During 3rd year, when permitted, at least 30 weeks of approved residence must be spent in an Arabic-speaking country. During sessions when this is not permitted, students will be offered an alternative means of engagement.
Final Assessment
One unit of assessment is allocated to every 20 credits and constitutes one 20-credit paper. The following are the twelve 20-credit papers on which the classification of the degree is based. (Papers that for the purposes of degree classification acquire a weighting of 40 credits are, therefore, listed twice.)
1. Arabic 4
2. Arabic 4
3. Arabic Oral
4. Arabic Coursework Essay
5. Year abroad work for History (where students choose the option of studying in the host university, this will not count towards the degree classification)
6. Year abroad work for History (where students choose the option of studying in the host university, this will not count towards the degree classification)
7. IMES Dissertation Part 1 (mark same as for IMES Dissertation Part 2) OR IMES Long Essay
8. IMES Dissertation Part 2 OR History Dissertation
9. History Dissertation OR IMES Honours Option
10. Arabic Language Options Year 4 course
11. History Year 4 Special Subjects course
12. History Year 4 Special Subjects course