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Postgraduate Course: Delivering person-centred care in a digital age for remote and rural areas (HEIN11084)

Course Outline
SchoolDeanery of Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences CollegeCollege of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate)
Course typeOnline Distance Learning AvailabilityNot available to visiting students
SCQF Credits10 ECTS Credits5
SummaryThe course introduces the fundamental principles of design and service delivery for digital technologies in remote and rural settings, providing students with the knowledge and skills required for implementing, scaling and evaluating solutions for delivering care in a digital age for remote and rural areas. It will include critical evaluation of case studies relevant to digital innovation in remote and rural settings.
Course description 1. Academic description
Successful implementation and scale of digital innovations aimed at person-centred care in a digital age for remote and rural areas depends on successful navigation of: infrastructure, design, local capacity for digital innovation, financing, local regulatory and management environments and sustainability. This course highlights the importance of effective design, planning and implementation of digital innovations that are targeted to serve remote and rural populations.

2. Outline Content
This course introduces the context of remote and rural settings. It explores successful and best practice in digital design that has worked successfully in remote and rural areas, drawing on examples from the NHS, Health and Social Care Partnerships, local authorities, social care, social work, care providers, housing, third and independent sectors. In later weeks, the course will focus on case studies in digital innovation from both high income and low income rural settings. Students will use these case studies to learn how to make complex decisions based on local and community contexts and learn what is needed to manage and appraise design of digital innovation effectively in these settings.

3. Student Learning Experience
Students will learn from experts who work in implementing and scaling digital solutions in remote and rural areas. The course is delivered online and is divided into five sessions, each lasting a week. Teaching sessions will be composed of written materials and video presentations, accompanied by guided reading in the form of links to journal articles. Discussion of the content and reading materials will be posted to an online forum, along with students' answers to the problem-based learning questions. Course tutors will moderate discussion boards. Students will be graded on discussion board postings. Students will further evidence their learning by writing an implementation plan for a case study from the health and social care sector by the end of the course. Formative peer and teacher-led feedback will be given throughout the course through the discussion boards, and summative assessment feedback will be provided at the end of the course.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Course Delivery Information
Academic year 2024/25, Not available to visiting students (SS1) Quota:  None
Course Start Flexible
Course Start Date 19/05/2025
Timetable Timetable
Learning and Teaching activities (Further Info) Total Hours: 100 ( Lecture Hours 5, Seminar/Tutorial Hours 1, Online Activities 35, Feedback/Feedforward Hours 5, Formative Assessment Hours 5, Revision Session Hours 1, Programme Level Learning and Teaching Hours 2, Directed Learning and Independent Learning Hours 46 )
Assessment (Further Info) Written Exam 0 %, Coursework 100 %, Practical Exam 0 %
Additional Information (Assessment) Written Exam 0 %, Coursework 100%, Practical Exam 0 %

Individual discussion post
Implementation plan
Feedback Feedback is information provided to the students about their learning relative to learning outcomes. The two main types of feedback are formative and summative. Formative feedback is generated to engage learners to constantly reflect on how they can approach, orient and evaluate learning, which leads to successful learning outcomes. Summative feedback provides an evaluation of how much a student has learned at the end of the course through a final assessment.

Formative feedback will be provided throughout the course, for example, during live question and answer sessions, quizzes, and discussion boards. A formative task will also be offered before the student submitting their summative assessed course work. All assignments will be marked, and feedback is provided within fifteen working days (where possible).
No Exam Information
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Critically understand and reflect on the drivers, needs and local experience of remote and rural populations and how needs for those communities may differ from urban populations.
  2. Demonstrate a critical understanding of design principles in testing, implementing and scaling solutions for person-centred care in the digital age in remote and rural populations.
  3. Apply structured problem-solving skills to present potential solutions to design challenges in care in the digital age for remote and rural settings.
Reading List
Evans, J., Bhatt, S. and Sharma, R., 2018. The path to scale: Navigating design, policy, and infrastructure. mHealth Innovation in Asia, pp.31-48.

Almond, H., Cummings, E. and Turner, P., 2016. Avoiding Failure for Australia's Digital Health Record: The Findings from a Rural E-Health Participatory Research Project. In Digital Health Innovation for Consumers, Clinicians, Connectivity and Community (pp. 8-13). IOS Press.

Papoutsi, C., Wherton, J., Shaw, S., Morrison, C. and Greenhalgh, T., 2021. Putting the social back into sociotechnical: Case studies of co-design in digital health. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 28(2), pp.284-293.

Labrique, A.B., Wadhwani, C., Williams, K.A., Lamptey, P., Hesp, C., Luk, R. and Aerts, A., 2018. Best practices in scaling digital health in low and middle income countries. Globalization and health, 14(1), pp.1-8.

Bhatt, S., Evans, J. and Gupta, S., 2017. Barriers to scale of digital health systems for cancer care and control in last-mile settings. Journal of Global Oncology, 4, pp.1-3.

Ramsden, R., Pit, S., Colbran, R., Payne, K., Tan, A.J. and Edwards, M., 2022. Development of a framework to promote rural health workforce capability through digital solutions: A qualitative study of user perspectives. Digital Health, 8, p.20552076221089082.
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills 1. Mindsets
- Enquiry and lifelong learning: Students on this course will be encouraged to seek out ways to develop their expertise in evaluation and appreciation for design of digital solutions for rural populations. They will also be encouraged to strive for excellence in their professional practice and to use established and developed approaches to resolve design/implementation issues as they arise in health and social care systems.

- Aspiration and personal development: Students will be encouraged to draw on the quality, depth and breadth of their experiences to expand their potential and identify areas they wish to develop and grow. Students will also be encouraged to understand their responsibility within and contribute positively, ethically and respectfully to digital design for remote and rural populations while acknowledging that different students and community members will have other priorities and goals.

- Outlook and engagement: Students will be expected to take responsibility for their learning. Students will be asked to use their initiative and experience, often explicitly relating to their professional, educational, geographical or cultural context to engage with and enhance the learning of students from the diverse communities on the programme. Students will also be asked to reflect on the experience of their peers and identify opportunities to enhance their learning.

2. Skills
- Research and enquiry: Students will use self-reflection to seek out learning opportunities. Students will also use the newly acquired knowledge and critical assessment to identify and creatively tackle problems and assimilate the findings of case studies and peer knowledge in their arguments, discussions and assessments.

- Personal and intellectual autonomy: Students will be encouraged to use their personal and intellectual autonomy to critically evaluate learning materials and exercises. Students will be supported through their active participation in self-directed learning, discussion boards and collaborative activities to critically evaluate concepts, evidence and experiences of peers and superiors from an open-minded and reasoned perspective.

- Personal effectiveness: Students will need to be effective and proactive learners that can articulate what they have learned, and have an awareness of their strengths and limitations, and a commitment to learning and reflection to complete this course successfully.

- Communication: The structure of the interactive (problem-based learning examples, discussion boards and collaborative activities) and assessment elements incorporate constant reinforcement and development of these skills.
Keywordsdigital innovation,eHealth,rural healthcare,remote healthcare,digital solutions
Course organiserMiss Michelle Evans
Tel: (0131 6)51 5440.
Course secretaryMs Rosie Downs
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