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DRPS : Course Catalogue : Schools : Subjects : School of History, Classics and Archaeology

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Postgraduate (School of History, Classics and Archaeology)

SCQF Level 11 (189 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
PGHC11314 SS1 A Period of Ancient History 1 Semester 1 20
PGHC11315 SS1 A Period of Ancient History 2 Semester 2 20
PGHC11427 SV1 A Topic In Ancient History 1 Semester 1 20
PGHC11433 SV1 A Topic in Ancient History 2 Semester 2 20
PGHC11429 SV1 A Topic in Late Antique and Byzantine History 1 Semester 1 20
PGHC11430 A Topic in Late Antique and Byzantine History 2 Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11359 Achaemenid Historiography: From Cyrus to Alexander Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11152 Agricultural Slavery in the Graeco-Roman World Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11397 An uncertain world: the West since the 1970s Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11230 SV1 Analytical Methods in Human Osteology Semester 1 20
PGHC11031 Ancient Philosophy in the 5th and 4th Centuries BC Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11406 Angels and Inverts: Sexuality, Gender and Power in Britain, 1837 - 1914 Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11209 SS1 Approaches to Gender History Semester 1 20
PGHC11351 Approaches to Modern British Political History Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11360 SS1 Approaches to the Long Late Antiquity Full Year 20
PGHC11060 SV1 Archaeological Illustration Semester 1 20
PGHC11083 SV1 Archaeology Dissertation Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGHC11349 SS1 Archaeology Dissertation (MSc by Research) Full Year 180
PGHC11061 Archaeology of Gender Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11414 SV1 Archaeology of the Roman Economy Semester 1 20
PGHC11393 SV1 Athens of the North: the Origins and Ideas of the Scottish Enlightenment Semester 1 20
PGHC11233 SV1 Bioarchaeological Interpretation Semester 2 20
PGHC11428 Biomolecular Archaeology: the appliance of science Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11133 SV1 Bone Manufacturing - Animal Raw Materials Semester 1 20
PGHC11415 SV1 British Empires, 1601-1948 (ODL) Semester 1 20
PGHC11239 SV1 Bronze Age Civilisations of the Near East and Greece Semester 1 20
PGHC11260 SV1 Byzantine Archaeology: The archaeology of the Byzantine empire and its neighbours AD 500-850. Semester 2 20
PGHC11431 SV1 Byzantine Text Seminar 1 Semester 1 20
PGHC11432 Byzantine Text Seminar 2 Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11396 SV1 China in Western Minds Semester 1 20
PGHC11384 China's foreign and security policy: a twentieth-century perspective Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11244 Cicero and his Correspondents Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11235 Cinema and Society in Britain Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11358 SS1 Cinema and Society in South Asia, 1947-Present Semester 2 20
PGHC11426 SS1 Citizens and Subjects: concepts of citizenship in modern African intellectual history Semester 2 20
PGHC11402 Civil Wars in Twentieth Century Europe Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11316 Classical Greek Sculpture Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11172 Classics: Greek Vase Painting Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11173 Classics: The Topography and Monuments of Athens and Attika Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11064 SV1 Conceptualising the Neolithic Semester 2 20
PGHC11377 SV1 Consensus to Thatcherism: Government and Politics in Post-War Britain Semester 2 20
PGHC11190 Conservatism in the United States, c.1930-c.1990 Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11333 SV1 Constantinople, the creation of 'the city of a world's desire' (330-565) Semester 1 20
PGHC11171 SV1 Contacts and Conflicts between East and West 600-900: the Pirenne Thesis Re-examined Semester 2 20
PGHC11111 SV1 Contemporary Scotland Semester 2 20
PGHC11352 Cultural Sensibility in the Age of Richardson's Clarissa Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11164 Culture and Society in Early Modern Britain: Edinburgh Archives and Sources Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11425 SS1 Culture and the Arts in Post-war Scotland Semester 1 20
PGHC11417 SV1 Currents of Radicalism, 1776-1848 Semester 2 20
PGHC11420 SV1 Diaspora, Migration & Exile: A History of the Global Irish since 1600 (ODL) Semester 2 20
PGHC11411 Diaspora, Migration and Exile: The History of the Global Irish since 1600 Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11278 SV1 Directed Reading and Research (Taught Degrees) Flexible 20
PGHC11246 SV1 Dissertation, MSc by Research in Scottish History Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGHC11374 SV1 Dissertation, Taught MSc in Contemporary History Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGHC11375 Dissertation, Taught MSc in Eighteenth Century Cultures Not delivered this year 60
PGHC11313 SV1 Dissertation, Taught MSc in History Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGHC11312 SV1 Dissertation, Taught MSc in Scottish History Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGHC11094 SV1 Dissertation: MSc by Research in History (Arts) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGHC11093 SV1 Dissertation: MSc by Research in History (Social Science) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGHC11291 Early American Foreign Policy, 1776-1823 Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11249 Early Greek Art (1000-500 BC) Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11041 SV1 Economic and Social Theory for Historical Analysis Semester 1 20
PGHC11185 Egypt under the Ptolemies Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11372 Eighteenth Century Cultural History 1 Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11373 Eighteenth-Century Cultural History 2 Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11088 SV1 Elementary Greek (PG) 1 Semester 1 20
PGHC11089 SV1 Elementary Greek (PG) 2 Semester 2 20
PGHC11086 SV1 Elementary Latin (PG) 1 Semester 1 20
PGHC11087 SV1 Elementary Latin (PG) 2 Semester 2 20
PGHC11181 Epicurus and Epicureanism Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11059 Etruscan Italy, 1000 - 300 BC Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11263 SV1 Forensic Taphonomy Semester 2 10
PGHC11243 From Foraging to Farming: the Beginnings of Agriculture in the Mediterranean and Europe Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11001 SV1 Frontiers in Archaeology: Research Seminars Semester 1 20
PGHC11066 Gallia from the Third Century BC to Augustus Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11210 Gender and Empire: Contested Meanings and Divergent Practices Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11250 SV1 Gender, Crime and Deviancy: Britain c. 1860-1960 Semester 1 20
PGHC11407 SV1 Genocide in Contemporary History Semester 2 20
PGHC11423 SS1 Greek Palaeography Semester 2 20
PGHC11022 SV1 Greek Philosophy (Plato's Republic) Semester 2 20
PGHC11279 SV1 Greek Text Seminar 1 Semester 2 20
PGHC11318 Greek Text Seminar 2 Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11386 Greek Text Seminar 3 Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11387 Greek Text Seminar 4 Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11187 SV1 Hellenistic Art and Archaeology Semester 2 20
PGHC11182 Hellenistic Court and Society Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11335 SV1 Historical Methodology Semester 2 20
PGHC11379 SV1 Historical Research: Approaches to History (online) Semester 2 20
PGHC11378 SV1 Historical Research: Skills & Sources (online) Semester 1 20
PGHC11334 SV1 Historical Research: Skills and Sources Semester 1 20
PGHC11207 Historiography and Theory of Social and Cultural History Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11322 SV1 History Dissertation (MSc by Research Dissertation Only Mode) Full Year 180
PGHC11337 SV1 History PhD Dissertation Workshop Semester 2 20
PGHC11332 History as Romance, Profession, Critique: Theory and Scholarship in the West, 1835 to 1985 Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11023 Homer, Iliad and Related Texts Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11080 Human Evolution Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11367 SS1 Human Musculo-Skeletal Anatomy Semester 1 20
PGHC11409 SV1 Ideology and Politics in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Space (ODL) Semester 1 20
PGHC11275 SV1 Intellectual History of the American Revolution Semester 1 20
PGHC11269 SV1 Intermediate Greek (PG) 1 Semester 1 20
PGHC11270 SV1 Intermediate Greek (PG) 2 Semester 2 20
PGHC11267 SV1 Intermediate Latin (PG) 1 Semester 1 20
PGHC11268 SV1 Intermediate Latin (PG) 2 Semester 2 20
PGHC11362 SV1 Introduction to Contemporary History Semester 1 20
PGHC11302 SV1 Island Worlds: Prehistoric Societies in the Mediterranean Sea from the Palaeolithic to the Iron Age Semester 2 20
PGHC11180 Late Antique Visual Culture Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11069 Late Hunter-Gatherers in Europe Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11281 SV1 Latin Text Seminar 1 Semester 1 20
PGHC11282 Latin Text Seminar 2 Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11400 Latin Text Seminar 3 Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11399 Latin Text Seminar 4 Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11262 SV1 Legal and Evidential Framework in Forensic Anthropology Semester 2 20
PGHC11162 SV1 MSc Dissertation (Modern British and Irish History) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGHC11154 MSc Dissertation (Second World War in Europe) Not delivered this year 60
PGHC11193 SS1 MSc Dissertation - American History Block 5 (sem 2) 60
PGHC11194 SS1 MSc Dissertation - Classical Art and Archaeology Block 5 (sem 2) 60
PGHC11199 SS1 MSc Dissertation - Gender History Block 5 (sem 2) 60
PGHC11257 SS1 MSc Dissertation - Intellectual History Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGHC11195 SS1 MSc Dissertation - Medieval History Block 5 (sem 2) 60
PGHC11198 SS1 MSc Dissertation - Social and Cultural History Block 5 (sem 2) 60
PGHC11100 SV1 MSc Dissertation in Classics Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGHC11301 SV1 MSc Dissertation in Classics (Dissertation only Mode) Full Year 180
PGHC11370 Making War, Making Peace: European International History, 1914-1945 Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11416 SV1 Maps and Mappery in Historical Research: The Case of Scotland (ODL) Semester 2 20
PGHC11135 Martyrdom and Voluntary Death in the Ancient World Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11347 Medicine and Society in Modern Britain Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11331 Medicine, Science and Society in Late Medieval and Renaissance Italy Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11369 SV1 Medieval Men and Masculinities Semester 2 20
PGHC11405 SV1 Merchants, Pirates and Crusaders in the late medieval Mediterranean Semester 1 20
PGHC11145 Mind and World in Early Greek Philosophy Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11398 Myth and the History of Scholarship in Early Modern Europe Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11422 SS1 Myth and the History of Scholarship in Early Modern Europe (ODL) Semester 2 20
PGHC11215 SS1 Normandy and the Normans c. 900-1204 Semester 1 20
PGHC11232 SV1 Practical Osteology Semester 1 20
PGHC11345 SV1 Propaganda in Renaissance Scotland Semester 2 20
PGHC11079 SV1 Research Sources and Strategies in Archaeology Semester 2 20
PGHC11401 SV1 Revolutions in Twentieth Century Europe Semester 1 20
PGHC11073 Ritual and Monumentality in North-West Europe: Mid-6th to Mid-3rd Millennium BC Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11353 Rock Art and Archaeology: from Scotland to the Sahara Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11146 Roman Archaeology Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11138 Roman Funerary Art Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11143 Roman Imperial Monuments Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11366 Roman villas Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11224 SV1 Saints Cults, Pilgrimage and Piety in Scotland Semester 2 20
PGHC11261 SV1 Scientific Evidence in Forensic Anthropology Semester 2 10
PGHC11390 SV1 Scotland and Ireland, 1800 to 1945 Semester 1 20
PGHC11317 SV1 Scottish History Dissertation (MSc by Research Dissertation Only Mode) Full Year 180
PGHC11125 Scottish Palaeography 12th-16th centuries Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11376 SV1 Seeking 'Japan' in a Westernizing World: Revolution, Romance, and Imperialism, 1868 - 1945 Semester 2 20
PGHC11231 SV1 Skeletal Pathology Semester 2 20
PGHC11413 SS1 Skills and Methods in Classics Full Year 20
PGHC11149 Slavery in the British Atlantic World, 1650-1834 Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11419 SV1 Society and Culture in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Space Semester 2 20
PGHC11412 SV1 Space, Place and Time: the archaeology of built environments Semester 1 20
PGHC11092 SV1 Supervised Reading Course (E&SH) Semester 2 20
PGHC11391 The American Civil War and Reconstruction Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11153 The British at War, 1939-1945 Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11192 SS1 The Civil Rights Movement Semester 2 20
PGHC11408 The Closest of Enemies: Cuban-American relations 1898-2014 Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11389 SV1 The Crusades and the Euro-Mediterranean world of the Central Middle Ages Semester 2 20
PGHC11357 The Crusades: Thirteenth Century Crossroads Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11283 SS1 The Demise of the Slave-Holding American South, 1846-1877 Semester 1 20
PGHC11055 SV1 The Fall of Rome Semester 1 20
PGHC11418 SV1 The Global Renaissance Semester 1 20
PGHC11183 The Hellenistic City Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11344 SV1 The Hittites: The Archaeology of an Ancient Near Eastern Civilisation Semester 2 20
PGHC11068 SV1 The Iron Age of Western Temperate Europe until the Third Century BC Semester 1 20
PGHC11404 SV1 The Lords of the Isles: Clan Donald, c.1336 - c.1545 (ODL) Semester 1 20
PGHC11144 SV1 The Material Culture of Gender in Eighteenth Century Britain Semester 2 20
PGHC11330 The Politics of Historiography in Post-Colonial South Asia Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11392 SV1 The Rise of Modern U.S. Conservatism Semester 2 20
PGHC11075 SV1 The Scottish Lowlands: Archaeology and Landscape before the Normans Semester 2 20
PGHC11394 SV1 The Shadow of Versailles: Europe Between the Wars, 1918-1939 Semester 2 20
PGHC11274 The Sixties in the United States Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11214 SS1 The Sources of Medieval History Semester 1 20
PGHC11341 The United States and the Cold War Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11273 SV1 The United States and the Vietnam War: Origins and Repercussions Semester 2 20
PGHC11236 SV1 Themes in American Historiography Semester 1 20
PGHC11159 Themes in Modern British and Irish Historiography Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11329 SS1 Theoretical Archaeology Semester 2 20
PGHC11421 SS1 Theories of Empire in the Early Modern Period Semester 2 20
PGHC11383 SV1 Thinking the 20th Century - Hannah Arendt and the breakdown of European Civilization Semester 2 20
PGHC11339 War and Identities in Twentieth Century Britain and Ireland Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11371 SV1 Willingly to War? The Origins of the First World War Semester 1 20
PGHC11212 SV1 Women in Medieval Europe, c.1000-c.1500 Semester 1 20
PGHC11290 Women in the Classical World Not delivered this year 20
PGHC11336 SV1 Writing History: Theory and Practice Semester 1 20
LAWS11332 Ancient Law: Theories, Models and Concepts Not delivered this year 20
LAWS11331 SS1 The Medieval Foundations of Modern Sovereignty Semester 1 20
Available to all students - SV
Not available to visiting students - SS
Part-year visiting students only - VV
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