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DRPS : Course Catalogue : School of Chemistry : Chemistry

Postgraduate Course: Optional Courses in Chemistry PGT (CHEM11081)

Course Outline
SchoolSchool of Chemistry CollegeCollege of Science and Engineering
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) AvailabilityNot available to visiting students
SCQF Credits20 ECTS Credits10
SummaryChemistry is a multidisciplinary subject with applications in a wide range of areas. This course will deliver a series of standalone lecture modules in specific and topical subjects that cover the full breadth of modern chemical sciences and research methods. Each of these modules will be relevant to one or more of the following areas: Medicinal and Biological Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and/or Materials Chemistry.
The course forms a part of the curriculum for any student enrolled on the PGT MSc degree courses in Analytical Chemistry, Medicinal and Biological Chemistry and Materials Chemistry.
Course description This course will deliver an up-to-date series of standalone lecture module that will focus on interdisciplinary areas between Medicinal and Biological Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry and Materials Chemistry. Students will be asked to select and attend 5 out of the available lecture modules (note: students will be advised of which topics are most relevant to their programme of study). Furthermore, this will bring together students from each of the PGT programmes to work together to solve problems using their individual skill sets. This will engender an understanding of the wider applications of research at the interfaces of each of these fields.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2024/25, Not available to visiting students (SS1) Quota:  None
Course Start Semester 1
Timetable Timetable
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) Total Hours: 200 ( Lecture Hours 30, Seminar/Tutorial Hours 7.5, Summative Assessment Hours 3, Other Study Hours 5, Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 4, Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours 150 )
Additional Information (Learning and Teaching) Other
Assessment (Further Info) Written Exam 0 %, Coursework 100 %, Practical Exam 0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) Coursework 100%
Feedback Each lecture module has an associated small-group tutorial. This will provide students with practice at problem-solving and tackling exam-like questions. It is also an opportunity for students to discuss any issues pertaining to the lecture course.
No Exam Information
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Appreciate the multidisciplinary nature of chemistry research in the real world and how some of the most important developments occur at the interfaces between disciplines.
  2. Describe and be able to explain the basic principles behind a selected range of cutting-edge research disciplines.
  3. Be able to apply a set of numerical skills for solving quantitative chemistry and data analysis problems.
  4. Be able to work effectively as part of a multidisciplinary team.
  5. Appreciate the impact of modern chemistry on the environment and society.
Reading List
Reading lists pertaining to each course unit will be given by the lecturers.
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills 1. Note-taking skills.
2. Numerical data interpretation and analysis.
3. Unseen problem-solving skills.
4. Teamwork/multidisciplinary skills
Keywordsmaterials chemistry,research methods,medicinal chemistry,green/sustainable chemistry,analytical chem
Course organiserDr Lingcong Meng
Tel: (01315) 047165
Course secretaryMs Zoe Burger
Tel: (0131 6)51 7257
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