Final Assessment:
*This applies to students completing their degree during 2018/19*
One unit of assessment is allocated to every 20 credits and constitutes one 20-credit paper. The following are the twelve 20-credit papers on which the classification of the degree is based. (Papers that for the purposes of degree classification acquire a weighting of 40 credits are, therefore, listed twice.)
1. French 4 Honours Language Paper 1.
2. French 4 Honours Language Paper 1.
3. French 4 Honours Language Paper 2.
4. French Oral.
5. Philosophy Work (Year Abroad, MEL).
6. Philosophy Work (Year Abroad, MEL).
7. MEL Dissertation Preparation (same mark as 8, Dissertation Completion) OR Year Abroad Assessment.
8. MEL Dissertation Completion OR MEL Long Essay.
9. Honours course option in French.
10. Courses in Philosophy.
11. Courses in Philosophy.
12. Courses in Philosophy.