Postgraduate Course: Intellectual Property and Development (LAWS11523)
Course Outline
School | School of Law |
College | College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences |
Credit level (Normal year taken) | SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) |
Availability | Not available to visiting students |
SCQF Credits | 20 |
ECTS Credits | 10 |
Summary | This course will critically explore the interface between intellectual property and development from various perspectives such as technological development, economic development, human development, and sustainable development. The course will also examine issues relating to technology transfer and innovation policies. |
Course description |
The design of a country's intellectual property law and policy can play an influential role in its developmental trajectory. In this regard, intellectual property can contribute to different facets of a country's development including, human, technological, and economic development. Moreover, intellectual property is crucial in the context of discussions relating to technology transfer and the development of local manufacturing capacity. This course critically examines various themes and topics relating to the nexus between intellectual property and development such as intellectual property and sustainable development; copyright and human development; patents and technological development; trademarks and economic development; geographical indications and rural development; and genetic resources, access and benefit-sharing, and technology transfer.
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites |
Co-requisites | |
Prohibited Combinations | |
Other requirements | None |
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered |
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Critically understand the interface between intellectual property law and various facets of development
- Critically understand how copyright law and policy can have an impact on human development
- Critically understand the connection between patent law and policy on the one hand and technological development on the other hand
- Critically comment on the linkages between trademark law, small-and-medium sized enterprises, and economic development
- Critically assess the impact that the protection of geographical indications can have on rural development.
Reading List
Intellectual Property and Development:
-Nagesh Kumar, 'Intellectual Property Rights, Technology and Economic Development' (2003) 38 Economic and Political Weekly 209.
-Keith Maskus and Jerome Reichman, International Public Goods and Transfer of Technology under a Globalized Intellectual Property Regime (Cambridge University Press, 2005).
-Neil Netanel, The Development Agenda: Global Intellectual Property and Developing Countries (Oxford University Press, 2009).
-Tzen Wong and Graham Dutfield, Intellectual Property and Human Development: Current Trends and Future Scenarios (Cambridge University Press, 2010).
-Hiroyuki Odagiri, Akira Goto, Atsushi Sunami, and Richard Nelson, Intellectual Property Rights, Development, and Catch-Up: An International Comparative Study (Oxford University Press, 2010).
-Mario Cimoli and others, Intellectual Property Rights: Legal and Economic Challenges for Development (Oxford University Press, 2014).
-Carlos Correa and Xavier Seuba, Intellectual Property and Development: Understanding the Interfaces (Springer, 2019).
Copyright and Development:
Walter Park, 'The Copyright Dilemma: Copyright Systems, Innovation and Economic Development' (2010) 64 Journal of International Affairs 53.
-Olufunmilayo Arewa, 'The Rise of Nollywood: Creators, Entrepreneurs, and Pirates', UC Irvine School of Law Working Paper No. 2012-11, (2012).
-Ana Santos Rutschman, 'Weapons of Mass Construction: The Role of Intellectual Property in Nigeria's Film and Music Industries' (2015) 29 Emory International Law Review 673.
-Sean Pager, 'The Role of Copyright in Creative Industry Development' (2017) 10 Law and Development Review 521.
-Anastassios Pouris and Roula Inglesi-Lotz, 'The Contribution of Copyright-based Industries to the South African Economy' (2017) 113 South African Journal of Science 1.
Patents and Development:
-Anthipi Pouris and Anastassios Pouris, 'Patents and Economic Development in South Africa: Managing Intellectual Property Rights' (2011) 107 South African Journal of Science 1.
-Nefissa Chakroun, Patents for Development: Improved Patent Information Disclosure and Access for Incremental Innovation (Edward Elgar, 2016).
-Viju Raghupathi and Wullianallur Raghupathi, 'Innovation at Country-Level: Association between Economic Development and Patents' (2017) 6 Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship 1.
-Daniel Benoliel, Patent Intensity and Economic Growth (Cambridge University Press, 2018).
-Bronwyn Hall, 'Patents, Innovation, and Development', NBER Working Paper No. 27203 (2020).
Trademarks and Development:
-Peter O'Brien, 'Trademarks in Developing Countries' (1976) 14 The Journal of Modern African Studies 297.
-Lara Agostini, Roberto Filippini and Anna Nosella, 'Corporate and Product Brands: Do They Improve SMEs' Performance?' (2014) 18 Measuring Business Excellence 78.
-Adejoke Omolola Oyewunmi, 'Repositioning Trademark Laws as Tools for Socioeconomic Development: A Case for Legitimizing Comparative Advertising under Nigerian Law' (2014) 30(1) Journal of Developing Societies 69.
-Fredrik Erixon and Maria Salfi, 'Building Value: The Role of Trademarks for Economic Development', European Centre for International Political Economy Policy Brief, No.9/2015, (2015).
-Jörn H. Block and others, 'Why do SMEs File Trademarks? Insights from Firms in Innovative Industries' (2015) 44 Research Policy 1915.
-Mirko Hirschmann and Joern Block, 'Trademarks and How They Relate to the Sustainability and Economic Outcomes of Social Startups' (2022) 376 Journal of Cleaner Production 134320.
Geographical Indications and Development:
-Sarah Bowen and Ana Valenzuela Zapata, 'Geographical Indications, Terroir, and Socioeconomic and Ecological Sustainability: The Case of Tequila' (2009) 25 Journal of Rural Studies 108.
-Maria Mancini, 'Geographical Indications in Latin America Value Chains: A 'branding from below' Strategy or a 'Mechanism Excluding the Poorest?' (2013) 32 Journal of Rural Studies 295.
-Irene Calboli and Wee Loon Ng-Loy, Geographical Indications at the Crossroads of Trade, Development, and Culture: Focus on Asia-Pacific (Cambridge University Press, 2017).
-William van Caenegem and Jen Cleary, The Importance of Place: Geographical Indications as a Tool for Local and Regional Development (Springer, 2017).
-Estelle Bienabe and Delphine Marie-Vivien, 'Institutionalizing Geographical Indications in Southern Countries: Lessons Learned from Basmati and Rooibos' (2017) 98 World Development 58.
-Jerry Neilson, Josephine Wright, and Lya Aklimawati, 'Geographical Indications and Value Capture in the Indonesia Coffee Sector' (2018) 59 Journal of Rural Studies 35.
Genetic Resources, Access and Benefit-Sharing, and Technology Transfer:
-Simon West, 'Institutionalised Exclusion: The Political Economy of Benefit Sharing and Intellectual Property', (2012) 8(1) Law, Environment and Development Journal 19.
-Elisa Morgera and others, 'Addressing the Ocean-Climate Nexus in the BBNJ Agreement: Strategic Environmental Assessments, Human Rights and Equity in Ocean Science' (2023) 38 The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 1.
-Abbie-Rose Hampton and others, ''Equity' in the Pandemic Treaty: The False Hope of 'Access and Benefit-Sharing'' (2023) 72 International and Comparative Law Quarterly 909. |
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills |
Bearing in mind the contemporary relevance of the proposed course, it aligns excellently with both the Mindsets and Skills categories of University of Edinburgh Graduate Attributes such as: critical and reflective thinking; passion to engage locally and globally; and research and enquiry. |
Keywords | Intellectual Property,Development,Patents,Copyright,Trademarks,Geographical Indications |
Course organiser | Dr Emmanuel Kolawole Oke
Tel: (0131 6)51 4586
Email: |
Course secretary | Miss Hannah Ackroyd
Tel: (0131 6)50 2008
Email: |