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Postgraduate Course: African Cities USD (ARCH11203)

Course Outline
SchoolEdinburgh College of Art CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) AvailabilityAvailable to all students
SCQF Credits20 ECTS Credits10
SummaryThis module provides a contextual introduction to African cities in history and in contemporary research discourses. Through the examination of different historical contexts to city formation, and contemporary issues that influence city growth and development, the course aim is to familiarise students with the particularities of African cities. Whilst African cities have similarities with other cities in the South, there are specific circumstances and processes which have influenced African city development which this course highlights through its use of regional city case studies as means by which to understand the African city.

The course is delivered through a series of lectures-cum tutorial seminars. After the introductory lecture, in which the key themes or lenses through which African cities are introduced, future lectures will be based on these themes and illustrate these through the use of a number of regional citie as case studies discussed in connection with the theme being explored.

Students will be expected by week six of the course to choose to write an essay either on a chosen case study city or on a theme or aspect of African City formation/development of their choice. These will be presented in seminar style to the class.

Aims and Objectives

- To give students an understanding of the historical background to cities and urban development in sub-Saharan Africa, within a global context.

- To provide students with a knowledge of the contemporary theories associated with city dynamics, development and structures, with specific reference to the new ¿global¿ cities in the emerging countries.

- To enable students understand and acquire from African city case studies relevant information with which to undertake city comparisons and engage in critical urban analyses.
Course description Week 1: Introduction and Historical overview of African Cities
- Introduction to urban development in Sub Saharan Africa
- A history of pre colonial urban settlements in Africa
- The pre-colonial and colonial city
- Contemporary African cities a brief introduction

Week 2: City Demographics and Economics
- Population and Growth in Africa, a history
- Economic indicators of growth
- The millennium goals and urban life
- Urban Livelihoods

Week 3: City Infrastructure and Services
- Cities and services in the colonies: an historic overview
- Sanitation and Services
- Health
- Education

Week 4: Case Study city 1 (W.African City- Lagos)
- A history of Lagos
- Colonial Lagos
- Lagos Futures
- Lagos wide and Close*

Week 5: Current debates & theories on cities
- The cities of 10 million
- Security and the city
- Slums, shacks, and shanty towns
- City Networks

Week 6: Student presentations

Week 7: Case study S. African City Johannesburg
- The pre- apartheid city
- Apartheid and its consequences
- Post 1994 Johannesburg
- Future Johannesburg

Week 8: Contesting space in the African city / case study city 3: Maputo
- Mozambican historical overview
- Maputo an introduction
- Housing and Planning issues in Maputo
- Contesting Spaces

Week 9: Case Study City 4 (E. African City) Zanzibar
- The connections of the littoral coastline
- Space place and time: historic Zanzibar
- Post independence Zanzibar
- Contemporary Zanzibar

Week 10: Future City Discourses
- The Global - Connected City
- City regions
- The invisible city dwellers

Week 11: Revision week
- Course Convenor available for individual student consultations related to essay assessment.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Information for Visiting Students
High Demand Course? Yes
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. A critical knowledge and understanding of the history, evolution and current issues that face African Cities.
  2. The ability to apply the knowledge gained from the course, as a basis for inquiry into the analysis of an African city or a specific urban issue that affects African cities.
  3. Produce a suitable report for assessment on a chosen African City, or urban Africa related topic that demonstrates the ability to apply the knowledge gained from the course, to produce a critical analysis and evaluation of the topic.
  4. The ability to apply and use relevant concepts and ideas to produce original insights into the analysis undertaken for the report.
  5. The ability to communicate using appropriate methods and media, to a range of audiences with different levels of knowledge/expertise, through the following activities: - Verbal presentations supported with appropriate media during group seminars, - communication via interactive media ( in this case Learn), - The digital and physical production and submission of the prescribed assessment essay
Reading List
Freund B. (2007) The African City, A History, Cambridge Cambridge University Press, University,
Coquery-Vidrovitch, Catherine, (2005) The history of African cities south of the Sahara : from the origins to colonization, New Jersey, Princeton,
Home, R. K. (1997) Of planting and planning: the making of British colonial cities, London, E. & F. N. Spon.
State of the World¿s Cities, (2008) 2010/11 Bridging the Urban divide, London, Washington DC
Planning sustainable cities :global report on human settlements, 2009
London; Sterling, Va. Earthscan, 2009
UNDP/UN Habitat The State of African Cities (2010) 2010: Governance, Inequality and Urban Land Markets UN Habitat UNDP Annual Report
Simone, A. For the city yet to come, urban life in four cities, Durham US, Duke University Press, 2004
Myers, Garth Andrew. Disposable cities : garbage, governance and sustainable development in urban Africa Aldershot , Ashgate, 2005
State of the World¿s Cities, (2008) 2010/11 Bridging the Urban divide, London, Washington DC
Falola and Salim African Urban Spaces in Historical Perspective, University of Rochester Press, NY 2005
Echeruo, V.C. (1977) Victorian Lagos: aspects of nineteenth century Lagos life /London : Macmillan, 1977.
Koolhaas, Mutations, Harvard project on the city, ACTAR France 2000
Ayodeji, O. (2004) "Liverpool" of West Africa : the dynamics and impact of maritime trade in Lagos, 1900-1950 New Jersey, Africa World Press.
Mann, Kristin, (2007) Slavery and the birth of an African city : Lagos, 1760-1900 Bloomington, Indiana University Press
State of the World¿s Cities, (2008) 2010/11 Bridging the Urban divide, London, Washington DC
Uduku and Bagaeen, Gated Communities () , London, Earthscan, 2009
Huchzemeyer , M Tenement Cities, Johannesburg, Africa World Press, 2011
Planning sustainable cities : global report on human settlements, 2009
London; Sterling, Va. Earthscan, 2009
Sassen S. (2011) Open Source Urbanism, Domus op.ed., 29th June, 2011 (reprint from New City Reader)
Murray M. J. City of Extremes, The Spatial Politics of Johannesburg, Johannesburg Wits University Press, 2011
Chipkin C. Johannesburg Transition, Architecture and Society, from 1950, Johannesburg, STE publishers, 2008
Christopher. A. J. (2001) the Atlas of Changing South Africa, London, Routledge
Beavon, K, (2004) Johannesburg the making and shaping of the City, Pretoria, UNISA Press.
Pevenne, J. (1995) African workers and colonial racism Mozambican strategies and struggles in Lourenço Marques, 1877-1962 Portsmouth, N.H. ; London : Heinemann : J. Currey
Jenkins, Paul, (2001) Emerging urban residential land markets in post-socialist Mozambique :the impact on the poor and alternatives to improve land access and urban development : an action-research project in peri-urban areas of Maputo.
Jenkins, Paul, (1999) Maputo city : the historical roots of under-development and the consequences in urban form.
Bissell, William Cunningham, Urban Design Chaos and Colonial Power in Zanzibar, Bloomington, Indiana University Press, 2011
(ed) Sheriff A. (1995) The history and conservation of Zanzibar Stone Town, London, James Currey
Shao I. (1992) The political economy of land reforms in Zanzibar, before and after the revolution , Dar Es Salaam, Dar Es Salaam Univeristy Press (2004) Reconsidering informality: perspectives from urban Africa : Uppsala : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet,.Afro-regions : the dynamics of cross-border micro-regionalism in Africa, Stockholm : Nordiska Afrikainstitutet, 2008.
Broadman, H. G, et al. (2007) Africa's silk road : China and India's new economic frontier, Washington, DC : World Bank.
Moss, V., (2010) Economic Integration in Southern Africa : role of transport corridors towards promoting broader regional economic cooperation in Southern Africa, Saarbrücken : VDM Verlag Dr. Müller,.

African Union Commission et al. (c.2010) Africa's infrastructure :a time for transformation Washington, DC :Agence Française de Développement:World Bank,.

Sassen S.(2003) Guests and Aliens, London, The New Press.

Planning sustainable cities: global report on human settlements, 2009
London; Sterling, Va. Earthscan, 2009
The State of African Cities 2010: Governance, Inequality and Urban Land Markets UNHabitat UNDP Annual Report

State of the World¿s Cities, 2010/11 Bridging the Urban divide, London, Washington DC, 2008

Documenta11: Platform4: Under Siege: Four African Cities: Freetown, Johannesburg, Lagos, Kinshasa by Mohamadou Abdoul, Ibrahim Abdullah, Victor A O Adetula and Babatunde A Ahonsi (31 Oct 2002) Hatje Cantz; illustrated edition edition (31 Oct 2002)

Environment and Urbanization
Journal of Urban design
Urban Forum

Conferences & Exhibitions
Afropolis. Kairo, Lagos, Nairobi, Kinshasa, Johannesburg Publisher: König, Walther (Nov 2010)
Africa Perspectives, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005

Have you Heard from Johannseburg?
Lagos wide & close [videorecording] : an interactive journey into an exploding city / [producers, Bruno Felix and Femke Wolting ; director, Bregtje van der Haak]. (c.2005)
Battle for Johannesburg DVD

*This list constitutes books, reports, films, etc that are suggested for the course, however should be used only as a guide, the University and associated libraries have further texts and resources on African cities which you can (and should) consult.
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Not entered
KeywordsNot entered
Course organiserProf Nwola Uduku
Tel: 0131 651 5786
Course secretaryMiss Remi Jankeviciute
Tel: (0131 6)51 5773
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