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Postgraduate Course: Audiovisual Translation Research (CLLC11173)

Course Outline
SchoolSchool of Literatures, Languages and Cultures CollegeCollege of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Credit level (Normal year taken)SCQF Level 11 (Postgraduate) AvailabilityAvailable to all students
SCQF Credits20 ECTS Credits10
SummaryThe course focuses on the convergence of audiovisual related issues and translation studies. It aims at:
- encouraging critical thinking on the relationships between words, images and translation;
- introducing central concepts of audiovisual approaches to translation;
- showing how these approaches could be implemented in terms of various translation strategies;
- broadening the students' perspectives on the constraints attached to the different types of AVT modes. After an introduction to the course and two lectures on the various AVT modes, from week four we will focus on the different AVT modes from the perspective of research: dubbing, subtitling (including subtitling for the deaf and hard of hearing- SDH), voice over, and audiodescription.
- enhancing the students' presentation skills so that they feel more prepared when going for an interview or presenting their ideas in the workplace.

As an option course, AVT research will allow students to pursue knowledge and understanding in particular AVT areas of their own interest. It will raise awareness of the diversity of issues surrounding AVT, and will enhance the students' capacity to synthesise theoretical, critical and textual skills with reflective insight.

Please note, this not a practice course, you will not be working with software for e.g. subtitling or dubbing. The emphasis is on the translation process in different settings and how the various AVT modes can be researched.
Course description Schedule: all readings are mandatory

Week 1: 15/01: Introduction to the course with a focus on assessment.

Week 2: 23/01 Research Methods in AVT 1

Pérez-González (2009) and Chaume (2013).

Week 3: 29/01 Research Methods in AVT 2

Chaume (2002) and Pérez-González (2014, Chapter 5)

Week 4: 05/02: Subtitling research

Bogucki (2004), Asimakoulas (2012), and Díaz-Cintas & Muñoz Sánchez (2006)

Week 5: 12/02: Creative subtitling & SDH research

McClarty (2012), Neves (2009), and Szarkowska (2013)

No classes between 19-23 Feb: Flexible Learning Week

Week 6: 26/02: Dubbing research

Bosseaux (2015, Chapter 3), Danan (1991), and Zabalbeascoa (1994)

Week 7: 05/03: Dubbing and voice-over research

Mingant (2010), Franco, Matamala and Pilar (2010, chapter 1), and Baños-Piñero and Chaume (2009).

Week 8: 12/03 Audiodescription (AD) research

Bourne & Jiménez (2007), Fryer & Freeman (2013), and Mazur (2014).

Week 9: 19/03 Presentations on essay topic and Q&A session

Week 10: 26/03 Jan Pedersen - subtitling
Entry Requirements (not applicable to Visiting Students)
Pre-requisites Co-requisites
Prohibited Combinations Other requirements None
Information for Visiting Students
High Demand Course? Yes
Course Delivery Information
Not being delivered
Learning Outcomes
On completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of a range of theories and concepts in specific AVT areas
  2. Demonstrate a critical awareness of diverse AVT research issues, which intersect with other areas such as politics, power, gender, etc.
  3. Apply critical analysis, evaluation and synthesis to issues that are informed by recent developments in the subject
  4. Manage complex ethical and professional issues
  5. Present critical and creative work in different forms through individual presentation and group work with a view to enhance the students' presentation skills so that they feel more prepared when going for an interview or presenting their ideas in the workplace.
Learning Resources
Asimakoulas, Dimitris (2012) 'Dude (Looks Like a Lady): Hijacking Transsexual Identity in the Subtitled Version of Strella by Panos Koutras', The Translator 18 (1): 47-75. [E-journal available via DiscoverEd]

Baños-Piñero, R. and Chaume, F. (2009). 'Prefabricated Orality: A challenge in Audiovisual Translation', Intralinea 6

Bogucki, Lukasz (2004) 'The Constraint of Relevance in Subtitling', JoSTrans (1), 69-85. [E-journal available via DiscoverEd]

Bourne, Julian & Catalina Jiménez (2007) 'From the Visual to the Verbal in Two Languages: a Contrastive Analysis of the Audio Description of The Hours in English and Spanish', in Díaz Cintas, Jorge Pilar Orero & Aline Remael (eds) (2007) Media for All. Subtitling for the Deaf, Audio Description, and Sign Language. Amsterdam: Rodopi: 175-188. [BourneJimenez175_CLLC11173.pdf]

Bosseaux, Charlotte (2015) Dubbing, Film and Performance. Uncanny Encounters, Oxford: Peter Lang. [E-book available via DiscoverEd]

Chaume Varela, Frederic (2002) 'Models of Research in Audiovisual Translation', Babel 48(1): 1-13. [E-journal available via DiscoverEd]

Chaume, Frederic (2013) 'The Turn of Audiovisual Translation', Translation Spaces 2: 105-123, John Benjamins. [E-journal available via DiscoverEd]

Danan, M. (1991) 'Dubbing as an expression of nationalism', Meta 36(4), 606-14. [E-journal available via DiscoverEd]

Díaz-Cintas, Jorge & Muñoz Sánchez, Pablo (2006) 'Fansubs: Audiovisual Translation in an Amateur Environment', The Journal of Specialised Translation 6: 37-52. [E-journal available via DiscoverEd]

Franco, Eliana, Anna Matamala and Pilar Orero (2010) Voice-over Translation: An Overview. Bern: Peter Lang. [FrancoMatamalaOrero17_CLLC11173.pdf]

Fryer, Louise, Freeman, Jonathan (2013) 'Cinematic language and the description of film: keeping AD users in the frame', Perspectives: Studies in Translatology 21: 3: 412-426. [E-journal available via DiscoverEd]

Mazur, Iwona (2014) 'Gestures and facial expressions in audio description' in Maszerowska, Anna, Matamala Anna and Pilar Orero (eds): 179-198. [chapter in E-book available via DiscoverEd]

McClarty, Rebecca (2012) 'Towards a Multidisciplinary Approach in Creative Subtitling', MonTI 4: 133-153. [Available online at]

Mingant, Nolween (2010) 'Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds. A Blueprint for Dubbing Translators.' Meta 55 (4 ): 712 ¿ 731. [E-journal available via DiscoverEd]

Neves, Josélia (2009) 'Interlingual Subtitling for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing', in Díaz Cintas, Jorge, Anderman, Gunilla (eds.) Audiovisual Translation: Language Transfer on Screen, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan: 151-169. [Neves151_CLLC11173.pdf]

Pérez-González, Luis (2009), 'Audiovisual Translation', in Baker, Mona and Gabriela Saldanha (eds) The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, 2nd revised and extended edition. London & New York: Routledge: 13-20. [PerezGonzalez13_CLLC11173.pdf]

Pérez-González, Luis (2014) Audiovisual Translation: Theories, Methods and Issues, Routledge. [PerezGonzalez140_CLLC11173.pdf]

Szarkowska, Agnieszka (2013) 'Towards interlingual subtitling for the deaf and the hard of hearing', Perspectives: Studies in Translatology, 21: 1: 68-81. [E-journal available via DiscoverEd]

Zabalbeascoa, Patrick (1994) 'Factors in dubbing television comedy', Perspectives. Studies in Translatology, 1: 89-100. [E-journal available via DiscoverEd]
Additional Information
Graduate Attributes and Skills Independent critical and analytical thought
Information retrieval
Presenting the information retrieved through reasoned and reflective arguments
Text production on a professional level, a vital skill for translators
Thinking and writing clearly
General IT skills
General bibliographical skills
Time management
Course organiserDr Charlotte Bosseaux
Tel: (0131 6)51 3735
Course secretaryMiss Charlotte McLean
Tel: (0131 6)50 4114
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