Postgraduate Course: Elements of Poetry Two (Online Learning) (ENLI11221)
Course Outline
School | School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures |
College | College of Humanities and Social Science |
Credit level (Normal year taken) | SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) |
Course type | Online Distance Learning |
Availability | Not available to visiting students |
SCQF Credits | 40 |
ECTS Credits | 20 |
Summary | This course consists of online seminars (webinars, which take place once every 3 weeks), asynchronous online workshops (writing forums) and feedback sessions. Webinars will focus on theoretical and reflective exploration of key topics and voluntary, tailored writing assignments will be set. Writing forums, each of 12 days' duration, will take place 7 times over the course of the programme. For the first 2 years, these will be hosted by a member of the creating writing staff; in the final year, these will be autonomous forums. Students will present and critique work in progress with a group of their peers. Students will receive feedback from a supervisor on work in progress, 7 times in total over the course of their programme. This feedback, or formative assessment, will provide both textually specific and general critique. At the end of the year, students will submit 15 pages of poetry for assessment. |
Course description |
1. Writing from Research: Sequences and Shaping Structures
2. Ekphrasis: Image to Text
3. Speaking in Tongues: Personae
4. Rhythm and Cadence
5. Duende: Dark Sounds, Deep Song
6. Found in Translation?
7. Harmonics and Gridlock: The Sonnet
8. Songs of Praise: The Ode, Traditional and Contemporary
9. The Natural World
10. Self-Editing and Putting Together a Manuscript
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites |
Co-requisites | |
Prohibited Combinations | |
Other requirements | None |
Additional Costs | Essential course texts |
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2017/18, Not available to visiting students (SS1)
Quota: None |
Course Start |
Full Year |
Timetable |
Timetable |
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) |
Total Hours:
Dissertation/Project Supervision Hours 1,
Online Activities 105,
Feedback/Feedforward Hours 25,
Formative Assessment Hours 8,
Summative Assessment Hours 1,
Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 8,
Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours
252 )
Assessment (Further Info) |
Written Exam
0 %,
100 %,
Practical Exam
0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) |
Portfolio circa. 15 pages (100%) |
Feedback |
During the course of the year, students receive 2 feedback sessions with an allocated supervisor, and participate in 2 hosted forums. Feedback received in these contexts is formative, rather than summative.
For feedback sessions, students submit 8 poems (maximum 175 lines in total), or proportionately fewer longer poems. Their supervisor will respond with a combination of line by line and general comments within 2 weeks of the work being submitted. The student may then respond with a reasonable number of specific queries, after which the session is considered closed.
For forums, students submit 5 poems (maximum 125 lines in total) or proportionately fewer longer poems. During the forum (of 12 days' duration), both the host and the other forum members offer circa 500 words of focused feedback on each submission (not each poem); the discussion then opens out into more general territory pertaining to the work submitted.
At the end of the academic year, students submit a folio of creative work (15pp of poems) for summative assessment. Folios are double marked and students will receive the comments of both markers. |
No Exam Information |
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Identify and exploit a range of techniques absorbed through study and discussion of core components of craft, and of key subgenres and schools of poetry
- Take creative work successfully through the drafting process
- Demonstrate a facility for economy of expression, an awareness of the fine nuances of language, and acute attention to detail
- Exercise self-critical and editorial skills
- Prepare a manuscript for submission to publishers
Reading List
Bachelard, Gaston, The Poetics of Space
Broom, Sarah, Contemporary British and Irish Poetry: An Introduction
Durcan, Paul, Give Me Your Hand
Felstiner, John, Can Poetry Save the Earth? A Field Guide to Nature Poems
Hollander, John, Rhyme's Reason
Langbaum, Robert, The Poetry of Experience: The Dramatic Monologue in Modern Literary Tradition
Lorca, Federico Garcia, In Search of Duende
Middleton, Christopher, Jackdaw Jiving
Muldoon, Paul, The End of the Poem: Oxford Lectures in Poetry
Oliver, Mary, Rules for the Dance: Handbook for Writing and Reading Metrical Verse
Paz, Octavio, The Labyrinth of Solitude
Perloff, Marjorie, Unoriginal Genius: Poetry by Other Means in the New Century
---. Wittgenstein's Ladder: Poetic Language and the Strangeness of the Ordinary Rice, Adrian and Angela Reid (eds), A Conversation Piece: Poetry and Art Steiner, George, After Babel: Aspects of Language and Translation
Strunk, William and White, E.B., The Elements of Style
Miscellaneous Anthologies
Brown, Stacey Lynn and Oliver de la Paz, A Face to Meet the Faces: An Anthology of Contemporary Persona Poetry
Donaghy, Michael, 101 Poems about Childhood
Kay, Jackie et al., Out of Bounds: British Black and Asian Poets
Longley, Edna, The Bloodaxe Book of Contemporary British and Irish Poetry
Muldoon, Paul, The Faber Book of Beasts
Oswald, Alice, The Thunder Mutters: 101 Poems for the Planet
Paterson, Don, 101 Sonnets
Riordan, Maurice, A Quark for Mister Mark: 101 Poems about Science |
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills |
Students who complete the course successfully will attain a broadened awareness of stylistic, formal and tonal possibilities in poetry. By practice they will have developed compositional skills in a way that complements more general English studies. They will have learned and established good, independent writing habits which can be maintained beyond the completion of the programme. They will have mastered the crucial distinction between critiquing work and critiquing its author, and be able to articulate and communicate acquired knowledge and skills to others. |
Keywords | EoP2 |
Course organiser | Dr Miriam Gamble
Email: |
Course secretary | Miss Kara Mccormack
Tel: (0131 6)50 3030
Email: |