A booklet giving details of, as well as restrictions on, course options will be available for students entering the degree programme to facilitate advance planning.
Elective course availability will be subject to student numbers. While every attempt will be made to allocate students to their preferred elective course choices, where demand is high, we cannot guarantee this. Students should check course details for timetabling information and location as courses are taught at a number of sites across the University.
Students may also wish to make use of the interactive programme builder PATH to help inform their decision regarding course choices (https://path.is.ed.ac.uk/).
To be awarded a classified Honours degree you must meet the following minimum requirements.
- 240 credits, for Years 1 and 2 of study in the MBChB degree programme, including passes in all core courses for your degree programme,
- passes in a minimum of 80 credits for study in Intercalated Year 3,
- an overall aggregated average of at least 40% for the 120 credits of Intercalated Year 3,
- 180 credits for Year 4 of study in the MBChB degree programme