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Year 1 Academic year: 2024/25, Starting in: September

Students should aim to divide the number of credits they take in each academic year evenly between Semester 1 and Semester 2

Compulsory courses

You must take these courses

Course options

Chinese language options - Year 1

Select exactly 40 credits of the following courses

First Year History - Worlds Courses

Select exactly 20 credits of the following courses

Group A

Select exactly 40 credits in this group.

Chinese course options - Year 1

Select between 0 and 40 credits of the following courses

Level 8 courses in Schedules A to Q, S, T, W and Y

Select between 0 and 40 credits from Level 8 courses in Schedules A to Q, S, T, W and Y

Year 2 Academic year: 2024/25, Starting in: August

Entry to Honours normally requires the following:
(1) a mark of 50 or above at the first attempt in the Year 2 language course - Chinese 2, Chinese 3, or Chinese 4, as appropriate;
(2) a mark of 50 or above in the degree exam held in the April/May diet for the Year 2 language course - Chinese 2, or Chinese 3, as appropriate;
(3) a mark of 50 or above at the first attempt in all History courses;
(4) credits awarded to the value of 240 in the first two years.

Compulsory courses

You must take these courses

Course options

Chinese language options - Year 2

Select exactly 40 credits of the following courses

Second Year History Courses

Select exactly 20 credits of the following courses

Group A

Select exactly 40 credits in this group.

Chinese Year 2

Select exactly 40 credits of the following courses

Level 8 courses in Schedules A to Q, S, T, W and Y

You may NOT choose more than 20 credits of History courses (with codes starting HIST) in this collection.
Selected courses must be passed

Year 3 Academic year: 2024/25, Starting in: August

During 3rd year, when permitted, at least 30 weeks of approved residence must be spent in a relevant country. During sessions when this is not permitted students will be offered an alternative means of engagement.

Final Assessment:
One unit of assessment is allocated to every 20 credits and constitutes one 20-credit paper. The following are the twelve 20-credit papers on which the classification of the degree is based. Papers that for the purposes of degree classification acquire a weighting of 40 credits are, therefore, listed twice.

1. Chinese Language 4A
2. Chinese Language 4A
3. Chinese Language 4B
4. Chinese Oral
5. Year Abroad Work for degrees in Chinese and History
6. Year Abroad Work for degrees in Chinese and History
7. Chinese dissertation
8. Chinese dissertation
9. Chinese Honours option course
10. Chinese Honours option course
11. History Honours option course
12. History Honours option course

Compulsory courses

You must take these courses

Course options

Year abroad work for degrees in languages and history - Semester 1

Select exactly 20 credits of the following courses

Year abroad work for degrees in languages and history - Semester 2

Select exactly 20 credits of the following courses

Year 4 Academic year: 2024/25, Starting in: August

Final Assessment:
One unit of assessment is allocated to every 20 credits and constitutes one 20-credit paper. The following are the twelve 20-credit papers on which the classification of the degree is based. Papers that for the purposes of degree classification acquire a weighting of 40 credits are, therefore, listed twice.

1. Chinese Language 4A
2. Chinese Language 4A
3. Chinese Language 4B
4. Chinese Oral
5. Year Abroad Work for degrees in Chinese and History
6. Year Abroad Work for degrees in Chinese and History
7. Chinese dissertation
8. Chinese dissertation
9. Chinese Honours option course
10. Chinese Honours option course
11. History Honours option course
12. History Honours option course

Compulsory courses

You must take these courses

Course options


History Honours Electives

Select exactly 40 credits of the following courses
Please note that places on the courses are subject to availability and timetabling.

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