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DRPS : Course Catalogue : School of Social and Political Science : Postgrad (School of Social and Political Studies)

Postgraduate Course: Social and Political Science Research Training Workshops (PGSP11399)

Course Outline
SchoolSchool of Social and Political Science CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) AvailabilityAvailable to all students
SCQF Credits5 ECTS Credits2.5
SummaryThis course gives you the opportunity to select from a range of half-day research training workshops covering advanced issues in social sciences that are of cross-disciplinary interest and relevance. The workshops cover advanced methods and public engagement. They give you hands-on experience with some methods which are covered elsewhere in the curriculum. Some will be directly useful for developing your research proposal into a PhD. You will be able to discuss with other research students taking the same approach or tackling the same problem. Overall, what we want you to get from them is the ability to engage confidently in discussion about advanced issues and problems in social science with experts from a range of backgrounds, and link these issues to your own research practice and experience.

To receive 5 credits students must attend one workshop with follow-up and submit a report. Approval for MSc by Research students must be obtained from the Postgraduate Advisor or supervisor. Students taking this as part of the MSc by Research will typically take two workshops for 10 credits.


A typical workshop will consist of a 3 hour workshop session with a follow up. The latter may be conducted online or via email.
The usual structure will consist of:
- An introduction by an expert in the area, which will outline core themes and debates.
- A hands-on workshop session with students. Students will be expected to come prepared to work and contribute.
- A report-back and review.

The follow-up will be for students taking the workshop for credit. It will consist of: a set of reflections by the student on the themes and questions relevant to them that emerged from the workshop; and commentary by the workshop leader. The workshop leader will advise on relevant literature for the student to review before completing their final report.
Course description SEMESTER ONE

- Social Films
This is an interactive workshop for postgraduate SSPS students at the University of Edinburgh, aimed at providing early career researchers with the skills to communicate to the general public through films.

- Discourse analysis
This workshop is for students to discuss and share problems and ideas concerning the use of discourse analysis in their research projects, and who are curious to explore a wide range of different discourse analysis approaches. It will cover choice of approach, collection and analysis of discursive data in a flexible and personalised way.

- An Introduction to Statistical Modelling for Qualitative Researchers
Statistical models are increasingly common in social science research. Many researchers whose interests are substantive rather than methodological struggle to understand these techniques and are disinclined to engage with research that employs these approaches. This workshop is designed for researchers who would like to learn about statistical modelling. The workshop will be orientated towards researchers who do not normally use statistical methods but would like to be introduced to statistical modelling.

- Participatory Visual Methods
This workshop will provide an introduction to using visual methods in participatory research. Through a range of group activities it will facilitate an exploration of some of the different methods and raise key issues to be considered when undertaking a participatory visual project.

- Arts-Informed Research Methods in the Social Sciences
This interdisciplinary course will provide a critical introduction to the use of arts-informed methods in social science research. It will provide students with an introduction to some of the theoretical foundations for this type of work and to specific issues that may arise through the use of arts-informed methods, including ethical issues and questions around analyzing and presenting the resulting data. Students will have the opportunity to explore arts-informed methods in relation to their own research interests and dissertation plans.


- Conducting Research Interviews
This workshop gives students practical experience with interviewing and discussed the epistemological and methodological challenges of interview research.

- Action Research
This workshop will introduce students to action research. Action research supports processes of ongoing individual and wider organisational learning in ways that are critical, creative and collaborative and which bring practical results that are immediately applicable to the specific situation or problem

- Arts-informed research methods
Social sciences make increasing use of the range of artistic production practices in their research. This workshop introduces students to the variety of ways this can be done and shows how to apply it to their own research.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Information for Visiting Students
High Demand Course? Yes
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Develop advanced research skills and engage with other researchers and experts in the topic of the workshop
  2. Demonstrate the contribution of the workshop to their research, learning and professional development
  3. Link the workshop theme to wider theoretical, methodological, substantive or other relevant topics in their discipline or field
  4. Develop their research project and apply the knowledge gained in the workshop to it
  5. Critically examine the workshop theme and the academic debates surrounding it
Reading List
There is no reading list but readings may be suggested by individual workshop organisers when students register.
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Students will gain skills in:
Problem defining and solving
Project development and reflection
Keywordsresearch workshop
Course organiserDr Roxanne Connelly
Course secretaryMs Cath Thompson
Tel: (0131 6)51 3892
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