Postgraduate Course: Designing, Delivering and Evaluating Training (EDUA11273)
Course Outline
School | Moray House School of Education and Sport |
College | College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences |
Credit level (Normal year taken) | SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) |
Availability | Available to all students |
SCQF Credits | 20 |
ECTS Credits | 10 |
Summary | Learning and development requires the production of timely, cost-effective and efficient learning opportunities tailored to individual and organisational learning needs. Planning for effective learning requires appropriate programmes and support systems for learning, and systems and processes put in place to support learning and encourage the transfer of learning into effective performance. Participants will identify the focus for exploration of issues in this process in relation to a range of organisational settings. The course will explore programme design, development, delivery and evaluation, with consideration of resource requirements for these activities. |
Course description |
The design and delivery of learning and development always occurs in a specific context. This course develops a critical understanding of the role and influence of a range of contextual factors on the design, delivery and evaluation of learning and development plans and interventions. There is a well-established body of knowledge and theory on learning processes and their application in instructional design and facilitating learning that also influences design and delivery of learning and development plans and events. The course as a whole is intended to develop the professional knowledge and skills required to perform effectively in specialist roles associated with the design, delivery and evaluation of learning and development. It requires learners to reflect critically on theory and practice from an ethical and professional standpoint and provides opportunities for applied learning and continuous professional development.
Indicative content:
Understanding training in the organizational context: the impact of external factors such as economic and legislative conditions, and internal factors such as organisational plans and priorities, learning climate and resource availability; external and internal barriers, inhibitors and facilitators of L&D.
Identifying and analyzing organizational and individual training needs: analyzing the role of stakeholders in identifying learning and development (L&D) needs; strengths and limitations of methods of identifying learning needs at organisational, occupational and individual levels; approaches to building support among stakeholders; person-centred learning.
Learning and instructional theories applied: theories of individual and collective learning; models and frameworks of instructional design; methods of L&D appropriate to a range of purposes and audiences; selecting and applying methods; range and types of delivery channels, including the role of technology and e-learning; methods of engaging others in design and delivery of learning and development
Designing training programmes and sessions: factors influencing L&D plans; ways of meeting organisational, occupational and individual-level learning needs in a timely way; organisational, departmental, team and individual learning plans; planning, designing and managing implementation of feasible learning interventions and events.
Training monitoring and evaluation: methods of evaluating L&D and issues in their use and application; models and frameworks of evaluation; sources and types of data; formative and summative assessment in evaluation; problems of measurement; the politics of evaluation.
Delivery of training, facilitation skills; skills associated with facilitating learning of groups and individuals; creating effective learning climates; giving and receiving feedback; providing one-to-one coaching and mentoring; use of a range of presentational and instructional skills; supporting learning of groups and individuals.
The course has 25 hours of contact teaching time. This will usually be delivered in ten 2.5-hour classes, and includes lectures, class discussion, group exercises, case studies and group and individual presentations.
Successful participation in the course will require not only attendance at the class sessions, but also work in your own time - pre-session reading, preparation for sessions, additional reading, and time spent thinking about the ideas raised on the course.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites |
Co-requisites | |
Prohibited Combinations | |
Other requirements | None |
Information for Visiting Students
Pre-requisites | None |
High Demand Course? |
Yes |
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered |
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Explain, evaluate and critically analyse the internal and external contextual factors impacting on the design, delivery and assessment of learning plans and interventions in organisations.
- Evaluate, select and apply a range of approaches and processes for establishing learning and development (L&D) needs at organisational, group/team, occupational and individual levels in collaboration with relevant stakeholders.
- Critically evaluate a range of learning and instructional design theories and principles and apply them to select and justify appropriate L&D methods and delivery channels with the engagement and support of other professionals and managers.
- Design learning plans and interventions to meet identified needs in a timely, feasible and cost-effective way, and design appropriate methods for evaluation of L&D.
- Demonstrate skills of delivery and facilitation of learning through a range of methods and for employees at a range of organisational levels and a range of occupational groups.
Reading List
Anderson, V. (2007) The Value of Learning: from return on investment to return on expectation, CIPD.
Bee, R. & Bee, F. (2007) Learning Evaluation, CIPD Publishing
Blanchard, P. N. and Thacker, J. W. (2007) Effective Training: systems, strategies and practices 3rd edition, Pearson Education.
Buckley, R & Caple, J. (2009) The theory and practice of training. 6th ed. London: Kogan Page.
Gibb, S. (2007) Human resource development: processes, practices and perspectives. 2nd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Gold, J., Beardwell, J., Holden, R., Iles, P, & Stewart, J. (2009) Human Resource Development: theory and practice, Palgrave Macmillan
Harrison, R. (2009) Learning and Development (5th edition) CIPD Publishing.
Mumford, A. and Gold, J. (2004) Management Development: strategies for action CIPD Pubs
Sadler-smith, E. (2006) Learning and Development for Managers: perspectives from research and practice, Blackwell publishing.
Simmonds, D. (2003) Designing and Delivering Training, CIPD Publishing
Sims, R. R, (2006) Human Resource Development ¿ today and tomorrow, Information Age Publishing
Smith, P.J. and Sadler-Smith, E. (2006) Learning in organizations: complexities and diversities. London: Routledge.
Stewart, J. & Cureton, P. (2014) Designing, Delivering and Evaluating L&D: Essentials for Practice. McGraw Hill Education
Stewart, J. & Rigg, C. (2011) Learning and Talent Development, CIPD publishing
Swart, J., Mann, C., Brown, S. and Price, A. (2005) Human Resource Development, Elsevier Butterworth
Advances in Developing Human Resources
European Journal of Training and Development
Human Resource Development International
Human Resource Development Quarterly
Human Resource Development Review
International Journal of Training and Development
Management Learning |
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills |
Not entered |
Special Arrangements |
This course is open to students from other schools, however, please contact the course secretary prior to enrolling your Tutee in order to verify that there is space available; students on MSc Educational Research and MSc Education have priority. |
Additional Class Delivery Information |
Delivery will usually be weekly over a 10 week period, one lecture/workshop of 2.5 hours. |
Keywords | Training design,training delivery,learning and development. |
Course organiser | Dr Claire Valentin
Tel: (0131 6)51 6195
Email: |
Course secretary | Ms Mairi Ross
Tel: (0131 6)51 6433
Email: |