
MCLM11040 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Programming in R BIOL5133 Flexible 10
MCLM11043 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Qualitative Research Methods MED5077 Flexible 20
MCLM11067 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Qualitative Research Methods for Public Health MED5436 Not delivered this year 20
MCLM11051 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] RNA-seq and Next Generation Transcriptomics BIOL5177 Flexible 10
MCLM11061 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Research Methods MED5082 Not delivered this year 20
MCLM11064 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Statistical Methods for Health Technology Assessment and Evid Flexible 20
MCLM11041 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Statistics 1 MED5341 Flexible 10
MCLM11042 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] Statistics 2 MED5366 Flexible 10
MCLM11052 SS1 Credits Awarded for Taught Courses [University of Glasgow] The Molecular Genetics of Disease BIOL5152 Flexible 30
MCLM11036 SS1 Data Science, Technology and Innovation (Medical Informatics) Dissertation Flexible 60
MCLM11035 SS1 Data Science, Technology and Innovation Dissertation Flexible 60
MCLM11019 SS1 Good Clinical Practice, Ethics and Regulatory Issues Semester 1 20
MCLM11002 SS1 Introduction to Clinical Trials Semester 1 20
MCLM11056 SS1 Introduction to Molecular Pathology and Genomic Medicine Flexible 10
MCLM11070 SS1 Key Concepts in Molecular Pathology and Personalised Medicine Flexible 10
MCLM11001 SV1 MSc Dissertation (Dissertation only mode) Full Year 180
MCLM11026 SS1 MScCT Dissertation Full Year 60
MCLM11028 SS1 Medical Informatics Block 1 (Sem 1) 10
MCLM11037 SS1 Medical Informatics Block 1 (Sem 1) 10
MCLM11025 SS1 Molecular Pathology Project Full Year 80
MCLM11071 SS1 Molecular Pathology of Cancer Flexible 20
MCLM11021 SV1 Monitoring and Audit (20 credit) Semester 1 20
MCLM11027 SV1 Patient and Public Involvement (PPI) Semester 2 20
MCLM11054 SS1 Pharmacovigilance Semester 2 20
MCLM11020 SV1 Principles of Clinical Trial Management Semester 1 20
MCLM11053 Recognition of Prior Learning - Precision Medicine Not delivered this year 90
MCLM11022 SV1 Study Design (20 Credit) Semester 1 20
Available to all students - SV
Not available to visiting students - SS
Part-year visiting students only - VV
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