Year 1
Academic year: 2019/20,
Starting in: September
Before confirming your course selection you should ensure that you have met with your Programme Director who will also act as your personal tutor during your time at Edinburgh.
Compulsory courses
You must take these courses
Course options
Group A
Select between 20 and 40 credits in this group.
IEL Programme Collection A - Semester 2
Select between 20 and 60 credits
of the following courses
Group B
Select between 20 and 60 credits in this group.
IEL Programme Collection B - Full Year
Select between 0 and 40 credits
of the following courses
IEL Programme Collection B - Semester 1
Select between 0 and 40 credits
of the following courses
IEL Programme Collection B - Semester 2
Select between 0 and 20 credits
of the following courses
Courses from other Schools - Semester 2
Select between 0 and 40 credits
of the following courses
Group C
Select between 0 and 40 credits in this group.
2019/20 Courses from the School of Law (PGT)
Select between 0 and 40 credits
of the following courses