Students are required to:
* Update their Training Needs Assessment (TNA);
* Meet with supervisors regularly and undertake research;
* Plan for submission of thesis for examination;
* Successfully complete the third year review. In preparation for this students must complete a self-assessment form, and provide supporting documents as directed by the supervisory team, e.g. plan for completion, draft thesis chapters.
Students are encouraged to:
* Prepare final version of thesis for examination.
* Complete a Notice of Intention to Submit (approx. two months prior to expected submission);
* Prepare for viva examination. This may include a mock viva as part of the annual review;
* Work towards publishing research work in appropriate journals and other outlets, as agreed with the supervisors;
* Present work at conferences or workshops, as appropriate to research field;
* Apply for teaching opportunities within the School;
* Complete relevant training courses delivered by the Institute of Academic Development (IAD), and the national graduate schools (Scottish Graduate School for Arts & Humanities or Scottish Graduate school of Social Sciences);
* Work towards an accredited teaching qualification, if applicable;
* Refer to the University Careers Service for guidance regarding employment preparation.
* Attend research seminars, reading groups and work in progress sessions in History and related disciplines;
* Participate in the 3 Minute Thesis Competition, if you have not done so in Year 2.