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DRPS : Course Catalogue : Edinburgh College of Art : Design

Undergraduate Course: Textiles 4A: Materials EXPLORATION (DESI10112)

Course Outline
SchoolEdinburgh College of Art CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 10 (Year 4 Undergraduate) AvailabilityNot available to visiting students
SCQF Credits40 ECTS Credits20
SummaryExploring the discipline and defining precedents is invaluable in order to ensure appropriate direction for deeper and relevant further investigation. This course enables students to research themes, materials and contexts, both directly associated with the textiles discipline, and beyond. Experimentation is encouraged with known and unknown materials, technology and techniques. Students may consider exploring beyond perceived boundaries of technique material or textile contexts. Previous examples in addition to fabric and fibre in traditional contexts have included: fabric-formed concrete, silicone printed wood, embroidered metal, textile architecture, and textiles for health and wellbeing. The research findings will form the basis from which to build increasingly personal direction for both aesthetic and technical investigations. Analysis of the research material gathered will support the development and planning for individual textiles projects. Students will be supported throughout by academic and technical staff.
Course description Students will undertake a series of concurrent projects and tasks to help them define and subsequently build focused areas of interest within, or closely associated with, the discipline of textiles.

Through personal research, students will develop an awareness of contemporary practice in the field of textiles and associated design disciplines, to support defined contexts for their explorations and subsequent development of personal projects. Individual presentations supported by focused feedback from both staff and peers, will help streamline research themes. All activities are supported by regular weekly meetings with staff to support learning and development. These will be in either group or one to one tutorial sessions. Discussion around identified themes and topics will be encouraged to engage with relevant technical provision across the University and beyond, as well as the facilities within the textiles department. All of this will be recorded for analysis and future planning, and can comprise of any or all of the following: logbooks, sketchbooks, technical files, blogs, notebooks.

Analysis of research gathered and practical technical experimentation will be explored through individual tutorials and group discussion, encouraging ongoing planning for further streamlined research and refined and focused practical investigation as the project builds throughout the course. In addition to the main personal project, students will be challenged with at least one brief linked closely to the textiles industry. This component will contribute to the final portfolio presentation in the Textiles 4 Exposition course.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Students MUST have passed: Textiles 3A: Professional settings (DESI10092) AND Textiles 3B : Identifying Textile Directions (DESI10110)
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate an inquisitive investigation of research themes in response to textile-related design challenges, identifying relevant strands of inquiry.
  2. Explore and record creative practical investigations of appropriate materials, in response to self-directed research themes.
  3. Analyse and refine self-directed creative investigations and intentions for further research and development planning.
Reading List
Braungart, Michale. Cradle to Cradle. Remaking the Way We Make Things, Vintage 2009

Hemmings,Jessica. The textile reader. Berg publishers 2012

Thomas, Rob. Sustainable Materials, Processes and Production (The Manufacturing Guides) Thames and Hudson, 2013

Additional reading and specific websites streamlined to individual research projects will be driven by the student. Individuality in focused reading is vital at this stage of the degree.
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Versatility - developing multi-disciplinary approaches to design challenges
Thinking - making free associations and connections outside the norm
Communication - oral, visual and textual communication of research, ideas and resolutions
Course organiserMs Lindy Richardson
Tel: 0131 221 6129
Course secretaryMs Jane Thomson
Tel: (0131 6)51 5713
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