During 3rd year, when study in a Persian-speaking country or at an approved institution elsewhere is permitted, at least 30 weeks of approved residence must be spent in a relevant country.
Final Assessment
One unit of assessment is allocated to every 20 credits and constitutes one 20-credit paper. The following are the 20-credit papers on which the classification of the degree is based. (Papers that for the purposes of degree classification acquire a weighting of 40 credits are, therefore, listed twice, etc.)
Group A - Year 3 with Persian study abroad (full year) - classification is based on the following twelve 20-credit papers:
1. Advanced Persian
2. Advanced Persian
3. Advanced Persian
4. Advanced Persian
5. Advanced Persian
6. IMES Dissertation Part 1 (same as mark 7)
7. IMES Dissertation Part 2
8. Persian Coursework Essay
9. IMES Honours Option (Persian Language)
10. IMES Honours Option
11. IMES Honours Option
12. IMES Honours Option OR Option course from another School
Group B - NB This option is only available to students when study in a Persian-speaking country or at an approved institution elsewhere is not permitted.
Year 3 spent at Edinburgh (full year) - classification is based on the following twelve 20-credit papers:
In Year 3: Intensive Persian, IMES Dissertation Part 1, three IMES Honours Options OR two IMES Honours Options and one Option course from another School (120 credits)
In Year 4: Advanced Persian, IMES Dissertation Part 2, IMES Honours Option (Persian Language), three IMES Honours Options OR two IMES Honours Options and one Option course from another School (120 credits)
Group C - NB This option is only available to students when study in a Persian-speaking country or at an approved institution elsewhere is not permitted.
Year 3 spent at Edinburgh (half year); and on Erasmus (half year) - classification is based on the following nine 20-credit papers:
In Year 3: Intensive Persian and IMES Dissertation Part 1 (60 credits)
In Year 4: Advanced Persian, IMES Dissertation Part 2, IMES Honours Option (Persian Language), three IMES Honours Options OR two IMES Honours Options and one Option course from another School (120 credits)