Undergraduate Course: Jewellery and Silversmithing 2A: Fundamentals of Designing and Making Jewellery (DESI08145)
Course Outline
School | Edinburgh College of Art |
College | College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences |
Credit level (Normal year taken) | SCQF Level 8 (Year 2 Undergraduate) |
Availability | Available to all students |
SCQF Credits | 20 |
ECTS Credits | 10 |
Summary | This course provides an introduction for year two and direct entry level students to the workshop practices associated with the designing and making of studio jewellery, particularly metalwork and associated techniques. The students will be introduced to fundamental technical jewellery-making skills, utilising both precious and non-precious metals, through critically underpinned, practice-led teaching.
Key visual research methods will be conveyed through short thematic projects and set technical exercises. Students will be able to apply learnt design process skills towards the production of a range of technically-led prototypes and finished pieces. Students will be introduced to creative methods of research in response to project briefs through sketching ideas, the generation of design books as well as methods of model making from 2D into 3D forms. Processes will be recorded via the means of a technical sketchbook.
Course description |
Students are introduced to the subject of Jewellery through technical demonstrations of the key tools of the trade. These include introductions to the studio environment, workshop facilities and health and safety practices. Students will be instructed in operating tools and machinery, including blow torches, hand bench tools, polishing equipment, basic chemical processes and high temperature kilns.
Through a series of short thematic projects, students are encouraged to explore outcomes using basic metalworking techniques such as working with wire, metal sheet, hot and cold connections, enamelling and basic stone setting. The subject reflects an open minded approach to designing and making whilst encouraging appropriate choices of materials. Methods of research include drawing, photography and visiting public collections that encourage students to develop approaches to visual research and recording from both primary and secondary sources. The intention of this course is to equip the students with a fundamental understanding of the design process through the selection and editing of visual resource material, developing an understanding of the design process through making and the communication of an idea through various methods such as oral and visual presentations explaining the research and design process of completed work.
This course complements Jewellery and Silversmithing 1A: Materials and the Body, but has no pre-requisites and takes into account the direct-entry Y2 students without prior experience of jewellery making and tool handling coming into the department. Students will be expected to have foundational design knowledge acquired in first year or equivalent for direct entry students. The design briefs and technical teaching will be challenging and will enable students to acquire discipline-specific practice-led learning at a more developed level.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites |
Co-requisites | |
Prohibited Combinations | |
Other requirements | If this course is core to your programme you will be automatically enrolled. For all other students, including Design students, the course is open on a first come first served basis until the course is full. Where a course depends on some technical proficiency, PTs are encouraged to help students check with the appropriate Course Organiser regarding suitability, e.g. if student has previous external practical experience. The course will be open to enrolments from Wednesday 11th September at 11.00 am. Please sign up for the course through your own School (they will advise if this is done via your PT, SSO or Teaching Office). We do not currently keep a waiting list. |
Additional Costs | Small costs for materials i.e. base metals and 3D modelling materials. Shouldn't exceed £40 |
Information for Visiting Students
Pre-requisites | None |
High Demand Course? |
Yes |
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2019/20, Available to all students (SV1)
Quota: 12 |
Course Start |
Semester 1 |
Timetable |
Timetable |
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) |
Total Hours:
Lecture Hours 44,
Seminar/Tutorial Hours 4,
Supervised Practical/Workshop/Studio Hours 36,
External Visit Hours 3,
Formative Assessment Hours 0.5,
Summative Assessment Hours 0.5,
Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 4,
Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours
108 )
Assessment (Further Info) |
Written Exam
0 %,
100 %,
Practical Exam
0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) |
100% Coursework all LOs are equally weighted.
Components of assessment 1, 2, 3 link directly to Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3 ( 1:1, 2:2, 3:3) all outcomes equally weighted.
Students will submit the following:
1. Visual and Contextual research in the form of sketchbooks and folders with compiled reflective notes and printed information. Drawings (studio and location), 2D and 3D preparatory prototypes and models. (LO1)
2. Technical notebook including detailed notes on processes, annotated sketches. Technical samples, preliminary models and further research into technical theory supported by excerpts from textbooks and further samples of techniques not shown in class. Critical reflections on other artists' work (LO2)
3. Oral presentation, finished work and evidence of process/development in response to project briefs, a curated PDF digital design book highlighting key stages of process (20 pages minimum), 500 word written reflection. (LO3)
All components are equally weighted. All students must pass all 3 learning outcomes to fulfil the requirements of the course. Students who fail to respond any of the learning outcomes will not pass. |
Feedback |
Assessments will be 100% Coursework based
Formative: mid-semester assessment in week 5 or 6. Verbal Feedback will be provided within 15 working days.
Students will submit the following against learning Outcomes and will receive verbal feedback along with formative grades against the learning outcomes:
1. Visual and Contextual research in the form of sketchbooks and folders with compiled reflective notes and printed information. Drawings (studio and location), 2D and 3D preparatory prototypes and models completed so far on the course. (LO1)
2. Technical notebook including detailed notes on processes, annotated sketches. Technical samples, preliminary models and further research into technical theory supported by excerpts from textbooks and further samples of techniques not shown in class. Critical reflections on other artists' work (LO2)
3. 500 word written reflection. (LO3)
Summative: end-semester assessment in week 11 into week 12. Written Feedback will be provided within 15 working days
Students will submit the following via Learn against Learning Outcomes:
1. Visual and Contextual research in the form of sketchbooks and folders with compiled reflective notes and printed information. Drawings (studio and location), 2D and 3D preparatory prototypes and models. (LO1)
2. Technical notebook including detailed notes on processes, annotated sketches. Technical samples, preliminary models and further research into technical theory supported by excerpts from textbooks and further samples of techniques not shown in class. Critical reflections on other artists' work (LO2)
3. Oral presentation, finished work and evidence of process/development in response to project briefs, a curated PDF digital design book highlighting key stages of process (20 pages minimum), 500 word written reflection. (LO3)
No Exam Information |
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Demonstrate evidence of having explored a wide variety of primary and secondary sources to inform a personal material, visual and theoretical enquiry in relation to the jewellery discipline.
- Demonstrate an understanding of the technical complexities of designing and making as related to Jewellery
- Communicate technical expertise and the application of some advanced creative design/technical solutions in response to jewellery related problems and exercises.
Reading List
- Cherry, N 'Jewellery Design and Development from Concept to Object' Bloomsbury Publishing, (2013)
- Codina,C. 'Handbook of Jewellery Techniques' - A & C Black Lark Books (2000)
- Codina, C. Jewellery and silversmithing techniques. London: A & C Black, (2002)
- Darty L, 'The Art of Enamelling', Lark Books, (2004)
- McCreight, T. 'Complete Metalsmith : an illustrated handbook'. Davis Publications (1982)
- Olver, L 'The Art of Jewellery Design'. A and C Black Publisher, (2001)
- Strosahl, J + Barnhart, C 'A manual of Cloisonne & Champleve enamelling', Thames and Hudson, (1982)
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills |
Technical competence and awareness in a jewellery workshop and studio environment
An awareness of health and safety practices in a jewellery workshop and studio environment
Understanding and application of visual research methods in the context of the discipline (primary and secondary)
Translating gathered visual research into finished three dimensional outcomes.
Self-organisation and time management (self-led projects and independent technical exploration)
Communication of ideation and critical reflection through sketchbooks and oral presentations in a group and individual context.
Craft competence, understanding, awareness of disciplinary history and context
Keywords | Jewellery,Metal,Materials,Design,Design Process,Development Process,Making,Studio,Practice |
Course organiser | Ms Susan Cross
Tel: 0131 221 6238
Email: s.cross@ed.ac.uk |
Course secretary | Ms Georgia Dodsworth
Tel: (0131 6)51 5712
Email: georgia.dodsworth@ed.ac.uk |