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Postgrad (School of Social and Political Studies)

SCQF Level 10 (5 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
PGSP10002 Children and Families Social Work: Themes and Issues (PG) Not delivered this year 10
PGSP10003 Community Care Social Work: Themes and Issues (PG) Not delivered this year 10
PGSP10001 SV1 Social Science for Social Work Full Year 20
PGSP10004 Social Work and Criminal Justice: Themes and Issues (PG) Not delivered this year 10
PGSP10005 Social Work and the Law (PG) Not delivered this year 10

SCQF Level 11 (240 courses)

Code Availability Course Name Period Credits
SCAN11006 SV1 Advanced Issues in Anthropological Research Full Year 40
PGSP11089 SV1 Advanced Issues in Social Work Research Full Year 20
PGSP11101 SV1 Advanced Issues in Socio-Cultural Research Full Year 40
SCIL11007 SV1 Advanced Issues in Sociological Research and Sociology Writing Workshop Full Year 40
PGSP11151 SV1 Africa and International Politics Semester 2 20
PGSP11130 African Politics, Literature and Film: Contested Representations Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11322 SV1 African Popular Culture Semester 2 20
PGSP11064 American Foreign Policy Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11049 SV1 An Introduction to Anthropological Theory Semester 1 20
PGSP11319 SS1 Analysing Development (Distance Learning) Semester 2 20
PGSP11252 Analysing Development Aid Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11110 SV1 Analysing Qualitative Data Semester 2 20
PGSP11310 SS1 Analysis for Policy Semester 1 15
PGSP11172 SV1 Anthropological Theory Semester 1 20
PGSP11072 SV1 Anthropology and International Health Semester 2 20
PGSP11048 Anthropology and Photography Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11071 SV1 Anthropology of Health and Healing Semester 1 20
PGSP11140 SV1 Application to a Practice Setting (Adult Protection) Flexible 10
PGSP11014 Approaches to Analysing Text, Discourse and Narratives Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11245 Armed Force and Society Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11174 SV1 Belief,Thought and Language Semester 2 20
PGSP11023 Case Study Methods in Science and Technology Studies: Theory and Practice Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11303 Childhood and Children's Rights Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11210 SV1 Children, Childhood and Children's Rights: Law, Policy and Practice Semester 2 20
PGSP11209 SV1 Children, Childhood and Children's Rights: Theory into Practice Semester 1 20
PGSP11209 SV2 Children, Childhood and Children's Rights: Theory into Practice Semester 1 20
PGSP11104 SV1 Comparative Analysis of Social and Public Policy Semester 1 20
PGSP11145 SV1 Comparative Perspectives in Nationalism Studies Semester 2 20
PGSP11176 SV1 Consumption, Exchange, Technology: The Anthropology of Economic Processes Semester 2 20
PGSP11076 SV1 Contemporary African Issues and Debates Semester 1 20
PGSP11026 Contemporary Hunter-Gatherers Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11276 SV1 Contemporary Social Theory Semester 2 20
PGSP11118 SV1 Contemporary South Asian Issues and Debates Full Year 20
PGSP11288 SV1 Contemporary War: Understanding Change and Continuity Semester 2 20
PGSP11068 SV1 Continuing Professional Development - Listening to Children: Research and Consultation Flexible 20
SCIL11009 SV1 Core quantitative data analysis 1 and 2 Semester 1 20
PGSP11078 SV1 Core quantitative data analysis for social research: part 1 Semester 1 10
PGSP11079 SV1 Core quantitative data analysis for social research: part 2 Semester 1 10
PGSP11105 Crime Justice and Public Policy Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11027 SV1 Criminal Justice in Law and Social Policy Flexible 20
PGSP11178 SV1 Culture and Power: The Anthropology of Political Processes Semester 1 20
PGSP11295 SV1 Cultures of Human Rights and Humanitarianism Semester 1 20
PGSP11070 Current Issues in Health and Illness Research Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11180 Dealing with Strangers Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11286 SV1 Democratisation and Europeanisation in Central and Eastern Europe Semester 2 20
PGSP11255 SV1 Development Research Methods Semester 2 20
PGSP11294 SV1 Development and Security in Africa Semester 1 20
PGSP11125 Discourse Analysis/ Conversation Analysis Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11126 Discourse Analysis/Conversation Analysis Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11039 Dissertation (MSW) Not delivered this year 60
PGSP11291 SS1 Dissertation (MSc International Development) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11317 SV1 Dissertation (MSc International Relations of the Middle East with Arabic) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11292 SV1 Dissertation (MSc International Relations of the Middle East) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11010 SV1 Dissertation (MSc by Research African Studies) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11168 SV1 Dissertation (MSc by Research Political Theory) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11167 SV1 Dissertation (MSc by Research Politics) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11222 SV1 Dissertation (MSc by Research Science & Technology Studies) Full Year 60
PGSP11200 SV1 Dissertation (MSc by Research Social Anthropology) Flexible 60
PGSP11216 SV1 Dissertation (MSc by Research Social Policy) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11236 SV1 Dissertation (MSc by Research Sociology) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11139 SV1 Dissertation (MSc in Advanced Social Work Studies (Adult Protection)) Flexible 60
PGSP11032 SV1 Dissertation (MSc/Dip Advanced Social Work Studies in Criminal Justice) Semester 2 60
PGSP11059 SV1 Dissertation (MSc/Dip African Studies) Semester 2 60
PGSP11053 SV1 Dissertation (MSc/Dip Childhood Studies) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11052 SV1 Dissertation (MSc/Dip International & European Politics) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11054 SV1 Dissertation (MSc/Dip Nationalism Studies) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11055 SV1 Dissertation (MSc/Dip Policy Studies) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11120 SV1 Dissertation (MSc/Dip Science and Technology Policy and Management) Flexible 60
PGSP11058 SV1 Dissertation (MSc/Dip Science and Technology Studies) Semester 2 60
PGSP11060 SV1 Dissertation (MSc/Dip Social Anthropology) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11057 SV1 Dissertation (MSc/Dip Social Research) Semester 2 60
PGSP11239 SV1 Dissertation 100 credits MSc by Research (Political Theory) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 100
PGSP11238 SV1 Dissertation 80 credits MSc by Research (Political Theory) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 80
PGSP11248 SV1 Dissertation MSc Comparative Public Policy Flexible 60
PGSP11122 SV1 Dissertation MSc by Research (South Asian Studies) Flexible 60
PGSP11123 SV1 Dissertation MSc by Research (South Asian Studies) Flexible 80
PGSP11124 SV1 Dissertation MSc by Research (South Asian Studies) 100 credit Flexible 100
PGSP11090 SS1 Dissertation MSc by Research - Social Work (60 Credits) Flexible 60
PGSP11108 SV1 Dissertation MSc by Research African Studies (100 credits) Flexible 100
PGSP11106 SV1 Dissertation MSc by Research African Studies (60 credits) Flexible 60
PGSP11107 SV1 Dissertation MSc by Research African Studies (80 credits) Flexible 80
PGSP11242 SV1 Dissertation MSc by Research Multi-Level and Regional Politics Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11324 SV1 Dissertation MSc by Research Multi-Level and Regional Politics - 80 credits Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 80
PGSP11097 SV1 Dissertation MSc by Research Science & Technology Studies (60 credit) Full Year 60
PGSP11099 SV1 Dissertation MSc by Research Science and Technology Studies (100 credit) Full Year 100
PGSP11098 SV1 Dissertation MSc by Research Science and Technology Studies (80 credit) Full Year 80
PGSP11254 SV1 Dissertation MSc by Research Social Policy (100 credits) Flexible 100
PGSP11253 SV1 Dissertation MSc by Research Social Policy (80 credits) Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 80
PGSP11092 SV1 Dissertation MSc by Research Socio-Cultural Studies (60 credit) Full Year 60
PGSP11093 SV1 Dissertation MSc by Research Socio-Cultural Studies (80 credit) Full Year 80
PGSP11096 SV1 Dissertation MSc by Research Sociological & Anthropological Approaches to Health and Illness (100 credit) Full Year 100
PGSP11251 SV1 Dissertation MSc in Africa and International Development Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11074 SV1 Dissertation MSc in the Anthropology of Health and Illness Flexible 60
PGSP11095 SV1 Dissertation Msc by Research Sociological & Anthopological Approached to Health & Illness (80 credit) Full Year 80
PGSP11094 SV1 Dissertation Msc by Research Sociological and Anthropological Approaches to Health & Healing (60 credit) Full Year 60
PGSP11241 SV1 Dissertation Multi-Level and Regional Politics Flexible 60
PGSP11103 SV1 Dissertation by Placement MSc Social Research Full Year 60
PGSP11306 SV1 Economic Issues in Health Policy Block 1 (Sem 1) 10
PGSP11246 SV1 Economic Issues in Public Policy Semester 1 20
IPHP11018 Economic evaluation in health care Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11308 SS1 Economics of Public Policy Semester 1 15
IPHP11017 Economics of health policy Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11133 SV1 Energy Policy and Politics (10 credit version) Semester 2 10
PGSP11132 SV1 Energy Policy and Politics (20 credits) Semester 2 20
PGSP11313 SS1 Environmental Policy Semester 2 15
PGSP11143 SV1 Ethical Practice (Adult Protection) Full Year 10
PGSP11206 Ethical and Political Issues in Social Research Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11259 SV1 Ethics and Markets Semester 2 20
PGSP11312 SS1 European Public Policy Semester 2 15
PGSP11203 SV1 European Social Policy Semester 2 20
PGSP11136 SV1 Evidence Based Practice in Adult Protection Full Year 20
PGSP11037 Evidence-Based Practice (PG) Not delivered this year 40
PGSP11017 SV1 Explanation and Understanding in Social and Political Research Semester 1 20
PGSP11019 Family Policies in Comparative Perspective Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11300 SV1 Foreign Policy Analysis Semester 2 20
PGSP11287 SV1 Foundations of Science, Technology and Development Semester 2 20
PGSP11148 France in International Affairs Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11225 SV1 Gender and Development Semester 2 20
PGSP11237 Gender and International Relations Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11217 Gender, Science and Technology Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11024 SV1 Genetics, Nature and Society Semester 2 20
PGSP11249 SV1 Global Crime, Justice and Security: Theories and Frameworks Semester 1 20
PGSP11299 SV1 Global Environmental Politics Semester 2 20
PGSP11297 Global Governance and Africa: Institutions, Actors, Issues Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11301 SV1 Global Politics of Sex and Gender Semester 2 20
IPHP11016 Global health and infectious diseases Not delivered this year 20
IPHP11009 SS1 Globalisation and public health Block 2 (Sem 1) 10
PGSP11281 SV1 Governing Mineral Extraction in Africa Semester 1 20
PGSP11080 SV1 Guided Reading in African Studies Flexible 20
PGSP11063 SV1 Happiness: Cross-Cultural Perspectives Semester 1 20
IPHP11008 SS1 Health Policy Analysis Block 1 (Sem 1) 10
PGSP11211 Health Policy and Politics in Europe Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11289 Health, Innovation and Policy Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11147 SV1 Himalayan Ethnography Semester 1 20
PGSP11307 SV1 Human Origins and the Genesis of Symbolic Thought Semester 2 20
PGSP11293 SV1 ICT for Development Semester 1 20
PGSP11170 SV1 Institutions and Policies of the European Union Semester 1 20
PGSP11321 SV1 Intermediate inferential statistics: testing and modelling Semester 2 20
PGSP11314 SS1 International Development Semester 2 15
PGSP11311 SS1 International Dimensions of Public Policy Semester 1 15
PGSP11134 International Indigenous Politics Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11171 SV1 International Political Economy Semester 1 20
PGSP11156 SV1 International Relations Theory Semester 1 20
PGSP11162 SV1 International Security Semester 1 20
PGSP11116 SV1 Internet, Society and Economy Semester 1 20
PGSP11296 SV1 Interpreting Development: Institutions and Practices Semester 2 20
PGSP11229 Intimate Relationships Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11244 Introducing Qualitative Data Analysis Not delivered this year 10
IPHP11022 SV1 Introduction to epidemiology for public policy Semester 1 10
IPHP11012 SS1 Introduction to health systems Block 2 (Sem 1) 10
PGSP11021 Justice and Order in the New Europe Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11102 Key Issues in Law and Society Research Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11290 Keywords in South Asian Public Culture Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11046 Khoisan Southern Africa Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11184 SV1 Kinship: Structure and Process Semester 2 20
PGSP11304 SV1 Labour Market Policy: International and Comparative Perspectives Semester 2 20
PGSP11204 Law and Public Policy Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11036 Learning for Practice (PG) 1 Not delivered this year 80
PGSP11038 Learning for Practice (PG) 2 Not delivered this year 80
PGSP11142 SV1 Legislative and Policy Context (Adult Protection) Full Year 10
PGSP11012 SV1 Listening to Children: Research and Consultation Semester 2 20
PGSP11316 SS1 MPP Capstone Project Block 5 (Sem 2) and beyond 60
PGSP11264 SV1 MSc Dissertation in Global Crime, Justice and Security (SPS) Flexible 60
PGSP11185 SV1 Magic, Science and Healing Semester 2 20
SCPL11005 Management and Budgeting in Public Sector Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11013 Methodological Challenge of the International Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11135 Methods in Political Theory Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11277 SV1 Methods in Political Theory (20 CREDIT) Flexible 20
PGSP11127 SV1 Multi-Level Democracy and Public Policy Semester 2 20
PGSP11146 SV1 Nations and Nationalism Semester 1 20
PGSP11187 Peoples and Cultures of Africa Not delivered this year 40
PGSP11218 Philosophy of the Social Sciences: The Analytic Tradition Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11114 SV1 Policy and Management Issues in Science and Technology Semester 1 20
PGSP11129 Political Economy of East Asia Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11062 Political Economy of European Integration Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11283 SV1 Political Economy of Modern Africa Semester 1 20
PGSP11298 SV1 Political Islam in the Middle East Semester 2 20
PGSP11247 SV1 Political Issues in Public Policy Semester 2 20
PGSP11111 SV1 Political Theory and International Affairs Semester 1 20
PGSP11161 SV1 Political Theory of International Human Rights Semester 2 20
PGSP11240 SV1 Politics and Theories of International Development Semester 1 20
PGSP11318 SS1 Politics and Theories of International Development (Distance Learning) Semester 1 20
PGSP11309 SS1 Politics of Public Policy Semester 1 15
PGSP11022 SV1 Politics of Science and Technology Semester 2 20
PGSP11261 SV1 Popular Music Technology and Society Semester 2 20
PGSP11315 SS1 Public Health Policy Semester 2 15
PGSP11205 Public Policy in Scotland Not delivered this year 20
IPHP11013 SS1 Public health and health inequalities Block 1 (Sem 1) 10
PGSP11188 SV1 Qualitative Methods and Ethnographic Fieldwork Semester 2 20
PGSP11280 Refugees, Human Rights and Development Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11243 SV1 Religion and Global Society Semester 2 20
PGSP11208 SV1 Research Design Semester 2 20
PGSP11030 SV1 Research Methods and Evaluation Full Year 40
PGSP11128 SV1 Research Project for PG Certificate in Democracy and Public Policy Flexible 40
PGSP11016 SV1 Research Skills in the Social Sciences: Data Collection Semester 1 20
PGSP11141 SV1 Research and Evaluation (Social Work) in Practice Flexible 10
PGSP11138 SV1 Research and Evaluation (Social Work): Theoretical Approaches Flexible 20
PGSP11083 Research and Evaluation in Social Work Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11262 SV1 Researching Drugs and Alcohol in Society Semester 1 20
PGSP11137 SV1 Risk and Adult Protection Full Year 20
PGSP11191 SV1 Ritual and Religion Semester 1 20
PGSP11250 SV1 Roots of African Poverty and Development Semester 2 20
PGSP11320 SS1 Roots of African Poverty and Development (Distance Learning) Block 4 (Sem 2) 20
PGSP11257 Scotland: Social Structure and Social Change Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11230 Scottish Government and Politics Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11192 SV1 Selected Anthropological Texts Flexible 20
PGSP11031 SV1 Skills in Practice and Management Management and Practice Options Full Year 20
PGSP11040 SV1 Social & Political Movements: Theory and Practice Semester 1 20
IPHP11002 SV1 Social Determinants of Health and Public Policy Semester 2 20
PGSP11305 Social Interventions in HIV and AIDS Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11020 SV1 Social Policy in Transition: Central and Eastern Europe Flexible 20
PGSP11029 SV1 Social Work Services and Models Full Year 20
PGSP11219 SV1 Social and Economic Perspectives on Technology Semester 1 20
PGSP11258 Social inequality and social protection Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11285 SV1 Society and Development Semester 2 20
PGSP11069 Sociology of Health and Illness Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11231 Sociology of the Environment and Risk Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11119 SV1 South Asian studies: conceptual and theoretical underpinnings Semester 1 20
PGSP11044 SV1 Southeast Asia Semester 2 20
PGSP11282 Southern Africa: History, Politics and Society Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11256 Supervised Reading in Social and Political Science Not delivered this year 20
SCSU11001 Supervised Reading in Social and Political Studies Not delivered this year 10
PGSP11157 SV1 Survey Methods and Data Semester 2 20
PGSP11047 SV1 The Anthropology of Death Semester 2 20
PGSP11043 The Arab World Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11302 SV1 The Documents of Life Semester 2 20
PGSP11196 The Enlightenment and the Noble Savage Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11042 SV1 The Ethnography Seminar Semester 2 20
PGSP11061 SV1 The European Union in International Affairs Semester 2 20
PGSP11025 The Evolution and Dynamics of Biotechnology Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11275 SV1 The Middle East in International Relations Semester 2 20
PGSP11050 The Politics of Identity in South Asia Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11149 SV1 The Politics of Post-Soviet Russia Semester 1 20
PGSP11226 SV1 The Social Shaping of Information and Communication Technology Semester 2 20
PGSP11220 SV1 The Sociology of Scientific Knowledge Semester 1 20
PGSP11144 SV1 Theories and Theorists in Nationalism Studies Semester 1 20
PGSP11212 Understanding Public Policy in OECD Countries Not delivered this year 20
PGSP11028 SV1 Understanding and Responding to Criminal Behaviour Flexible 20
PGSP11260 Visual Anthropology Not delivered this year 20
BUST11169 SS1 Management of R&D and Product Innovation Semester 2 20
PGGE11050 SV1 Society and Development Semester 2 20
Available to all students - SV
Not available to visiting students - SS
Part-year visiting students only - VV
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