A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) trains you as a researcher and allows you to develop advanced techniques and in-depth knowledge in a specialist area. You will develop an all-round knowledge of your discipline, and a broad range of transferable skills.
You will carry out independent research, resulting in an original contribution to knowledge in your chosen area. You will work under the guidance of your supervisors. To be awarded a PhD you will submit a thesis and defend this thesis in an oral examination (assessed according to the University's regulations).
The prescribed period of study for a part-time PhD is 72 months, and your thesis is expected to be submitted towards the end of the sixth year. The University regulations do allow a further 12 months study time for completion of the thesis but students are recommended to aim to complete within 6 years. Progress during your PhD is assessed by annual reviews, which formally determine whether you can progress with your PhD.
Year 1
Students are required to:
- Attend the compulsory induction for PhD students including information sessions provided by the Library and/or School workshops.
- Complete a Training Needs Analysis (TNA) by the end of month 3.
- Attend training courses offered by the Institute of Academic Development (IAD) and the relevant graduate schools (i.e. the Scottish Graduate School of Arts and Humanities or the Scottish Graduate School of Social Sciences).
- Submit a Report in preparation for the 1st Year Progression Review panel at the end of First Year.
- Successfully complete the 1st Year Progression Review panel.
- Participate in the School or University research groups, and attend Seminars offered by the Department/School.
Students are encouraged to:
- Attend the induction for PhD students and any other inductions to relevant training or University services.
- Work with supervisors to establish the research project which will be the basis for the thesis.
- Take training courses offered by the Institute of Academic Development (IAD) and the national graduate schools (Scottish Graduate School of Arts and Humanities or Scottish Graduate School of Social Sciences).
- Participate in relevant School or University research groups.
Year 2
Students are required to:
- Successfully complete their annual review at the end of the year.
- Update their Training Needs Analysis (TNA) and discuss this with their supervisors at the beginning of the year.
Students are encouraged to:
- Continue to discuss training and personal development with their supervisors
- Submit for approval a Thesis Plan in preparation for the Progression Review at the end of Second Year.
- Present work at conferences or workshops, as appropriate to the research field.
- Participate in tutoring or demonstrating (after attending mandatory tutor and demonstrator training).
- Participate in committees relating to postgraduate research.
- Participate and present in relevant School or University research groups.
- Attend research seminars across the University.
- Contribute to the academic life of the School, e.g. through open days or outreach activities.
Years 3 to 5
- As per Year 2 above and, additionally, present their research at external workshops or conferences and attempt to publish research in appropriate journals, as agreed with the supervisors.
- Successfully complete Annual Reviews
Year 6
In Year 6 students are encouraged to:
- Continue to discuss training and personal development with their supervisors.
- Update the Training Needs Analysis form.
- Participate and present in relevant School or University research groups.
- Publish research work in appropriate journals, as agreed with the supervisors.
- Present work at conferences or workshops, as appropriate to the research field
Write up final thesis and submit.
Year 7
After six years of part-time enrolment, students are entitled to an additional period of 12 months for writing-up their thesis. The thesis must be submitted by the end of this additional period of registration.
- Completing the thesis
It is very important to complete your PhD thesis within the allotted time. Extensions will only be granted in exceptional circumstances (illness, etc.).
About three months before completion of the thesis, students should submit the 'Notice of Intention to Submit form'. This requires discussion with the student's supervisor(s).
- The PhD Exam
The PhD thesis is examined in a viva voce examination with two Examiners. At least one examiner must be external to the University of Edinburgh.
The Examiners can recommend one of the following options:
a) that the thesis is passed and the candidate is awarded the degree of PhD
b) that the thesis is passed subject to minor corrections
c) that an additional oral examination is needed
d) That additional work is needed on the thesis up to 12 months but no further examination is required
e) that the thesis requires substantial work, and is resubmitted up to 24 months: a second viva voce exam will be required by the Examiners
f) that the thesis is awarded the degree of MPhil;
g) that the thesis is awarded an MPhil following minor corrections
h) that the thesis requires substantial work before being submitted for an MPhil
i) that the thesis is awarded an MSc by Research
j) no award is given
PhD students in the School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures must also follow the additional information given in the School's internal PhD student Sharepoint/webpages.
The University's Code of Practice for Postgraduate Research Students and Supervisors gives further information about the requirements of a PhD at the University of Edinburgh: