Undergraduate Course: German 1B (ELCG08002)
Course Outline
School | School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures |
College | College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences |
Credit level (Normal year taken) | SCQF Level 8 (Year 1 Undergraduate) |
Availability | Available to all students |
SCQF Credits | 40 |
ECTS Credits | 20 |
Summary | German 1B is a language and literature course for advanced university entry level students. The German language work develops written, oral, and listening comprehension skills, and expands knowledge of the German language, contemporary issues and culture. The German literature element of the course introduces students to a selection of literary texts from the eighteenth century to the present day, and develops skills in the analysis of literature. |
Course description |
German 1B language consists of three compulsory parts: German Language 1 (Text Production), German Language 2 (Grammar) and German Oral Language Practical.
This is an advanced language course for students with university entry qualifications in the language. The language courses are set to the standard comparable to levels B1/B1+ on the internationally recognised Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR).
German Language 1 focuses on the writing and comprehension of a variety of texts in German, and on translating short journalistic texts. Students will practice writing formal and informal short pieces of prose text on familiar, unfamiliar, and topical issues. Students engage with the topics independently in preparation for class, and subsequently exchange ideas in group work in class time. In addition to developing writing and translation skills, this course also gives students the opportunity to continue practicing reading and listening skills with comprehensions and online audio clips. These classes are not streamed as we want to create a mixed ability learning environment that encourages both learner autonomy and peer support in the classroom, since the sharing of knowledge between language learners with different abilities and skills is beneficial to the learning process.
German Language 2 is a German-language grammar course set at the equivalent of B1 level on the Common European Framework for Languages (CEFR). The classes will be streamed so that students will be working together with other language learners who have similar proficiency in German grammar. The course programme sets out the weekly focus on grammar, homework, and autonomous learning exercises.
The German Oral Language Practical is a spoken language course set at the equivalent of B1 level. Students discuss a selection of themes that are contemporary, historical and cultural in focus, and concentrate on "Landeskunde" (learning about Germany). Students develop their German listening comprehension and their skills in holding structured and informed discussions in small groups, train expressing opinions and to comment, and give short presentations on topics in the German language.
Self-study is an essential part of learning a foreign language. In order to structure this process you should keep track of your progress towards meeting the learning outcomes by keeping a language learning portfolio. You will find the language portfolio document on the online learning platform, LEARN.
German 1B Literature
The course examines a selection of literary texts in German in a period ranging from the eighteenth century to modern day. This course also offers a film element. Particular attention is paid to the acquisition of critical and research skills, essay writing and discussion skills. Common themes include cultural, personal and national identity. Key movements and critical approaches to understanding literature and film are also addressed. An introduction and analysis of the text or film is delivered in the form of a weekly lecture. Students respond in weekly seminars to the selected material, when discussion, argument, and presentation skills are developed further.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites |
Students MUST have passed:
Co-requisites | |
Prohibited Combinations | |
Other requirements | A pass in German at Higher (SQA) , A-level or equivalent
Entrants with SQA qualifications or A-level should hold at least a 'B' pass
EITHER 70% in Foundation German Language 2 OR 50% in Foundation German Language 3 at the first attempt, OR equivalent
If your entry qualification is older than twelve months old you must take the German 1B diagnostic test. If this tells us you are more suited to 1A than 1B you will have the option of switching to 1A. You should take this diagnostic test within 2 days of signing up to German 1B so we can ensure you are enrolled at the right level of German for you. Teaching on this course begins in week 1 of the academic year.
German 1B Diagnostic Test: TEST 2, Schritte 3 + 4: http://www.hueber.de/einstufungstests/schritte2/
Please be aware this test works in the internet browsers Internet explorer and Mozilla Firefox. When the test asks you to enter email address to forward the results to the Course Organiser please enter german@ed.ac.uk as the receiver email address and send the test results. The Course Organiser will then get back in touch with you.
Please note that changing from 1B to 1A is not allowed in any other circumstances, and is not possible after week 2 of semester 1.
Information for Visiting Students
Pre-requisites | None |
High Demand Course? |
Yes |
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2019/20, Available to all students (SV1)
Quota: 80 |
Course Start |
Full Year |
Timetable |
Timetable |
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) |
Total Hours:
Lecture Hours 20,
Seminar/Tutorial Hours 88,
Summative Assessment Hours 4,
Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 8,
Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours
280 )
Assessment (Further Info) |
Written Exam
50 %,
50 %,
Practical Exam
0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) |
Written Exam 50%, Coursework 50%
Language Coursework: 25%
- Written language work (5%)
- Oral Language Practical work (15%)
- Language Class test (5%)
Literature Coursework: 25%
- 1 essay per semester (1,500 words each)
Language Exam: 25%
- 90 mins degree exam
Literature Exam: 25%
- 60 mins degree exam |
Feedback |
Not entered |
Exam Information |
Exam Diet |
Paper Name |
Hours & Minutes |
Main Exam Diet S2 (April/May) | Paper 2 - Literature | 1:00 | | Main Exam Diet S2 (April/May) | Paper 1 - Language | 1:30 | | Resit Exam Diet (August) | Paper 2 - Literature | 1:00 | | Resit Exam Diet (August) | Paper 1 - Language | 1:30 | | Main Exam Diet S1 (December) | German 1B Language Class Exam | 1:00 | |
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of selected cultural issues, core theories, and concepts, and selected primary and secondary material in the discipline of German literary studies and film studies; demonstrate the attainment of a solid level of competence in written and spoken German to the equivalent level of B1+, making reasonably accurate use of a range of German vocabulary, grammar and syntax
- Apply knowledge, skills and understanding of a range of professional skills, techniques and practices associated with the subject of German literary studies and film studies; translate texts treating topics relating to German society and culture
- Undertake critical analysis, evaluation and/synthesis of ideas, concepts, information and issues that are within the discipline of German literary and film studies, drawing on a range of sources in making judgements, and identifying and analysing problems and issues; research and comment effectively on cultural and social topics in spoken and written German; produce clear, structured and coherent arguments and ideas in oral and written form.
- Use a wide range of routine and some advanced and specialised skills associated with German literary and film studies to convey complex information; use standard ICT applications and databases to obtain and process course-related materials; use an appropriate academic register in English to comment on German-language material, literature and film
- Exercise self-reliance, initiative, organisational and problem-solving skills in this subject area, working with others and alone on course-related tasks
Reading List
The best way to access the reading list/bibliography is via Learn - click on 'Resource List' on the left hand menu on the homepage for German 1B, from where there is a link that takes you directly to the resource list.
Alternatively, you can go to the generic website for resource lists, (http://resourcelists.ed.ac.uk/index.html) and search under 'German 1B'. |
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills |
By the end of the course, students will have further developed their skills in the areas of research and enquiry, personal and intellectual autonomy, communication, and personal effectiveness.
For further specification of these skills see the university's graduate and employability skills framework at www.employability.ed.ac.uk/documents/GAFramework+Interpretation.pdf |
Additional Class Delivery Information |
1 x weekly Literature Lecture (20 hours)
1 x weekly Language 1 Seminar (Text Production) (22 hours)
1 x weekly Language 2 Seminar (Grammar) (22 hours)
1 x weekly Literature Seminar (22 hours)
1 x weekly Oral Language Practical (22 hours) |
Keywords | DELC German 1B |
Course organiser | Prof Peter Davies
Tel: (0131 6)50 3632
Email: Peter.J.Davies@ed.ac.uk |
Course secretary | Miss Gillian Paterson
Tel: (0131 6)50 3646
Email: Gillian.Paterson@ed.ac.uk |