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Year 1 Academic year: 2024/25, Starting in: September

Before selecting your outside courses, please ensure you have met with your Student Adviser.

Compulsory courses

You must take these courses

Course options

Group A

Select exactly 20 credits in this group.

Economics Year 1 Fundamentals

Select between 0 and 20 credits of the following courses
Note: You may not choose this course if you have a high school qualification in Economics.

Level 7 and 8 courses in Schedules A-Q, S, T and W

Select between 0 and 20 credits from Level 7 and 8 courses in Schedules A-Q, S, T and W
Level 7 courses may be taken with the permission of your Student Adviser, subject to a maximum of 40 credits over Years 1 and 2.

Attention is drawn to the following Economics options courses: ECNM08003, Economics Applications; ECNM08019, Introductory Financial Economics; ECNM08024, Development, Inequality and Trade; ECNM08025, Global Priorities; ECNM08026, Introductory Behavioural and Experimental Economics.

Year 2 Academic year: 2024/25, Starting in: August

Entry into Year 3 normally requires (i) passes in all courses (240 credits) in Years 1 and 2; (ii) a pass in Economics 2; (iii) a pass in Several Variable Calculus and Differential Equations; (iv) a pass in Fundamentals of Pure Mathematics; (v) a pass in Statistics (Year 2); and (vi) a pass in Probability.

Students are advised to consider taking MATH08065, Computing and Numerics, as programming courses may in future be a pre-requisite for MATH10066 Honours Differential Equations

Compulsory courses

You must take these courses

Course options

Level 7 and 8 courses in Schedules A to Q, S, T, W and Y

EXCLUDING: CMSE08002 Business Research Methods I: Quantitative Techniques.

Level 7 courses may be taken with the permission of your Student Adviser, subject to a maximum of 40 credits over Years 1 and 2.

Attention is drawn to the following Economics options courses: ECNM08019, Introductory Financial Economics; ECNM08020, Introductory Environmental Economics; ECNM08024, Development, Inequality and Trade; ECNM08025, Global Priorities; ECNM08026, Introductory Behavioural and Experimental Economics.

Year 3 Academic year: 2024/25, Starting in: August

Entry into Year 3 normally requires (i) passes in all courses (240 credits) in Years 1 and 2; (ii) a pass in Economics 2; (iii) a pass in Several Variable Calculus and Differential Equations; (iv) a pass in Fundamentals of Pure Mathematics; (v) a pass in Statistics (Year 2); and (vi) a pass in Probability.

Students who spend their third year abroad at a partner university must complete and pass a full year's diet of examinable subjects (equivalent to 120 credits), all of which must be in Economics and Statistics. Students must complete and pass equivalent courses to the Year 3 compulsory courses, but subject to additional requirements as described in the Study Abroad Information, available on Learn.

Compulsory courses

You must take these courses

Course options

Economics Course Options for Joint Programmes Year 3 (A)

Select exactly 20 credits of the following courses

Group A

Select exactly 30 credits in this group.

Economics Course Options Year 3 (joint programmes)

Select between 0 and 20 credits of the following courses

2024 - 25: UTMATHB : Y3 options : SEMESTER 1

Select between 0 and 20 credits of the following courses

Economics and Stats Core Course Options Year 3

Select between 0 and 20 credits of the following courses
Students must take at least one of the following set of courses at some point during Years 3 and 4:

- Multivariate Data Analysis
- Statistical Learning
- Applied Statistics
- Non-parametric Regression
- Theory of Statistical Inference

Each course runs only in alternate years. Theory of Statistical Inference will be available every year, but only to Year 4 students.

2024-25: UTMATHB : Y3 options : SEMESTER 2

Select between 0 and 20 credits of the following courses

HAlg/HAna/HCoV/HDEq choice

Select between 0 and 20 credits of the following courses

Year 4 Academic year: 2024/25, Starting in: August

Degree Classification Weighting is based on 240 credits: One unit of assessment is allocated to every 10 credits and constitutes one 10-credit paper. The following are the twenty four 10-credit papers on which the classification of the degree is based (papers that for the purpose of degree classification acquire weighting of 20 credits are, therefore, listed twice and papers that for the purpose of degree classification acquire weighting of 40 credits are, therefore, listed four times) as follows:

From third year: 1) Topics in Microeconomics 2) Topics in Microeconomics 3) Essentials of Econometrics 4) Essentials of Econometrics 5) Topics in Macroeconomics OR Applications of Econometrics 6) Topics in Macroeconomics OR Applications of Econometrics 7) Statistical Methodology 8) Stochastic Modelling 9) Statistical Computing 10) Statistics Honours option 11) Economics or Statistics Honours option 12) Economics or Statistics Honours option.

From fourth year: 13) Economics Honours Dissertation or Project in Mathematics 14) Economics Honours Dissertation or Project in Mathematics 15) Economics Honours Dissertation or Project in Mathematics 16) Economics Honours Dissertation or Project in Mathematics 17) Economics Honours option 18) Economics Honours option 19) Economics Honours option 20) Economics Honours option 21) Statistics Honours option 22) Statistics Honours option 23) Statistics Honours option 24) Statistics Honours option.

Degree Classification Weighting for students who spent their third year abroad is based on 120 credits: One unit of assessment is allocated to every 10 credits and constitutes one 10-credit paper. The following are the twelve 10-credit papers on which the classification of the degree is based (papers that for the purpose of degree classification acquire weighting of 20 credits are, therefore, listed twice and papers that for the purpose of degree classification acquire weighting of 40 credits are, therefore, listed four times) as follows:

From fourth year: 1) Economics Honours Dissertation or Project in Mathematics 2) Economics Honours Dissertation or Project in Mathematics 3) Economics Honours Dissertation or Project in Mathematics 4) Economics Honours Dissertation or Project in Mathematics 5) Economics Honours option 6) Economics Honours option 7) Economics Honours option 8) Economics Honours option 9) Statistics Honours option 10) Statistics Honours option 11) Statistics Honours option 12) Statistics Honours option.

Students who spent their third year abroad at a partner university must have completed and passed a full year's diet of examinable subjects (equivalent to 120 credits), all of which must have been in Economics and Statistics. Students must take third year compulsory courses for which they did not take suitable substitutes on their year abroad. Additional requirements are described in the Degree Programme Handbook available on Learn.

There are no compulsory courses in this year of this programme.

Course options

Economics and Statistics Dissertation

Select exactly 40 credits of the following courses

Economics Course Options Year 4 (joint programmes)

Select exactly 40 credits of the following courses

Group A

Select exactly 40 credits in this group.

2024-25: UTMATHB : Y4/5 options : SEMESTER 1

Select between 0 and 40 credits of the following courses

2024-25: UTMATHB : Y4/5 options : FULL YEAR

Select between 0 and 40 credits of the following courses

Economics and Stats Core Course Options Year 4

Select between 0 and 40 credits of the following courses
Students must take at least one of the following set of courses at some point during Years 3 and 4. Some courses run in alternate years.

2024-25: UTMATHB : Y4/5 options : Semester 2

Select between 0 and 40 credits of the following courses

2024 -25 : UTMATHST : Y3 Options : Semester 1

Select between 0 and 40 credits of the following courses

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