Students must choose at least 80 credits from the Scottish Literature course collections across the two years of Honours study.
Final Assessment Weighting: One unit of assessment is allocated to every 20 credits and constitutes one 20-credit paper. (Papers that for the purpose of degree classification acquire weighting of 40 credits are, therefore, listed twice.)
From Third year:
1) Reading Theory 1
2) Reading Theory 2
3) S1 English/Scottish Literature Core Period Course
4) S2 English/Scottish Literature Core Period Course
5) English/Scottish Literature Option Course
6) English/Scottish Literature Option Course OR Course from LLC and Divinity Collection
From Fourth year:
7) English Literature Dissertation
8) English Literature Dissertation
9) S1 English/Scottish Literature Core Period Course
10) S2 English/Scottish Literature Core Period Course
11) English/Scottish Literature Option Course
12) English/Scottish Literature Option Course OR Course from LLC and Divinity Collection