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DRPS : Course Catalogue : School of Divinity : Theology and Ethics

Undergraduate Course: Training for Leading Worship in a Local Context (THET07003)

Course Outline
SchoolSchool of Divinity CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 7 (Year 1 Undergraduate) AvailabilityAvailable to all students
SCQF Credits10 ECTS Credits5
SummaryThis course will be of particular interest to those who wish to explore the possibility of leading worship in their local church setting. It will cover the theology, history and structure of services of Christian worship in a variety of styles. The format will be varied, and will include lectures, discussion and opportunities to develop practical skills in delivering some of the components which make up a service of worship.
Course description Academic description:
This course will be of interest to those who wish to explore the possibility of leading worship in their local church setting. It will focus on the history, theology and structure of worship services in a variety of styles, in order to ground current practice in its wider context. All of the components of a church service will be considered in theory but also from a practical perspective. Participants in the class will have opportunities to prepare and deliver prayers, children's talks and sermons, as well as to construct meaningful orders of service. Constructive critique will be offered to enable students to develop their abilities and explore ways in which their learning might be applied in their local context.

The presbyteries/churches that partner with the course, and sponsor nominated students, are likely to offer mentoring in practice, but this will reflect their use of the course as a resource for training, and will not form part of the formal assessment.

Syllabus/Outline Content:
The course will begin with a discussion of the history of liturgy and the theology which lies behind the varieties of current practices in different denominations. It will then explore the different aspects of services of worship in turn, including themes and readings, prayers, children's talks and music, concluding with a focus on preaching. This will include material on biblical hermeneutics, theories of homiletics, and the technical skills required to preach effectively.

Student Learning Experience Information:
The course will be delivered in a variety of ways, including short lectures and discussions based on short readings prepared in advance. The experiences of those taking the course will be drawn upon throughout. Opportunities will be given for students to share material they have prepared, such as prayers, themes and sermons, with members of the class for constructive critique. Students will be expected to come to each class having covered the required reading and prepared any material required.

If the student is taking the course for credit, there will be an assessed written exercise which will demonstrate that the learning outcomes have been achieved.

Students who are taking the course for credit will complete an assessed reflective project which will demonstrate that the learning outcomes have been achieved. Students who are not taking the course for credit may also undertake the written exercise and receive feedback, if they wish.

The course fee will be £200, whether taken for credit/not for credit, following COL fee levels and policy.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Additional Costs The course fee will be £200, whether taken for credit/not for credit, following COL fee levels and policy.
Information for Visiting Students
High Demand Course? Yes
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2020/21, Available to all students (SV1) Quota:  None
Course Start Semester 1
Timetable Timetable
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) Total Hours: 100 ( Lecture Hours 5, Seminar/Tutorial Hours 15, Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 2, Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours 78 )
Assessment (Further Info) Written Exam 0 %, Coursework 100 %, Practical Exam 0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) A 2000 word essay, to be submitted following completion of the course, which includes an order of service and reflection on the decisions taken. (100%)
Feedback The opportunity to discuss an essay plan will be offered two weeks before the essay is due.
No Exam Information
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate a broad knowledge of the history of Christian worship.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of the theology underpinning services of Christian worship in different contexts.
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of the significance of the structure of services of Christian worship.
  4. Acquire an ability to compare the differences between styles of contemporary worship.
  5. Demonstrate competence in constructing a service of worship which is relevant to the local context.
Reading List
Indicative Bibliography

Sally A. Brown and Luke A. Powery, Ways of the Word: Learning to Preach for Your Time and Place (Minneapolis: Fortress, 2015)
Michelle Clifton-Soderstrom, Incorporating Children in Worship:
Michelle Clifton-Soderstrom, Incorporating Children in Worship: Mark of the Kingdom (Eugene, OR: Cascade, 2014)

Worship and Liturgy in Context: Studies
and Case Studies in Theology and Practice, eds Duncan B.
Duncan B. Forrester and Doug Gay (eds), Worship and Liturgy in Context: Studies and Case Studies in Theology and Practice (London: SCM Press, 2009)

Duncan B. Forrester, Living and Loving the Mystery: Exploring Christian Worship (Edinburgh: St Andrew Press, 2010)
Doug Gay, God be in my Mouth: 40 Ways to Grow as a Preacher (Edinburgh: St Andrew Press, 2018)
Doug Gay, God be in my Mouth: 40 Ways to Grow as a Preacher
Greg Scheer, Essential Worship: A Handbook for Leaders
Marjory MacLean, ¿Worship, Spirituality and
Entertainment¿ in Speaking from the Heart: Essays on being the
W.J.G. McDonald, Words Thought and Said: Prayers and
W.J.G. McDonald. Words Thought and Said: Prayers and Reflections (Haddington: Handsel Press, 2014)

Marjory MacLean, Speaking from the Heart: Essays on being the Church of Scotland (Edinburgh: Shoving Leopard, 2010)

Greg Scheer, Essential Worship: A Handbook for Leaders (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2016)

Sam Wells, Liturgy on the Edge: Pastoral and Attractional
Sam Wells, Liturgy on the Edge: Pastoral and Attractional Worship (London: Canterbury Press, 2018)

Sam Wells, Speaking the Truth: Preaching in a Diverse Culture
Sam Wells, Speaking the Truth: Preaching in a Diverse Culture (London: Canterbury Press, 2018)

William H. Willimon, A Guide to Preaching and Leading Worship (Louisville: WJK Press, 2008).
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Not entered
KeywordsChristian Worship,Theology,History
Course organiserDr Alison Jack
Tel: (0131 6)50 8944
Course secretaryMr Jamie Smith
Tel: (0131 6)50 8913
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