This part-time programme has two possible pathways and a range of exit points. Students all enter at the Postgraduate Certificate Level.
Postgraduate Certificate (60 credits)
Compulsory course requirements are Fundamentals of CBT with Children and Young People (20 credits) followed by CBT Placement 1 (20 credits) and CBT for Children and Young People in Practice (20 credits).
Students who choose to exit at this point, having met the University requirements, will be awarded a Postgraduate Certificate Psychological Therapies (CBT).
Postgraduate Diploma (120 credits)
Students who have successfully completed the Postgraduate Certificate courses can choose to complete the Postgraduate Diploma.
Students who progress to the Postgraduate Diploma level have the option to continue on the CBT pathway or move to the generic pathway which has a wider selection of course options.
Compulsory courses for the CBT pathway are CBT Placement 2 (20 credits) and CBT with Complex Presentations (20 credits).
Students intending to progress to the Masters must take either Research Methods in Applied Psychology (20 credits) or Research Methods in Applied Psychology (ODL) * (20 credits)
Students who choose to exit at this point, having met the University requirements, will be awarded either of the below depending on the pathway chosen:
CBT Pathway - Postgraduate Diploma Psychological Therapies (CBT)
Generic Pathway - Postgraduate Diploma Psychological Therapies
MSc (120 taught credits and 60 credit dissertation)
Progression to Masters is dependent on meeting the University and programme progression requirements.
Students who choose to complete the MSc, having met the University requirements, will be awarded either of the below depending on the pathway chosen:
CBT Pathway - MSc Psychological Therapies (CBT)
Generic Pathway - MSc Psychological Therapies
Please discuss your course choices with your Student Adviser to ensure your preferred outcome and specialism can be achieved.
Students may study over 2-6 years to complete the programme (including dissertation). Students are required to complete a minimum of 40 taught credits every two years (two 20 credit courses); this does not include the dissertation as this will need to be completed in addition to the taught course requirements within a single academic year.
The recommended maximum time to complete each qualification is as follows:
Postgraduate Certificate - 2 years
Postgraduate Diploma - 4 years
MSc - 6 years
*ODL course fees may vary please check the University fees section for further information before enrolling.