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DRPS : DPTs :  School of History, Classics and Archaeology DPTs
Jump to: Year 1, Year 2, Year 3, Year 4

Year 1 Academic year: 2024/25, Starting in: September

Students are required to:

* Attend the induction for PhD students;
* Complete a Training Needs Assessment (TNA);
* Meet with supervisors regularly to develop the research proposal which will be the basis for the thesis, to develop thorough knowledge of the relevant secondary literature, and to begin research with primary sources;
* Satisfactorily complete the course: Professional Skills for Historians or, if approved, demonstrate that the learning outcomes have been met through alternative means;
* Successfully complete the first year review. In preparation for this students must complete a self-assessment form, and provide supporting documents as directed by the supervisory team, e.g. updated project plan, draft thesis chapter.

Students are encouraged to:

* Present at a day-long conference for PhD Students in Semester 2;
* Complete relevant training courses delivered by the Institute of Academic Development (IAD) and the national graduate schools (Scottish Graduate School for Arts & Humanities or Scottish Graduate School of Social Sciences);
* Attend research seminars, reading groups and work in progress sessions in History and related disciplines.

There are no compulsory courses in this year of this programme.

Year 2 Academic year: 2024/25, Starting in: September

Students are required to:

* Update the Training Needs Assessment (TNA);
* Meet with supervisors regularly and undertake research;
* Successfully complete the second year review. In preparation for this students must complete a self-assessment form and provide supporting documents as directed by the supervisory team e.g. updated project plan, draft thesis chapter.

Students are encouraged to:

* Present work at conferences or workshops, as appropriate to research field;
* Apply for teaching opportunities within the School;
* Complete relevant training courses delivered by the Institute of Academic Development (IAD) and the national graduate schools (Scottish Graduate School for Arts & Humanities or Scottish Graduate School of Social Sciences);
* Attend research seminars, reading groups and work in progress sessions in History and related disciplines;
* Participate in the 3 Minute Thesis Competition.

There are no compulsory courses in this year of this programme.

Year 3 Academic year: 2024/25, Starting in: September

Students are required to:

* Update their Training Needs Assessment (TNA);
* Meet with supervisors regularly and undertake research;
* Plan for submission of thesis for examination;
* Successfully complete the third year review. In preparation for this students must complete a self-assessment form, and provide supporting documents as directed by the supervisory team, e.g. plan for completion, draft thesis chapters.

Students are encouraged to:

* Prepare final version of thesis for examination.
* Complete a Notice of Intention to Submit (approx. two months prior to expected submission);
* Prepare for viva examination. This may include a mock viva as part of the annual review;
* Work towards publishing research work in appropriate journals and other outlets, as agreed with the supervisors;
* Present work at conferences or workshops, as appropriate to research field;
* Apply for teaching opportunities within the School;
* Complete relevant training courses delivered by the Institute of Academic Development (IAD), and the national graduate schools (Scottish Graduate School for Arts & Humanities or Scottish Graduate school of Social Sciences);
* Work towards an accredited teaching qualification, if applicable;
* Refer to the University Careers Service for guidance regarding employment preparation.
* Attend research seminars, reading groups and work in progress sessions in History and related disciplines;
* Participate in the 3 Minute Thesis Competition, if you have not done so in Year 2.

There are no compulsory courses in this year of this programme.

Year 4 Academic year: 2024/25, Starting in: September

After three years of full-time enrolment (six years part-time), students are entitled to an additional period of registration. The thesis must be submitted by the end of this additional 12 months (extensions will be granted only in exceptional circumstances).

Students are required to:

* Complete and submit thesis for examination;
* Complete a Notice of Intention to Submit (approx. two months prior to expected submission);
* Prepare for viva examination.

There are no compulsory courses in this year of this programme.

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