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DRPS : Course Catalogue : Moray House School of Education and Sport : Sport

Undergraduate Course: Sport Management Placement (SPRT08030)

Course Outline
SchoolMoray House School of Education and Sport CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 8 (Year 2 Undergraduate) AvailabilityNot available to visiting students
SCQF Credits40 ECTS Credits20
SummaryThe Sport Management Placement lasts for 6 weeks and students will work with an appropriate sport organisation.
The aim of this course is to develop work related and research skills appropriate placement in a sport organisation. In this course, students not only gain structured experience with a sport organisation in a professional context, but also conduct a research project and write a research-based report. It includes the necessary learning in terms of research ethics and awareness of the professional context. It is based upon a 'self study' approach to reflexive practice that matches the scale of a student investigation of this sort, in the spirit of the active professionalism.
Students are required to undertake a research-based project for the employer and gather data for an organisational analysis that demonstrates their understanding of the application of theoretical management principles to practice in the context of the sport industry. Students will be working with an identified agency supervisor, and will be attached to a supervisor from ISPEHS who will monitor progress, provide tutorial support and attend the presentation of the research report to the agency. It provides students with an invaluable opportunity to apply theory to practice, to improve work-related skills, adding significantly to employability.
Course description This course will develop curriculum-based work related learning opportunities, integral to the programme of study, embedded within a framework of clearly defined learning outcomes, opportunity for assessment, reflective practice and achievement.

The aim of this course is to provide the opportunity, with support, for students to negotiate, plan and organise an appropriate placement in a sport organisation. The School has existing relationships with placement providers that students can use, or students can make arrangements for a placement via their own contacts with approval from the course organiser.

Students undertake a research-based project for the employer and gather data that demonstrates their understanding of the application of theoretical management principles to practice in the context of the sports and recreation industry. The practical outcomes of the project should be useful and relevant to the agency. The research leading to findings/recommendations must be sound and appropriately chosen and meet the course learning outcomes.

Examples of previous placement research projects include:
Analysis of target group for outreach programmes
Customer satisfaction survey
Evaluation of sports development projects
Feasibility studies
Competitor analysis
Membership retention and recruitment schemes
Health and Safety/risk assessments
Promotional campaigns using social media
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Additional Costs Travel expenses to and from placement
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Plan and organise a suitable placement with an appropriate sport organisation.
  2. Investigate a professional issue relevant to the placement context
  3. Write and present the research findings in a professional report for academic and practitioner communities.
  4. Undertake reasonable and relevant duties required by the agency whilst on Placement
  5. Develop self management and personal organisation skills as well as work related skills relevant to the agency
Reading List
Fanthome, C. (2004) Work Placements - A Survival Guide for Students. London: Palgrave
Jones, I. with Gratton, C. (2014) Research Methods for Sport Studies (3rd ed.). London, Routledge
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills The course:
Significantly develops PDP and employability through work based learning
Develops research and investigative skills
Develops negotiating and communication skills with placement agencies
Ability to locate, analyse and synthesise information from a variety of sources and media
Ability to investigate problems and provide effective solutions in professional practice
Ability to identify, define and assess issues in professional placement contexts
Exercise critical judgement in selecting and evaluating sources of information
Set aspirational goals for continuing personal, professional and career development
Manage personal performance to meet expectations of placement agency
Use feedback productively to reflect on work and achievements on placement
Identify and articulate skills and knowledge confidently in seeking placement opportunities
Communicate effectively, clearly and confidently with practitioners
Respond flexibly and adapt skills and knowledge in different and unfamiliar situations on Placement
Work in groups and teams of varying sizes and in a variety of roles
Develop practical and contemporary knowledge of relevant professional frameworks
Demonstrate the ability to positively influence others whilst on placement
Keywordssport industry,sport management,sport organisations,research,applied knowledge
Course organiserMr Colin Thomson
Tel: (0131 6)51 6012
Course secretaryMrs Alta Mene
Tel: (0131 6)51 6381
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