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Undergraduate (School of Physics and Astronomy)

SCQF Level 07 (1 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
PHYS07001 SV1 Transition to University Mathematics for Physics Semester 1 20

SCQF Level 08 (25 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
PHYS08041 Algebra and Calculus Not delivered this year 20
PHYS08051 SV1 Astrobiology Semester 1 20
PHYS08055 Classical Physics Not delivered this year 10
PHYS08044 Classical and Modern Physics Not delivered this year 20
PHYS08026 SV1 Computer Simulation Semester 2 20
PHYS08039 SV1 Discovering Astronomy Semester 1 20
PHYS08043 SV1 Dynamics and Vector Calculus Semester 2 20
PHYS08056 Experimental Physics 2 Not delivered this year 20
PHYS08058 SV1 Experimental Physics 2 Semester 2 10
PHYS08050 SV1 Introductory Astrophysics Semester 2 20
PHYS08052 SV1 Introductory Dynamics Semester 1 10
PHYS08053 SV1 Introductory Fields and Waves Semester 2 20
PHYS08042 SV1 Linear Algebra and Several Variable Calculus Semester 1 10
PHYS08035 SV1 Mathematics for Physics 1 Semester 1 20
PHYS08036 SV1 Mathematics for Physics 2 Semester 2 20
PHYS08045 SV1 Modern Physics Semester 1 10
PHYS08021 SV1 Musical Acoustics Semester 1 20
PHYS08016 SV1 Physics 1A: Foundations Semester 1 20
PHYS08017 SV1 Physics 1B: The Stuff of the Universe Semester 2 20
PHYS08057 SS1 Physics and Mathematics for Direct Entry Semester 1 20
PHYS08046 SV1 Physics of Fields and Matter Semester 2 20
PHYS08054 SV1 Physics of Matter Semester 2 10
PHYS08049 SV1 Programming and Data Analysis Semester 1 10
PHYS08060 SV1 The Dark Universe Semester 2 20
PHYS08059 SV1 The Future of Energy Semester 1 20

SCQF Level 09 (15 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
PHYS09057 SV1 Computer Modelling Full Year 10
PHYS09060 SV1 Electromagnetism Full Year 20
PHYS09049 Experimental Physics Not delivered this year 20
PHYS09063 SS1 Experimental Physics 3 Full Year 20
PHYS09062 SV1 Experimental Physics 3 (CP10) Full Year 10
PHYS09050VV1 Foundations of Electromagnetism Semester 1 10
PHYS09051VV1 Foundations of Quantum Mechanics Semester 1 10
PHYS09054 SV1 Fourier Analysis Semester 1 10
PHYS09055 SV1 Fourier Analysis and Statistics Semester 1 20
PHYS09059 SV1 Observational Astronomy Full Year 20
PHYS09053 SV1 Quantum Mechanics Full Year 20
PHYS09056 SS1 Research Methods in Physics Full Year 10
PHYS09019 SV1 Statistical Mechanics Semester 2 10
PHYS09061 SV1 Thermal Physics Full Year 20
PHYS09021 SV1 Thermodynamics Semester 1 10

SCQF Level 10 (31 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
PHYS10102 Astrophysics Not delivered this year 20
PHYS10112 SV1 Astrophysics: Galaxies and Cosmology Semester 2 20
PHYS10111 SV1 Astrophysics: Stars and Planets Semester 1 20
PHYS10026 Atomic and Molecular Physics Not delivered this year 10
PHYS10101 Cosmology Not delivered this year 10
PHYS10100 SS1 Data Acquisition and Handling Semester 1 10
PHYS10093 SV1 Electromagnetism and Relativity Full Year 20
PHYS10099 SV1 Introduction to Condensed Matter Physics Semester 1 10
PHYS10015 SV1 Lagrangian Dynamics Semester 1 10
PHYS10015VV1 Lagrangian Dynamics Semester 1 10
PHYS10107 SS1 Mathematical Physics Honours Project Semester 2 10
PHYS10034 SV1 Methods of Mathematical Physics Semester 1 10
PHYS10105 SV1 Methods of Theoretical Physics Semester 2 20
PHYS10035 SV1 Modelling and Visualisation in Physics Semester 2 10
PHYS10106 SV1 Nuclear and Particle Physics Semester 1 10
PHYS10090 SV1 Numerical Recipes Semester 1 10
PHYS10103 Physics Non-compulsory year abroad (full year) - Level 10, 30 Credits Not delivered this year 30
PHYS10104 Physics Non-compulsory year abroad (full year) - Level 10, 60 Credits Not delivered this year 60
PHYS10109 SS1 Physics Non-compulsory year abroad (full year) - Level 10, 90 Credits Full Year 90
PHYS10042 SV1 Physics Skills Semester 2 10
PHYS10092 SS1 Physics Year Abroad level 10 Full Year 60
PHYS10094 SV1 Principles of Quantum Mechanics Full Year 20
PHYS10110 SV1 Quantum Computing Project Semester 2 10
PHYS10043 SV1 Quantum Physics Semester 2 10
PHYS10096 SV1 Relativity, Nuclear and Particle Physics Semester 1 20
PHYS10084 Science Education Placement: Physics Not delivered this year 20
PHYS10086 SS1 Senior Honours Project (Physics & Astronomy) Semester 1 Semester 1 20
PHYS10087 SS1 Senior Honours Project (Physics & Astronomy) Semester 2 Semester 2 20
PHYS10097 SV1 Soft Condensed Matter Physics Semester 2 10
PHYS10095 SV1 Solid State Physics Semester 2 10
PHYS10045 Stellar Evolution Not delivered this year 10
PHYS10083 SV1 Symmetries of Quantum Mechanics Semester 2 10

SCQF Level 11 (34 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
PHYS11035 SV1 Advanced Cosmology Semester 1 10
PHYS11068 Advanced Physics Year Abroad level 11 Not delivered this year 60
PHYS11007 SV1 Advanced Statistical Physics Semester 1 10
PHYS11007VV1 Advanced Statistical Physics Semester 1 10
PHYS11040 SV1 Biological Physics Semester 2 10
PHYS11045 SV1 Classical Electrodynamics Semester 2 10
PHYS11037 SV1 Computational Astrophysics Semester 2 10
PHYS11063 SV1 Current Topics in Particle Physics Semester 2 10
PHYS11061 SV1 Electronic Structure Theory Semester 2 10
PHYS11056 Galaxies Not delivered this year 10
PHYS11070 SV1 Galaxy Evolution Semester 2 20
PHYS11010 SV1 General Relativity Semester 2 10
PHYS11055 SV1 Geometry and Physics of Soft Condensed Matter Semester 1 10
PHYS11011 SS1 Group Project Full Year 10
PHYS11012 SV1 Hamiltonian Dynamics Semester 2 10
PHYS11044 SV1 Lasers and Applications Semester 1 10
PHYS11016 SS1 MPhys Project Full Year 40
PHYS11049 SS1 MPhys Project Presentation Semester 2 10
PHYS11050 SS1 MPhys Project for Year Abroad Full Year 20
PHYS11064 SV1 Medical Physics Semester 2 10
PHYS11053 SV1 Nuclear Astrophysics Semester 2 10
PHYS11041 SV1 Nuclear Physics Semester 2 10
PHYS11042 SV1 Particle Physics Semester 1 10
PHYS11062 SS1 Physics Non-compulsory year abroad (full year) - Level 11, 30 Credits Full Year 30
PHYS11057 Physics Non-compulsory year abroad (full year) - Level 11, 60 Credits Not delivered this year 60
PHYS11058 Physics Non-compulsory year abroad (full year) - Level 11, 90 Credits Not delivered this year 90
PHYS11051 SS1 Physics Year Abroad level 11 Full Year 60
PHYS11066 SV1 Physics of Extreme Environments Semester 1 10
PHYS11066VV1 Physics of Extreme Environments Semester 1 10
PHYS11065 SV1 Quantum Field Theory Semester 1 20
PHYS11019 SV1 Quantum Theory Semester 1 10
PHYS11019VV1 Quantum Theory Semester 1 10
PHYS11067 SV1 Radiation Processes in Astrophysics Semester 1 20
PHYS11021 Relativistic Quantum Field Theory Not delivered this year 10
PHYS11071 SV1 Scientific Image Analysis Semester 2 20
PHYS11024 SV1 Statistical Physics Semester 2 10
PHYS11059 SS1 Telescope Group Project Full Year 20
Available to all students - SV
Not available to visiting students - SS
Part-year visiting students only - VV
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