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Postgraduate Course: Inter-organisational Working and Collaboration (fusion online) (EFIE11113)

Course Outline
SchoolEdinburgh Futures Institute CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate)
Course typeOnline Distance Learning AvailabilityAvailable to all students
SCQF Credits10 ECTS Credits5
SummaryThis course explores the dynamics of inter-organisational working at the individual and organisational level of service delivery organisations. It examines the implications of collaboration for service management and design in both digital and analogue service environments.
Course description This course draws on Service Management, Organisational Behaviour and Service Design theory to explore and understand the dynamics of inter-personal collaboration and inter-organisational working and their implications for service management and design.

The course is comprised of three main elements:

1) Pre-Intensive Independent Learning (including a mixture of synchronous and asynchronous content)

This will be comprised of the following:

(i) a short pre-recorded introduction, detailing an overview of the course; and a lecture introducing the key element and concepts of collaboration theory;
(ii) pre-recorded interviews with practitioners;
(iii) pre course readings;
(iv) a facilitated discussion board.

2) Intensive Teaching Period

This will comprise of a mixture of lecture content/discussion seminars, case study discussions and group activities which will be highly collaborative in nature. Over the two days, activities will enable students to explore collaboration and the concept of 'collaborative advantage' and stakeholder engagement in more depth.

3) Post-Intensive Period

This part of the course will focus on preparation of the assignment and is comprised of two elements:

(i) course participants will be provided with additional readings;
(ii) participants will take part in an asynchronous discussion board to support the sharing of their ideas and learning during the post intensive phase.

The student experience will combine independent learning with group activities and collaborative activities to facilitate a supportive and active learning environment. This will include independent study, seminars, and group activities, including problem-based case studies and a presentation. The approach will also support critical reflection on collaboration and the potential implications

Edinburgh Futures Institute (EFI) - Online Fusion Course Delivery Information:

The Edinburgh Futures Institute will teach this course in a way that enables online and on-campus students to study together. This approach (our 'fusion' teaching model) offers students flexible and inclusive ways to study, and the ability to choose whether to be on-campus or online at the level of the individual course. It also opens up ways for diverse groups of students to study together regardless of geographical location. To enable this, the course will use technologies to record and live-stream student and staff participation during their teaching and learning activities. Students should note that their interactions may be recorded and live-streamed. There will, however, be options to control whether or not your video and audio are enabled.

As part of your course, you will need access to a personal computing device. Unless otherwise stated activities will be web browser based and as a minimum we recommend a device with a physical keyboard and screen that can access the internet.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Information for Visiting Students
High Demand Course? Yes
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2024/25, Available to all students (SV1) Quota:  10
Course Start Semester 1
Course Start Date 16/09/2024
Timetable Timetable
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) Total Hours: 100 ( Lecture Hours 4, Seminar/Tutorial Hours 6, Online Activities 6, Formative Assessment Hours 4, Other Study Hours 14, Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 2, Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours 64 )
Additional Information (Learning and Teaching) Other Study: Scheduled Group-work Hours (hybrid online/on-campus) - 14
Assessment (Further Info) Written Exam 0 %, Coursework 100 %, Practical Exam 0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) Summative Assessment:

The course will be assessed by means of the following assessment components:

1) 2000 Word Written Report (100%)

The individual assessment will be based upon the application of the concepts from the course to a real-world case.
Feedback Feedback on the formative assessment may be provided in various formats, for example, to include written, oral, video, face-to-face, whole class, or individual. The course organiser will decide which format is most appropriate in relation to the nature of the assessment.

Feedback on both formative and summative in-course assessed work will be provided in time to be of use in subsequent assessments within the course.

Feedback on the summative assessment will be provided in written form via Learn, the University of Edinburgh's Virtual Learning Environment (VLE).

Students will received feedback at various points during the course:
- - Though responsive email and/or personal contact with the course tutor and/or Teaching Assistant.
- By written feedback on their individual paper (summative feedback).
No Exam Information
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Critically understand and explain theory on collaborative working, both at an individual and organisational level and its implications for service management.
  2. Critically apply and reflect on the potential for collaborative working to support collaborative advantage in a range of service settings.
  3. Demonstrate effective communication to different audiences, including peers.
  4. Demonstrate ability to take responsibility for own work and the work of others.
Reading List
Indicative Reading List:

C Huxham & S Vangen (2013) Managing to Collaborate (Routledge, London)

M Hansen & N Nohria (2004) 'How to Build Collaborative Advantage' MIT Sloan Management Review (46, 1)

S Vangen (2017) 'Culturally diverse collaborations: a focus on communication and shared understanding' Public Management Review (19, 3)

J Bryson, B Crosby & M Stone (2015) 'Designing and Implementing Cross-Sector Collaborations: Needed and Challenging' Public Administration Review (75, 5)

Bryson, J.M. (103AD) What to do when Stakeholders matter: Stakeholder Identification and Analysis Techniques. Public Management Review. 6 (1), 21?53.
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills The learning content and the activities conducted throughout the course will equip course participants with the following graduate attributes and skills:

- Independent learning and seminars will support the use of personal and intellectual autonomy to support critical evaluation.
- Discussion sessions, group activities and group presentations will support the development of communication skills.
- Group activities and presentations will support the development of skills in analysing facts and situations and apply creative thinking to develop the appropriate solutions and by asking questions (problem solving).
KeywordsCollaboration,Inter-organisational Working,Relationships,Services,Design,Service Management
Course organiserDr Katharine Aulton
Tel: (0131 6)50 8074
Course secretaryMr David Murphy
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