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Postgrad (School of Social and Political Studies)

SCQF Level 11 (362 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
PGSP11613 Ethnography of the Supernatural: Writing the More-Than-Human Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11593 Advanced Issues in International Relations Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11594 Advanced Issues in Political Science Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11595 Advanced Issues in Political Theory Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11597 SV1 Advanced Methods Workshops (10 credit) Full Year 10
PGSP11596 SV1 Advanced Methods Workshops (20 credit) Full Year 20
PGSP11371 Advanced Theory in Science and Technology Studies Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11151 Africa and International Politics Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11525 Africa in International Politics Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11049 An Introduction to Anthropological Theory Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11425 Analysis and Shaping of the Bioeconomy Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11598 Anthropology and Africa Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11548 Anthropology by Design Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11385 Anthropology of Christianity Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11615 Anthropology of Southeast Asia Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11374 Anthropology of Violence Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11485 Applied Demography Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11245 Armed Force and Society Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11553 Bayesian Statistics for Social Scientists Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11488 Behavioural Public Policy Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11559 Brexit and the European Union Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11417 Building Blocks of African Studies Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11145 Comparative Perspectives in Nationalism Studies Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11536 Consumption in Africa: History, Personhood and Identity Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11076 Contemporary African Issues and Debates Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11470 Contemporary Debates in Africa Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11482 Contemporary Issues in Latin America Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11448 Contemporary Political Theory: Engaging with Current Research Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11288 Contemporary War: Understanding Change and Continuity Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11370 Controversies in Science and Technology Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11467 SV1 Controversies in the Data Society Semester 2 20
SCIL11009 SV1 Core quantitative data analysis 1 and 2 Semester 1 20
PGSP11078 Core quantitative data analysis for social research: part 1 Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11079 Core quantitative data analysis for social research: part 2 Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11550 Critical perspectives on mental health and well-being in the Global South Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11295 Cultures of Human Rights and Humanitarianism Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11330 Current Trends in Life Science Innovation I Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11332 Current Trends in Life Science Innovation II Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11533 Demystifying Money Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11465 Digital Markets and Society Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11317 Dissertation (MSc International Relations of the Middle East with Arabic) Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11292 Dissertation (MSc International Relations of the Middle East) Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11612 SV1 Dissertation (MSc The Middle East in Global Politics) Block 5 (sem 2) 60
PGSP11216 Dissertation (MSc by Research Social Policy) Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11472 Dissertation (MSc in Digital Society) Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11059 Dissertation (MSc/Dip African Studies) Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11054 Dissertation (MSc/Dip Nationalism Studies) Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11055 Dissertation (MSc/Dip Policy Studies) Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11060 SV1 Dissertation (MSc/Dip Social Anthropology) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11568 Dissertation - MSc in Applied Social Science Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11349 SS1 Dissertation MSc Medical Anthropology Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11628 Dissertation MSc by Research (180 credits) Not delivered this year 180
PGSP11122 Dissertation MSc by Research (South Asian Studies) Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11124 Dissertation MSc by Research (South Asian Studies) 100 credit Not delivered this year 100
PGSP11611 Dissertation MSc by Research (Sustainable African Futures) Not delivered this year 120
PGSP11090 Dissertation MSc by Research - Social Work (60 Credits) Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11355 Dissertation MSc by Research Medical Anthropology Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11502 SS1 Dissertation MSc by Research Social and Political Science (CAS) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 120
PGSP11565 SS1 Dissertation MSc by Research Social and Political Science (International Development) Flexible 120
PGSP11507 SS1 Dissertation MSc by Research Social and Political Science (PIR) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 120
PGSP11503 SS1 Dissertation MSc by Research Social and Political Science (Social Anthropology) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 120
PGSP11092 Dissertation MSc by Research Socio-Cultural Studies (60 credit) Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11093 Dissertation MSc by Research Socio-Cultural Studies (80 credit) Not delivered this year 80
PGSP11103 Dissertation by Placement MSc Social Research Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11451 Economic Development and Change in Africa Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11439 Education Policy Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11387 Egyptian Politics and International Relations Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11401 Engaging with Digital Research Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11446 Engaging with Digital Research Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11574 Ethnographies of the United States Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11017 Explanation and Understanding in Social and Political Research Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11333 Foundations of the Bioeconomy Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11440 Gender and Sexuality in Global Politics Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11217 Gender, Science and Technology Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11526 Gender, War and Peacebuilding Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11366 Genocide and Ethnic Conflict Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11575 Global Challenges: Integrating Sustainable Development SLICC (Development) Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11328 Global Health Governance (DIstance Learning) Not delivered this year 20
SCPL11021 Global and International Social Policy Not delivered this year 20
IPHP11009 Globalisation and public health Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11281 Governing Mineral Extraction in Africa Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11365 Governing the Social: International Perspectives Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11063 Happiness: Cross-Cultural Perspectives Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11431 Health Systems Analysis Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11329 Health inequities and the social determinants of health (Distance learning) Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11428 Human Rights, Global Politics and International Law Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11468 Humanitarianism and the Media Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11376 Humans and Other Species Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11599 Identity and Conflict in Multinational States Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11493 Infrastructure and Development Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11426 Innovation Systems Theory and Practice Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11334 Innovation Systems: Theory and Practice I Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11335 Innovation Systems: Theory and Practice II Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11321 Intermediate inferential statistics: testing and modelling Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11490 International Relations and Contemporary Conflict Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11427 Introduction to Energy Policy and Politics Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11394 Introduction to Industrial Biotechnology and its Governance Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11395 Introduction to Risk, Regulation and Governance Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11564 Investigating Criminal Activity and Illicit Markets Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11290 Keywords in South Asian Public Culture Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11304 Labour Market Policy: International and Comparative Perspectives Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11419 Latin American Anthropology Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11487 SV1 Longitudinal Data Analysis Semester 1 20
PGSP11316 MPP Capstone Project Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11185 Magic, Science and Healing Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11391 Managing Digital Influence Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11441 Managing Digital Influence Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11341 Modern Africa Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11500 Pictures: The Anthropology of Images and Mediation Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11540 SS1 Placement-Based Dissertation (MSc Africa and International Development) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11541 Placement-Based Dissertation (MSc African Studies) Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11539 SS1 Placement-Based Dissertation (MSc International Development) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11538 SS1 Placement-Based Dissertation (MSc Medical Anthropology) Block 5 (sem 2) 60
PGSP11557 Placement-Based Dissertation (MSc in Nationalism Studies) Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11527 Political Contestation in the Middle East Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11298 Political Islam in the Middle East Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11571 Political Theory and Critique in the Middle East Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11111 Political Theory and International Affairs Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11261 Popular Music Technology and Society Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11478 Product Development Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11450 Public Engagement in Policymaking and Governance Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11339 Public Health and Health Policy (Distance Learning) Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11357 Race and Ethnicity Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11396 Regulation and Governance of the Life Sciences Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11347 Religion and Development Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11208 Research Design Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11489 Research problems in drugs and crime online Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11492 Researching Health & Policy: Qualitative Approaches Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11518 Researching Health & Policy: Qualitative Approaches (Online Learning) Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11529 Researching Health & Policy: Quantitative Approaches Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11517 Researching Health & Policy: Quantitative Approaches (Online Learning) Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11386 Rethinking Development Economics Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11320 Roots of African Poverty and Development (Distance Learning) Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11513 SPSS Masters Dissertation (PIR) Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11514 SPSS Masters Dissertation [Social Policy] Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11512 SSPS Masters Dissertation (CAS) Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11509 SSPS Masters Dissertation (STIS) Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11515 SSPS Masters Dissertation (Social Anthropology) Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11511 SSPS Masters Dissertation (Social Work) Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11257 Scotland: Social Structure and Social Change Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11040 Social & Political Movements: Theory and Practice Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11445 Social Shaping of Digital Research Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11399 Social and Political Science Research Training Workshops Not delivered this year 5
PGSP11258 Social inequality and social protection Not delivered this year 20
SCIL11037 Sociological Theory for Social Research Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11555 South Asia: Culture, Politics & Economy Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11486 SV1 Statistical Modelling in the Social Sciences Semester 1 20
PGSP11390 Technologies of Civic Participation Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11444 Technologies of Civic Participation Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11603 Terrorism in Global Politics Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11414 The Anthropology of Africa Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11047 The Anthropology of Death Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11454 The Anthropology of Language Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11460 The Anthropology of Monsters: Demons, witches, cyborgs and other fabulous creatures Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11302 The Documents of Life Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11061 The European Union in International Affairs Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11343 The International Politics of Money Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11577 The Politics of Electoral Representation Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11570 The Politics of Knowledge in International Relations Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11606 The State in Social and Political Theory Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11443 The Use and Evolution of Digital Data Analysis and Collection Tools Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11388 The use and evolution of digital data analysis and collection tools Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11144 Theories and Theorists in Nationalism Studies Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11383 Transitional Justice in Context Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11483 Understanding Data Visualisation (on-campus) Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11491 Understanding Infectious Disease Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11458 Urban Anthropology Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11260 Visual Anthropology Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11406 Work-based dissertation (MSc Global Environment,Politics and Society) Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11429 Working with Self and Others in Qualitative Research: Theory and Practice Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11319 SS1 Analysing Development (Distance Learning) Semester 2 20
PGSP11412 SV1 Analysing European Governance and Public Policy Semester 1 20
PGSP11110 Analysing Qualitative Data Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11452 SV1 Analysing Social Networks with Statistics Semester 2 20
PGSP11172 SV1 Anthropological Theory Semester 1 20
PGSP11416 SV1 Anthropology and Environment Semester 2 20
PGSP11457 SV1 Anthropology of Displacement and Migration Semester 1 20
PGSP11592 SV1 Anthropology of East Asia Semester 2 20
PGSP11379 SV1 Anthropology of Global Health Semester 2 20
PGSP11423 SV1 Anthropology of Health and Illness Semester 1 20
PGSP11415 SV1 Anthropology of Sex and Reproduction Semester 2 20
PGSP11521 SV1 Asia Pacific in the World Semester 1 20
PGSP11331 SV1 Biobusiness Semester 2 20
PGSP11471 SV1 Business and International Development Semester 2 20
PGSP11587 SS1 Capacity Law: MHO Role in Context Semester 2 20
PLIT11016 SV1 Climate Change, Justice and Responsibility Semester 2 20
PGSP11104 SV1 Comparative Analysis of Social and Public Policy Semester 2 20
PGSP11580 SV1 Comparing Nationalisms Semester 2 20
PGSP11583 SV1 Computational Sociology Semester 1 20
PGSP11584 SV1 Computational Text Analysis Semester 2 20
PGSP11453 SV1 Conflict and Peace in Africa Semester 2 20
PGSP11590 SV1 Conflict, Security, and Development Semester 1 20
PGSP11176 SV1 Consumption, Exchange, Technology: The Anthropology of Economic Processes Semester 2 20
PGSP11421 SV1 Contagion Semester 2 20
PGSP11578 Contemporary Issues in Middle East Politics Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11276 SV1 Contemporary Social Theory Semester 2 20
PGSP11586 SV1 Criminal Procedures: MHO Role in Context Semester 2 10
PGSP11562 SV1 Critical approaches to Global Mental Health and Social Change Semester 1 20
PGSP11563 SV1 Culture and Mental Health in a Global Perspective Semester 2 20
PGSP11178 SV1 Culture and Power: The Anthropology of Political Processes Semester 1 20
PGSP11623 Data Collection (Online Learning) Not delivered this year 20
STIS11002 SV1 Data, Sport & Society Semester 2 20
PGSP11569 SV1 Delivering the Circular Economy and the Bioeconomy Semester 1 20
PGSP11624 Delivering the Circular Economy and the Bioeconomy Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11573 SV1 Digital Global Development Semester 2 20
PGSP11495 Digital activism: Power and protest around the world Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11369 SV1 Displacement and Development Semester 2 20
AFRI11007 SV1 Displacement and Development (ODL) Semester 2 20
PGSP11499 SS1 Dissertation (DSTI - SSPS) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
SCWR11009 SS1 Dissertation (MSW) Full Year 60
PGSP11600 SV1 Dissertation (MSc Digital Sociology) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11361 SV1 Dissertation (MSc Global Environment, Politics and Society) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11516 SS1 Dissertation (MSc Global Health Policy - Online Learning) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11567 SV1 Dissertation (MSc Global Mental Health and Society) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
AFRI11005 SS1 Dissertation (MSc International Development - Online Distance Learning) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11291 SS1 Dissertation (MSc International Development) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11354 SS1 Dissertation (MSc Science and Technology in Society Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11626 SV1 Dissertation (MSc in Conflict, Security, and Development) Flexible 60
PGSP11338 SV1 Dissertation (MSc in Management of Bioeconomy, Innovation and Governance) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11398 SS1 Dissertation (MSc in Sociology and Global Change) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11052 SV1 Dissertation (MSc/Dip International & European Politics) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PLIT11018 SV1 Dissertation (MSc/Dip International Relations) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11620 SS1 Dissertation (MSc/Dip Nationalism in Global Perspective) Block 5 (sem 2) 60
PGSP11524 SV1 Dissertation (MSc/Dip Public Policy) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11057 SV1 Dissertation (MSc/Dip Social Research) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11463 SV1 Dissertation - Health Policy Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11248 SV1 Dissertation MSc Comparative Public Policy Flexible 60
PGSP11097 SV1 Dissertation MSc by Research Science & Technology Studies (60 credit) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11099 SV1 Dissertation MSc by Research Science and Technology Studies (100 credit) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 100
PGSP11098 SV1 Dissertation MSc by Research Science and Technology Studies (80 credit) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 80
PGSP11505 SS1 Dissertation MSc by Research Social and Political Science (Social Policy) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 120
PGSP11506 SS1 Dissertation MSc by Research Social and Political Science (Social Work) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 120
PGSP11504 SS1 Dissertation MSc by Research Social and Political Science (Sociology) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 120
PGSP11251 SV1 Dissertation MSc in Africa and International Development Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
SCWR11027 SS1 Doing Social Work Research Full Year 20
PGSP11581 SV1 Dynamics of African Development Semester 1 20
PGSP11604 SV1 Eco-social policy and sustainable welfare Semester 2 20
PGSP11246 SV1 Economic Issues in Public Policy Semester 1 20
PGSP11607 Education Policy and Governance Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11133 SV1 Energy Policy and Politics (10 credit version) Semester 2 10
PGSP11132 SV1 Energy Policy and Politics (20 credits) Semester 2 20
PGSP11625 Energy Systems and Technologies Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11422 SV1 Energy in the Global South Semester 1 20
PGSP11552 SV1 Environmental Risk: Politics, Ethics, and Communication Semester 2 20
PGSP11523 Equality and Its Critics Not delivered this year 20
SCIL11036 SV1 Ethnopolitical Conflict Semester 2 20
PGSP11589 European Foreign and Security Policy Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11203 SV1 European Social Policy Semester 1 20
PGSP11373 SV1 Evaluation Research Methods Semester 2 20
PGSP11300 SV1 Foreign Policy Analysis Semester 2 20
PGSP11534 Foundations in Responsible Research and Innovation Not delivered this year 10
STIS11005 SV1 Fundamentals of Energy Systems and Technologies Semester 1 20
PGSP11225 SV1 Gender and Development Semester 2 20
PGSP11614 SV1 Gender, Feminist Foreign Policy and Diplomacy Semester 2 20
PGSP11542 SV1 Gender, Politics and Representation Semester 1 20
PGSP11619 SV1 Generation and Inheritance: Anthropological Concepts Semester 1 20
PGSP11326 SS1 Global Development Challenges (Distance Learning) Semester 1 20
PGSP11359 SV1 Global Environment and Society Semester 1 20
PGSP11358 SV1 Global Environment: Key Issues Semester 1 20
PGSP11299 SV1 Global Environmental Politics Semester 2 20
PGSP11497 Global Food Security Governance Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11602 SV1 Global Perspectives on Child and Adolescent Mental Health Semester 1 20
IPHP11003 SV1 Global Politics of Public Health Semester 2 20
SCIL11016 SV1 Globalization Semester 1 20
PGSP11327 SV1 Governance, Development and Poverty in Africa Semester 2 20
PLIT11020 SV1 Gulf Politics Semester 2 20
PGSP11363 SV1 Health Systems Analysis Semester 1 20
PGSP11364 SV1 Health Systems: Strengthening and Reform Semester 2 20
SCPL11015 SV1 Health and Human Rights: Principles, Practice and Dilemmas Semester 2 20
PGSP11501 Health and Migration Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11520 Humanity, Law and Violence Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11558 SV1 Innovation Systems and Risk Management Semester 1 20
PGSP11400 SV1 Innovation in Sustainable Food Systems Semester 2 20
PGSP11170 SV1 Institutions and Policies of the European Union Semester 1 20
PGSP11530 International Organisations and Institutions Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11171 SV1 International Political Economy Semester 2 20
PLIT11024 SV1 International Regulation and Governance Semester 1 20
PGSP11156 SV1 International Relations Theory Semester 1 20
PGSP11162 SV1 International Security Semester 2 20
PGSP11420 SS1 International development: research design and practice Full Year 0
PGSP11116 SV1 Internet, Society and Economy Semester 2 20
PGSP11296 SV1 Interpreting Development: Institutions and Practices Semester 2 20
PGSP11229 SV1 Intimate Relationships Semester 2 20
PGSP11466 SV1 Issues and Concepts in Digital Society Semester 1 20
SCIL11030 SV1 Key Concepts in Global Social Change Semester 1 20
PGSP11348 SV1 Key Skills in Development Practice Semester 2 20
AFRI11006 SV1 Key Skills in Development Practice (ODL) Semester 2 20
SCAN11029 SV1 Key Themes In Anthropology Semester 1 20
PGSP11184 SV1 Kinship: Structure and Process Semester 2 20
PGSP11585 SV1 Mental Distress: Critical Perspectives Semester 1 10
PGSP11588 SV1 Mental Health Law: MHO Role in Context Semester 2 20
PGSP11424 SV1 Multi-Level Modelling in Social Science Semester 2 20
PGSP11608 Nationalism, Populism and Democracy Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11146 SV1 Nations and Nationalism Semester 1 20
SCAN11027 SV1 People First: The Anthropology of International Development Semester 1 20
PGSP11543 SV1 Placement-Based Dissertation (MSc Global Environment, Politics and Society) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11549 SS1 Placement-Based Dissertation (MSc Global Public Health Unit) Block 5 (sem 2) 60
PGSP11556 SS1 Placement-Based Dissertation (MSc International Development OL) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11547 SS1 Placement-Based Dissertation (MSc Science and Technology in Society) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11537 SS1 Placement-Based Dissertation (MSc Social Research) Block 5 (sem 2) 60
PGSP11545 SV1 Placement-Based Dissertation (MSc Sociology and Global Change) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11546 SV1 Placement-Based Dissertation (MSc in International and European Politics) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11544 SV1 Placement-Based Dissertation (MSc in Management of Bioeconomy, Innovation and Governance) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11551 SS1 Placement-based Dissertation (MSc Comparative Public Policy) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11566 SV1 Placement-based Dissertation (MSc Global Mental Health and Society) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11519 SV1 Placement-based Dissertation (MSc Public Policy) Block 5 (sem 2) 60
AFRI11010 SV1 Policing and Punishment: Insights from across the globe Semester 1 20
PGSP11627 SV1 Policy Focused Dissertation (Conflict, Security, and Development) Blocks 4-5 (Sem 2) 60
SCPL11030 SV1 Policy Work Semester 2 20
PGSP11522 SV1 Policy in Action Semester 2 20
PGSP11247 SV1 Political Issues in Public Policy Semester 1 20
PGSP11240 SV1 Politics and Theories of International Development Semester 1 20
PGSP11318 SS1 Politics and Theories of International Development (Distance Learning) Semester 1 20
SCPL11017 SV1 Population Health and Health Policy Semester 1 20
SCWR11036 SS1 Professional Social Work Practice 1 Blocks 1-3 (Sem 1-2) 80
SCWR11035 SS1 Professional Social Work Practice 2 Blocks 1-3 (Sem 1-2) 80
PGSP11605 SV1 Pursuing Justice after Violence Semester 2 20
PGSP11188 SV1 Qualitative Methods and Ethnographic Fieldwork Semester 2 20
PGSP11576 Refugees, Health and Humanitarian Action Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11393 SV1 Regulation and Governance of New Therapies Semester 2 20
PGSP11622 Research Design (Online Learning) Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11630 SV1 Research Design for Societal Challenges Semester 2 20
PGSP11016 SV1 Research Skills in the Social Sciences: Data Collection Semester 1 20
PGSP11340 SV1 Research in Africa Semester 2 20
PGSP11469 SV1 Researching Digital Life Semester 2 20
SCIL11029 SV1 Researching Global Social Change Semester 2 20
PGSP11480 SS1 Researching International Development (Distance Learning) Semester 1 20
PGSP11418 SV1 Resource Politics and Development Semester 1 20
PGSP11591 Rethinking Africa: Race, Space, and Power Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11191 SV1 Ritual and Religion Semester 1 20
PGSP11621 SV1 Russia in Global Politics Semester 2 20
PGSP11510 SSPS Masters Dissertation (Sociology) Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11352 SV1 Science, Knowledge and Expertise Semester 1 20
PGSP11629 SV1 Social Demography Semester 1 20
IPHP11002 SV1 Social Determinants of Health and Public Policy Semester 1 20
PGSP11476 SV1 Social Dimensions of Systems and Synthetic Biology Semester 2 20
STIS11004 SV1 Social Dimensions of Systems and Synthetic Biology Semester 2 10
SCIL11042 SV1 Social Network Research: Theories and Analysis Semester 2 20
PGSP11389 SV1 Social Shaping of Digital Research Block 3 (Sem 2) 10
SCWR11039 SS1 Social Work in Communities Semester 1 20
SCWR11038 SS1 Social Work with Individuals and Families Semester 1 20
PGHC11419 Society and Culture in the Soviet and Post-Soviet Space (online) Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11554 SS1 Sociology Postgraduate Research Seminar Full Year 0
PGSP11367 SV1 Sociology of Emotions Semester 2 20
SCIL11035 SV1 Sociology of the Arts Semester 2 20
PGSP11572 SV1 Survey in Middle Eastern Politics Semester 1 20
PGSP11455 The Anthropology of Games and Play Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11042 SV1 The Ethnography Seminar Semester 2 20
SCAN11008 The Invention of History Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11275 SV1 The Middle East in International Relations Semester 2 20
PGSP11617 The Political Economy of Corporate Power Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11616 SV1 The Politics and Governance of Crisis Semester 2 20
PGSP11149 SV1 The Politics of Post-Soviet Russia Semester 1 20
PGSP11579 SV1 Theorising Nationalism Semester 1 20
PGSP11618 SV1 U.S. Grand Strategy and Foreign Policy Semester 1 20
SCWR11033 SS1 Understanding Care and Control in Social Work (PG) Semester 2 20
PGSP11484 SV1 Understanding Data Visualisation Semester 2 20
PGSP11353 SV1 Understanding Technology Semester 1 20
PGSP11601 SV1 War and Peace: Anthropological Perspectives Semester 2 20
PGSP11409 SV1 Work-based dissertation (Sociology and Global Change) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
SCWR11040 SS2 Working with Risk, trust and Complexity (PG) Semester 1 40
SCWR11037 SS1 Working with Self & Others: Skills Theories & Methods Semester 1 20

SCQF Level 12 (2 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
PGSP12002 SV1 Advanced Research Design and Methods Full Year 20
PGSP12001 SS1 Principles and Practices of Higher Education Full Year 40
Available to all students - SV
Not available to visiting students - SS
Part-year visiting students only - VV
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