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Undergraduate Course: Design and Technology Placement 1 (EDUA08089)

Course Outline
SchoolMoray House School of Education CollegeCollege of Humanities and Social Science
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 8 (Year 1 Undergraduate)
Course typePlacement AvailabilityNot available to visiting students
SCQF Credits20 ECTS Credits10
SummaryPlacement 1 is the first of a series across the four years of the programme. The series begins with a Primary School placement which incorporates time spent in an associated secondary school.

Placement 1 consists of a 5 week block placement following the Easter break.

The block format, timed to close the first year of the 4 year programme, provides opportunities for the students to apply in a professional context their understanding about learning in schools developed through first year education and curricular focussed university courses. School experience 1 relates directly to the themes of Education 1A and 1 B: Learning and Teaching; Lifespan Development, Socialisation and Learning; Social Inequality; Understanding life in classrooms and other educational settings. The students are required to evidence their observations, evaluations and analysis of their placements and make explicit links between their university studies and their practicum.

This serves to consolidate and extend their understandings about how children learn and develop, about teachers and teaching, and about the curriculum. Students in Placement 1 also develop new inter-professional awareness and competences particular to school and community settings, through researching some of the wider issues relating to social context, primary childhood care, education and management. The challenge of working collaboratively with others as a team member, showing initiative and making contributions, also helps students towards greater self-awareness and gives real experience of climate-setting.

It is also expected that students liaise with some of the outside agencies associated with the school e.g. community police, health visitor, sports development co-ordinator. Host teachers are therefore asked to support students in ways that allow them to learn to work collaboratively to begin to see the breadth of influences on the child through family, home, school and the community.

Another central feature of this placement is the opportunity to develop observation skills to illuminate insights into aspects of child development. This is particularly explored in the tasks set to encourage critical observation of differences between the primary and secondary school contexts. Achieving competence in such skills is particularly important in informing planning and assessment, as well as in providing a basis for research.
Course description Not entered
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered
Learning Outcomes
The purposes of Placement 1 are to develop understanding and professional competence in relation to:

1. curriculum, principles and practices in primary education;
2. the role of observation and reflection in planning for effective teaching successful learning;
3. socio-cultural and psychological perspectives on childhood development;
4. the roles of teachers and other associated professionals within and beyond the school;
5. self-evaluation to improve teaching and learning
Reading List
General Books about Placement

Understanding Placement
Arthur, J. et al (2006) Learning to Teach in the Primary School, Routledge, Oxon
Brown, A. et al (2004) Professional Issues for Primary Teachers, PCP, London
Cohen, L. et al (2004) A Guide to Teaching Practice, Routledge Farmer, London and New York
Johnston, J. et al (2002) Teaching the Primary Curriculum, Open University, Buckingham
Medwell. J. (2005) Successful Teaching Placement, Primary and Early Years, Learning Matter, Exeter
Medwell. J. & Simpson, F. (2008) Successful Teaching Placement in Scotland, Primary and Early Years, Learning Matter, Exeter
Moyles, J. (2007) Beginning Teaching: Beginning Learning in Primary Education, McGraw Hill, Berkshire
Skinner, Don (2005) Teacher Training, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press Ltd.

National Guidance

A Curriculum for Excellence
Make sure that you visit these URLs and make yourself familiar with the literature, case studies and resources. They provide practical support and advice for your teaching.

curriculum for excellence
CfE guide for student teachers
CfE new teachers
CfE sharing practice
citizenship in the early years
enterprise in education
sustainable education
journey excellence

Barlex, D & Edwards P (2000) Education for Technological Capability, Primary Technology in Scottish Schools. Learning and Teaching Scotland and the Nuffield Foundation
Bold,C. (1999) Progression in Primary Design and Technology David Fulton Publishers
Davies, D. & Howe A.(2003) Teaching science, design and technology in the early years London : David Fulton
Howe, A, Davies, D and Ritchie, R. (2001) Primary design and technology for the future : creativity, culture and citizenship London : David Fulton
Nuffield Design and Technology

Behaviour Management/Learning Behaviour
Cohen, Louis et al (2004) A Guide to Teaching Practice, London: Routledge Falmer,
(Ch 15 Managing Behaviour in the Classroom)
Gordon, G.(1996) Managing Challenging Children, Greenwood,WA: Prim-Ed
Hook, P. and Vass, A. (2002) Teaching with Influence, London: David Fulton Publishers
Hopkins B. (2004) Just Schools: A Whole School Approach to Restorative Justice, London: J. Kingsley
Miller, A. (2003) Teachers, Parents and Classroom Behaviour: A Psychosocial Approach, Buckingham: Open University Press
O'Brien, T (1998) "Battle Zone or Learning Zone?", Classroom Strategies in Promoting Positive Behaviour, London: David Fulton
Rogers, B. (2000) Behaviour Management: A Whole-school approach, London: Paul Chapman
Rogers, B. (2002) Classroom Behaviour: a practical guide to effective teaching, behaviour management and colleague support, London: PCP
Rogers, B. (1998) 'You Know the Fair Rule' and much more: strategies for making the hard job of discipline and behaviour management in school easier, Melbourne: ACER Press
Rogers, B. (1992) "Students who want the last word", Support for Learning Vol. 7, Issue 4, pg. 166
Thody. A. (2000) The Teacher's Survival Guide, New York: Conntiuum (not in the library)

Child protection
The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child

Hill, M. and Tisdall, K. (1997) Children & Society, Harlow: Prentice Hall
Chapter 2: Children's Rights : Chapter 10: Child Abuse and Child Protection

Protecting Children and Young People: the Charter Explanatory Booklet

'Safe and Well' materials

Reading about child protection and the Government's Child Protection Reform Programme

Classroom Organisation
Hastings, N.& Wood, K. (2002) Reorganizing Primary Classroom Learning, Buckingham: Open University Press

Critical reading
(These sites will give you help in reading articles)

Cross-Curricular Teaching
Bell, S. et al (2006) Storyline Past Present Future, Enterprising Career, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow
Bell, S, et al (2006) Storyline- Promoting Language Across the Curriculum, UKLA, Hertforshire
Barnes, J. (2007) Cross-Curricular Learning 3-14, PCP, London
Brownlow, L. Enterprising Ideas in the Primary School, University of Strathclyde
Brownlow, L. Enterprising Ideas in the Early Years, University of Strathclyde
Fogarty, R. (2002) How to integrate the Curricula, Pearson, USA

Duffy, J. (2006) Primary ICT. Learning Matters, Exeter
Gage, J (2006) How to use an interactive Whiteboard really effectively in your primary classroom, David Fulton Publishers
Monteith, M (2002) Teaching Primary Literacy with ICT, Open University, Buckingham
Smith, A et al (2004) Creative ICT, David Fulton, London

Blakemore, S.J et al (2007) The Learning Brian lessons for education, Blackwell, Oxford
Jarvis, M (2005) The psychology of effective learning and teaching, Nelson Thornes Ltd., Cheltnam
McGregor, D. (2007) Developing Learning Developing Learning, McGraw Hill,

Planning & assessment
Black, P et al (2003) Assessment for Learning, Open University,Berkshire
Broadfoot, P. (2007) An Introduction to Assessment, Continuum, Norfolk
Clarke, S. (2001) Unlocking Formative Assessment, London: Hodder and Stoughton
Clarke, S. (2003) Enriching Feedback in the primary classroom, London: Hodder and Stoughton
Clarke, S. (2006) Formative Assessment in Action, Hodder Murray, Londo
Hall, K. (2003) Making formative assessment work: effective practice in the primary classroom, Maidenhead: Open University Press

Moreland, J. , Jones, A and Barlex, D .(2008) Design and Technology Inside the Black Box: Assessment for learning in the design and technology GL Assessment

Riddall-Leach (2005) How to observe Children, Heinemann, Oxford

Learning and Teaching Scotland: Assessment

Farrell, T. (2004) Reflective Practice in Action, Corwin Press, London
Letshert, J. et al ( xxxx) Beyond Storyline, SLO, Enschede Netherlands
Pollard, A. (2005) Reflective Teaching, Continuum, London.

Journey to Excellence
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Graduate Attributes and Skills Not entered
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