Timetable information in the Course Catalogue may be subject to change.

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Year 1 Academic year: 2024/25, Starting in: September

Before selecting your outside courses, please ensure you have consulted our course options information for first years (delivered in Welcome Week).

Compulsory courses

You must take these courses

Course options

Group A

Select exactly 60 credits in this group.

Level 7 and 8 courses in Schedules A-Q, T, W and Y

Geography students should only take a maximum of 40 credits level 7 language courses in 1st and 2nd year.

Year 2 Academic year: 2024/25, Starting in: August

Before selecting your outside courses, please ensure you have met your Student Advisor.

Students who are planning on spending their Junior Year Abroad in Y3 must successfully progress to honours before they can proceed on their exchange. It is compulsory to have passed 240 credits by the June progression board.

Compulsory courses

You must take these courses

Course options

Group A

Select exactly 40 credits in this group.

BSc Level 8 courses

Select between 0 and 40 credits of the following courses

Level 7 and 8 courses in Schedules A-Q, T, W and Y

Select between 0 and 40 credits from Level 7 and 8 courses in Schedules A-Q, T, W and Y
Geography students should only take a maximum of 40 credits level 7 language courses in 1st and 2nd year.

Year 3 Academic year: 2024/25, Starting in: August

Entry to third year normally requires successful completion of the first two years of the curriculum.

Students wishing to take an honours elective outside of Geography should consult with their Student Advisor.

Compulsory courses

You must take these courses

Course options

Group A

Select exactly 40 credits in this group.

Courses from School(s) N-N - Geography (MA Hons) - Level(s) 10-10

Select between 20 and 40 credits of the following courses

Level 9 and 10 courses in Schedules A to Q, T and W

Select between 0 and 20 credits from Level 9 and 10 courses in Schedules A to Q, T and W
Students wishing to take an honours elective outside of Geography should consult with their Student Advisor.

Year 4 Academic year: 2024/25, Starting in: August

Students wishing to take an honours elective outside of Geography should consult with their Student Advisor.

Compulsory courses

You must take these courses

Course options

Group A

Select exactly 40 credits in this group.

Courses from School(s) N-N - Geography (MA Hons) - Level(s) 10-10

Select between 20 and 40 credits of the following courses

Level 9 and 10 courses in Schedules A to Q, T and W

Select between 0 and 20 credits from Level 9 and 10 courses in Schedules A to Q, T and W
Students wishing to take an honours elective outside of Geography should consult with their PT.

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