Entry to Honours normally requires the following:
(1) a mark of 50 or above at the first attempt in the Year 2 language course - Chinese 2, Chinese 3, or Chinese 4, as appropriate;
(2) a mark of 50 or above in the degree exam held in the April/May diet for the Year 2 language course - Chinese 2, or Chinese 3, as appropriate;
(3) a mark of 50 or above at the first attempt in Introduction to Classical Chinese;
(4) a mark of 50 or above at the first attempt in Skills and Approaches in Chinese Studies;
(5) a mark of 50 or above at the first attempt in French 2 Language;
(6) a mark of 50 or above at the first attempt in French 2 Literature and Culture;
(7) credits awarded to the value of 240 in the first two years.