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Postgraduate Course: Discourse Studies (LASC11009)

Course Outline
SchoolSchool of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) AvailabilityAvailable to all students
SCQF Credits20 ECTS Credits10
SummaryThis is an advanced course in the analysis of discourse. It explores in depth the basic assumptions, concepts and procedures of Discourse Analysis. It looks at the sort of questions that might be asked in particular discourse projects and how data might be collected and analysed in order to answer them. It also looks at the practical applications of Discourse Analysis.
Course description This option course builds on the foundations laid in the core course (Introduction to Discourse Analysis) and explores in greater depth the basic assumptions, concepts and procedures of discourse analysis, focusing on, but not limited to, spoken discourse. The overall goal is to help students develop awareness and familiarity with the discourse analytic research process and practice it. The main aims of the course are:
(a) Understanding the process of and issues in gathering data for discourse analytic projects;
(b) Familiarity with the main approaches in spoken discourse analysis;
(c) Familiarity with some of the interest areas in discourse studies;
(d) Practical skills in conducting discourse analytic projects

Course Outline
The course adopts a flexible outline comprising three main topic areas.

Topic area one: Discourse data (Weeks 1-3): This covers aspects such as data collection, transcribing spoken discourse and fieldwork issues.

Topic area two: Approaches to discourse (Weeks 4-7): This consists of a survey of some the approaches used in the analysis of spoken discourse (e.g. Genre Analysis, Interactional Sociolinguistics, Critical Discourse Analysis, in addition to Conversation Analysis).

Topic area three: Discourse studies (week 8-11): A number of themes in discourse studies are covered, including discourse and cultural diversity, discourse and social institutions, discourse and power, discourse and grammar, discourse and technology, etc.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Students MUST have passed: Introduction to Discourse Analysis (LASC11093)
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Information for Visiting Students
High Demand Course? Yes
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2019/20, Available to all students (SV1) Quota:  20
Course Start Semester 2
Timetable Timetable
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) Total Hours: 200 ( Lecture Hours 27, Feedback/Feedforward Hours 2, Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 4, Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours 167 )
Assessment (Further Info) Written Exam 0 %, Coursework 100 %, Practical Exam 0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) One project: 4000 words
Feedback Take-home tasks, in-class exercises, course work and project meetings. Comments provided on submitted assessments
No Exam Information
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. demonstrate understanding of the basic concepts and methods of the various approaches to discourse
  2. identify and formulate researchable problems
  3. collect, transcribe and analyse discourse data
  4. report results of analysis drawing on appropriate theoretical concepts and using appropriate style
  5. use discourse analytic methods in addressing practical problems in various areas of social life
Reading List
The following are some, but by no means all, references you might find useful in your study of discourse analysis.

Atkinson, M. J. and Heritage, J. (1999) Jefferson's transcript notation. In A. Jaworski and N. Coupland (eds.), The Discourse Reader. London: Routledge, chapter 9.

Austin, J. L. (1962) How to Do Things with Words. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Extract in A. Jaworski and N. Coupland (eds.), The Discourse Reader. London: Routledge, chapter 2)

Brown, G and Yule, G (1983) Discourse Analysis. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Cameron, D. (2001). Working with Spoken Discourse. London: Sage Publications.

Cameron, D., E. Frazer, P. Harvey, B. Rampton and K. Richardson (1992) Researching Language: Issues of Power and Method. London: Routledge. Chapter on 'Power/knowledge: The politics of social science' is reprinted in Jaworski, A. and N. Coupland (eds.) (1999) The Discourse Reader. London: Routledge.

Clark, R. Fairclough, N., Ivanic, R., McLeod, N., Thomas, J. and Meara, P. (eds.) (1990) Language and Power. BAAL.

Clayman, S. and Heritage, J. (2002) The News Interview: Journalists and Public Figures on the Air. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Drew, P. and Sorjonen, M-L (1997) Institutional dialogue. In Dijk, T. A. Van (ed.), Discourse as Social Interaction. London: Sage publications, 92-118.

Drew, P. and Heritage, J. (1992) Analysing talk at work: An introduction. In P. Drew and J. Heritage (eds.), Talk at Work: Interaction in Institutional Settings. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 3-65.

Eggins, S. and Slade, D. (1997) Analysing Casual Conversation. Cassell.

Fairclough, N. (1989) Language and Power. Longman.

Fairclough, N. (1990) 'Critical linguistics, new times and language education' In Clark, R. et al (eds.) Language and power. BAAL, 7-20.

Fairclough, N. (1992) Discourse and Social Change. Cambridge: Polity Press.

Fairclough, N. (1995) Critical Discourse Analysis. Longman.

Fairclough, N. (1999) Linguistic and intertextual analysis within discourse analysis. In A. Jaworski and N. Coupland (eds.). (1999) The Discourse Reader. London: Routledge.

Fairclough, N. (2000) New Labour, New Language? London: Routledge.

Fowler, R., B. Hodge, G. Kress and T. Trew (1979) Language and Control. Routledge & Kegan Paul.

Frake, C. O. (1964) How to ask for a drink in Subarnum. (Reprint) in J. Pride and J. Holmes (eds.), Sociolinguistics: Selected Readings. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books, 269-293.

Grainger, K. (1990) 'Care and control: Interactional management in nursing the elderly'. In Clark, R. et al (eds.) Language and Power. BAAL, 147-156.

Grice, P. (1967) William James Lectures: Logic in conversation. In P. Cole and J. L. Morgan (eds.) (1975) Syntax and Semantics 3. New York: Academic Press, 41-58. (Reprint in A. Jaworski and N. Coupland (eds.), The Discourse Reader. London: Routledge).

Grundy, P. (2000) Doing Pragmatics. London: Arnold (2nd edition).

Gumperz, J. J. (1977) Sociocultural knowledge in conversational inference. In M. Saville-Troike (ed.), linguistics and Anthropology. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 191-211. (Extract in A. Jaworski and N. Coupland (eds.), The discourse reader. London: Routledge, chapter 5).

Halliday, M.A.K. and R. Hasan (1976) Cohesion in English. London: Longman.

Have, T. P. (1999) Doing Conversation Analysis: A Practical Guide. London; Sage Publications.

Heritage, J. and Maynard, W. (2006) Communication in Medical Care: Interaction between Primary Physicians and Patients. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Heritage, J. (1997) Conversation analysis and institutional talk: Analysing data. In D. Silverman (ed.), Qualitative Research: Theory, Method and Practice. London: Sage Publications, 161-182.

Heritage, J. and Clayman, S (2010) Talk in Action: Interactions, Identities and Institutions. West-Sussex: Wiley-Blackwell.

Holmes, J. and Stubbe, M (2003) Power and Politeness in the Workplace. London: Longman.

Hutchby, I. (2001) Conversation Analysis and Technology: From the Telephone to the Internet. Oxford: Polity Press.

Joworski, A. and Coupland, N. (eds.) (1999) The Discourse Reader. London: Routledge.

Labov, W. (1972) Sociolinguistic Patterns. University of Pennsylvania Press.

Levinson, S. (1983) Pragmatics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Liddicoat, A. (2007) An Introduction to Conversation Analysis. London: Continuum.

Milroy, L. (1987) Observing and Analysing Natural Language. Oxford: Blackwell.

Ochs, E. (1979). Transcription as theory. In E. Ochs and B. B.Schiefflen (eds). Developmental Pragmatics. New York: Academic Press, 43-72. (reprint in A. Jaworski and N. Coupland (eds.), The Discourse Reader. London: Routledge, chapter 10).

Ochs, E. Schegloff, E., and Thompson, S. (1996). Interaction and Grammar. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Paltridge, B. (2006) Discourse Analysis. London: Continuum.

Poole, D. (2002) .Discourse analysis and applied linguistics. In Kaplan, R. (ed.) (2002) The Oxford Handbook of Applied Linguistics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Reynolds, M. (1990) 'Classroom power'. In Clark, R. et al (eds.) Language and power. BAAL, 122-136.

Pomerantz, A and Fehr, B. J. (1997) Conversation Analysis: An approach to the study of social action as sense making practices. In Van Dijk (ed.), Discourse as Social Interaction. London: Sage Publications, 64-91.

Saille-Troike, M. (1982) The Ethnography of Communication: An Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell.

Schegloff, E. (2007) Sequence Organization in Interaction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Schiffrin, D. (1994) Approaches to Discourse. Oxford: Blackwell.

Searle, J. (19765) What is a speech act? In M. Black (ed.), Philosophy in America. Allen and Unwin and Cornell University Press, 221-39. (Reprint in P. Giglioli, (ed.) (1972), Language and social context. Harmondsworh: Penguin Education, 136-154).

Sinclair, J and Coulthard, M. (1992) Towards and analysis of discourse. In M. Coulthard (ed.), advances in spoken discourse analysis. London: Routledge, 1-33.

Stubbs, M. (1983) Discourse Analysis: The Sociolinguistic Analysis of Natural Language. Oxford: Blackwell.

Taylor, S. (2002) Locating and conducting Discourse Analytic research. In M. Whetherell, S. Taylor, and S. Yates (eds.) Discourse as data: A Guide for Analysis. London: Sage Publications, 5-48.

Thornborrow, J. (2002) Power Talk: Language and Interaction in Institutional Discourse. London: Longman.

Thorne, B. and N. Henley (eds.) (1975) Language and Sex: Difference and Dominance. Newbury House.

Van Dijk, T. (2002) Principles of Critical Discourse Analysis. In M. Whetherell, S. Taylor, and S. Yates (eds.) Discourse Theory and Practice: A Reader. London: Sage Publications, 300-317.

Ventola, E. (1987) The Structure of Social Interaction. London: Pinter.

Wooddak, R. and Meyer, M. (2001) Methods of Critical Discourse Analysis. London: Sage Publications.

Wooffitt, R. (2005) Conversation Analysis and Discourse Analysis: A Comparative and Critical Introduction. London: Sage.
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Critical reading and thinking, clarity of expression, evidence-based argumentation, academic report writing
Additional Class Delivery Information Attend all lectures as scheduled
Keywordsdata collection,data analysis,transcribing spoken discourse,discourse and power
Course organiserDr Sumin Zhao
Tel: (0131 6)51 5513
Course secretaryMiss Toni Noble
Tel: (0131 6)51 3188
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