These courses are RECOMMENDED SEMESTER ONE options for the MSc in Ecological Economics.
2-year students:
Across the entire programme, you will get to select 40 credits' worth of optional courses (i.e. two 20-credit courses). The rest of your study will consist of the compulsory courses. There is some flexibility in how you allocate the compulsory and optional courses across your programme of study. By the end of the taught component of the programme (i.e. four taught semesters), you must have completed 120 credits of courses (i.e. six 20-credit courses), and 80 credits of this (i.e. four 20-credit courses) will have been compulsory for the programme.
Year 1:
Every PT student must take Foundations in Ecological Economics during their first year, as well as at least one of the other compulsory courses. However, as a part-time student on the 2-year track, you need to decide how you will allocate your course load between the years of study. You can discuss this with your programme directors, and consider this alongside your other likely obligations over the study period.
You also have to decide whether to begin your dissertation in the first year and finish in the second year, or whether to pursue your dissertation entirely in the second year. Regardless, you must take a minimum of 40 credits (i.e. two 20- courses), and a maximum of 100 credits (i.e. five 20-courses) in the first year (excluding the course related to the Ecological Economics dissertation). If you take the minimum number of credits, then both of those courses must be core (i.e. compulsory) courses, and one of them must be Foundations in Ecological Economics.
Compulsory courses:
You must take a minimum of two of the compulsory courses in year 1
- Foundations in Ecological Economics
Additionally, pick from:
- Applications in Ecological Economics
- Environmental Valuation
- Ecological Economics: Field Methods in Research and Practice
Optional courses:
You must pick a maximum of 40 credits (i.e. two 20-credit courses) from Group A and Group B.
Category 1 Courses: For students who have not studied any environmental/ecological systems at the university level, we recommend you consider one of these:
-- PGGE11007 Atmospheric Quality and Global Change
-- PGGE11247 Ecosystems and Global Change
-- PGGE11263 Environmental Survey and Monitoring
-- PGGE11254 Marine Ecosystems and Policies
-- PGGE11183 Soil Protection and Management
Category 2 Courses: For students who have not studied any social sciences at the university level, we recommend you consider one of these:
-- PGGE11211 Development Principles and Practice
-- PGGE11187 Understanding Environment and Development
-- PGGE11114 Values and the Environment
-- PGSP11246 Economic Issues in Public Policy
Category 3 Courses: For students who wish to combine Ecological Economics with the study of food systems, we recommend you consider one of these:
-- PGGE11164 Frameworks to assess Food Security
Category 4: For students who wish to focus on sustainability, we recommend you consider:
--PGGE11253 Sustainable Marine Development